Is this the price of being Internet famous?
Just two months ago, we blogged about how Instagram followers had criticized two celeb figures for being too skinny or too “fat” to be pregnant. Now, this month, two Instagram fitness stars were slammed by their followers for having too big and too small a baby bump.
Australian Instagram fitness star Daegen Coyne is 31 weeks pregnant, but has gotten feedback from her followers that her baby bump is not large enough.
“I have had pregnant friends called out for being ‘too big’, others ‘far too muscly’ and myself, the ‘you’re way to small,’” Coyne wrote in a July 5 Instagram. “Given I am yet to see one lady carry their pregnancy shape and size the same as another, I believe it’s safe to assume peeps that there is no ‘one size fits all’ pregnancy.”
Another Instagram fitness star Revie Jane Schulz had to clap back at those calling her bump too big. But it was a throwback Thursday response to all the critics of her bump when she was 24 weeks pregnant with her daughter Lexington, who she gave birth to in April. Too many, not the majority, said she looked like she was about to bust.
“I posted this after so many comments were thrown my way for having a massive bump,” she wrote in the caption to the post. “I was so fed up, even when I had tried on this dress and the shop assistant said ‘Holy moly! My friend is 36 weeks and you’re only 24 weeks and you’re WAY bigger than her!’ She repeated this to the lady in the next changing room to me. I cried while I tried the dress on. I got it everywhere I went and it did make me want to hide away.”
She ended the caption with a public plea to remember pregnant ladies have lots of feelings and to leave the belly alone: “Here’s a tip, don’t mention the size of a
bump. No ‘you’re so big!’s’ No ‘oh! You’re so tiny!’s’ Just say
something like ‘you look beautiful/ healthy/ amazing!'”
h/t Cosmopolitan