My mother begs to differ. she and I fought because for my first kid, I only listened to the docs and what i read in books. she and i butt heads on traditional, holistic, natural and native remedies and home cures based on how she raised her four children and what was in vogue 20-30 years ago. i thought i knew it all and was convinced these new and tested ways of raising a child trumped those old fashioned views from her era.
I was stubborn. I didn’t listen. however, by the time i was on child two, of course, as with most once neurotic, obsessive and psycho first time moms i relaxed a bit. against the suggestions of the books and doctors, i gave my second water and other of mom’s “old fashioned” remedies which surprise surprise worked! the second kid was a mellow baby who was not fussy and rarely cried or exhibited signs of colic.
It’s with that lesson that I chose to treat my daughter’s then recent bout of late night colic like crying with some water treatment.
First, I cleaned her tongue of that film of milk that has been accumulating for the past 4 weeks. i brushed it off with the infant toothbrush thing that fits over your finger. then, i sterilized the Svent infant bottle and fed her an ounce of warm spring water. she drank the water and even breathed a sigh of relief as she drank. soon after, i massaged her belly, walked with her and she pooped. i think a lot of her discomfort had to do with an upset tummy and the water may have been a much needed break and relief from milk.
After her diaper change, she slept for 4 hours straight and didn’t wake up until later. so far so good…:D