Dad Flinn Dorion, Charlotte Bryant and Kirsty Parker all welcomed babies delivered accidentally in the toilet
This past February, another woman went to the bathroom and accidentally gave birth to a baby inside a toilet.
On Valentine’s Day 2016, Joanne Fontaine of Winnipeg, Canada unexpectedly gave birth to her son Christopher 6 weeks prematurely when her water broke while she was using the bathroom.
Fonataine said she called her boyfriend Flinn Dorion who scooped the baby out of the toilet and cleaned him off before emergency personnel came and took over. The baby is being monitored at at the neonatal intensive care unit at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Centre, according to CP24. “I told my boyfriend to call the ambulance. I can feel the baby’s head,” the new mom told CTV News.
A Winnipeg couple springs into action when baby arrives 1.5 months early. Where it was delivered on @ctvwinnipeg pic.twitter.com/tPDG25kOIo
— Jon Hendricks (@ctvjon) February 17, 2016
This isn’t the first time a woman has given birth to a baby inside a toilet. Earlier this year, a Welsh woman’s back pains were misdagnosed by doctors who didn’t realize she was pregnant.
Mom Charlotte Bryant also welcomed her son, Joshua, unexpectedly while sitting on a toilet. He was 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was taken to the intensive care unit at University Hospital of Wales. The baby boy has since been released from the hospital and is now three weeks old. Bryant told the Daily Mail that she had no idea she was pregnant until she welcomed her son while sitting in the washroom.
And even more bizarre is the story of another British woman who gave to not one, but two babies on the toilet unknowingly.
In 2015, Kirsty Parker thought she was experiencing a stomach bug when she went to the bathroom one afternoon and suddenly gave birth to a 3lb 4 ounces baby girl, she later named Ruby. Parker said she had no signs of pregnancy except slight weight and a little moodiness. The baby was born 10 weeks premature. Parker was at her mom’s home at the time.
Only nine months prior, Parker was in the bathroom when she gave birth to a baby girl Amber on the bathroom floor. Parker knew she was pregnant then but was not expecting to deliver for another 8 weeks.
‘”Who needs to go to hospital to give birth? I’m still in shock really. I think it’s more that I just did not know I was pregnant,” Parker said. ‘As all my previous births have been in a bathroom – that is obviously just where I like to have my children. I had my first child Crystal who was born eight weeks early on the bathroom floor. That was a shock but I knew I was pregnant with her – and with Amber – but on neither occasion did I know I was in labour.’
At the time, Parker and her husband Lee had 5 other children: Parker’s 7-year old daughter Crystal Stevenson; Lee’s sons 5-year old Harry and 4-year old Ronnie, and the couple’s 9 month old baby. seven, Lee’s two sons Harry, five, and Ronnie, four, and the couple’s t9-month old daughter, Amber.

Kirsty with her family, L-R, Harry, Amber, Angie (Kirsty’s Mum), Ronnie, Lee and Crystal – Amber was also born in the toilet and Crystal was born on the bathroom floor
Parker said she did not have any morning sickness – and thought she had just struggled shifting the baby weight from Amber’s birth nine months previously.
“If I knew I was pregnant there are things I would have done differently,” she told the Daily mail. “I would not have had any coffee or egg mayonnaise. I am very good when I am pregnant and fortunately I am not a very big drinker anyway. I did feel guilty about some of these things but both Lee and my mum said I shouldn’t as I had no idea I was pregnant.”
Photos courtesy: CP24, Daily Mail,