If you’re scrambling for a last minute Halloween costume idea, you’ve come to the right blog. Here are 12 creative, easy-to-put together, last-minute Halloween costume ideas that you can pull off Monday night.
Pull on a black turtleneck, a pair of vanity specs from the costume store or dollar store and denim jeans. Carry your iPhone out and you’re Steve Jobs

Wear a black dress, a white blazer and pick up a Sia or Cruella de Vil wig from the costume store and a headbnd with a big bow attached and you’re Sia.

A cane, a pair of blue pants or jeans, a red and white striped longsleeve shirt and matching beanie are all you need along with a side saddle bag to be Waldo!
Fellahs, don a suit and pick up a “Make America Great Again” baseball cap with a red-head wig underneath and you’re Donald Trump – Source
Use this template to create the “You are Going to Hollywood” sheet and the American Idol contestant number and that’s it!- Source
A White shirt, long whit socks and shades are all you need to be Tom Cruise in Risky Business – Source

To be Arthur the Aardvark, grab a pair of round eye glasses from the costume store or buy a cheap pair from the dollar store and punch the frames out. Put on a cropped yellow sweater under a white collar shirt with a pair of denim jeans. You can maybe find bear ears or make some yourself.
A white ruffle shirt, with a black skirt, black tights, a pari of black pumps. You can get the white glove and red bow tie and belt from a costume store or thrift store. Carry an umbrella and a medicine bag if you have one, and you’re Mary Poppins – Source
A black robe, specatles, doily and a costume gavel from the costume store or one you make yourself with your hair slicked back in a bun and you’re Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Source
To be a robber all you need is a black and white long sleeve shirt, a black mask or paint one on, and a black skull cap. Pick up a fake money bag from the costume store or make one yourself. Robbers – Source