Novelty books are always a great gift to give a first time mom or a woman who has just announced she is expecting her first kid. I was sent a copy of Norweigian illustrator and animator Line Severinsen‘s new graphic book, “I’m So Pregnant” to check out (retail: $14.99US). It’s a humorous take on all the common and untold unpleasantness of pregnancy.
In the intro to the hard cover book of over 50 pages of illustrations, Severinsen explains, “Like many women, when I became pregnant with my first baby, I was so excited to have the experience of carrying a child…but then, not long into my first trimester, I started noticing how the media and blogosphere continuously painted pregnancy in such a glorious light, completely leaving out the negative things that many pregnant women experienced.”
She said that’s when she grabbed her pencils to start telling her “pregnancy story in an honest way.” But with all the “keepin’ it real” in between the pages of her new book, Severinsen acknowledges it all ends well.
“I like to think that these drawings show that while pregnancy is not always easy (or pretty, or comfortable, or fun),in the end, when you see your baby for the first time, it is completely worth it,” she writes.
I found the illustrations about the sudden appearance of stretch marks, the asinine question one gets at the end, “You’re still pregnant?!”, the screaming for an epidural, the delivery selfie, and the unexpected bowel movement during the pushing stage to be the BEST and funniest parts!”
Overall, the short read is a pleasurable and fun take on pregnancy-hood. It’s on sale now! Grab your copy from our partners at Amazon.com.
Meanwhile, the title reminded me of this parody of rapper Iggy Azalea‘s song “Fancy” called “I’m so pregnant. WATCH: