An 8-months pregnant Minnesota mom who was at the beach teaching her tots how to swim paused her lessons to save another child who was drowning nearby.
According to Fox 9, Stephanie Swedberg, a former lifeguard was at Crystal Beach Park in Burnsville, Minnesota Sunday morning, teaching her 3-year-old twins to swim when about 20 feet away she noticed a group of boys horsing around in pretty deep water.
“I didn’t realize anything was off until I saw one of the moms fully dressed, sprinting into the water and screaming for somebody to help her son,” Swedberg told the news station. “Then I looked over and I saw one of the boys unable to keep his head above the water. He wasn’t screaming… he was just thrashing around, bobbing a little bit.”
She then handed off her son and sprung into action bringing the boy back to safety. Swedberg told the boy to keep up with his own swimming lessons and encouraged him to “maybe become a lifeguard” someday in the future.
Believe it or not, though she worked as a lifeguard for five Summers in her youth, Sunday was her first rescue!
Do not try this at home but yeah, pregnant women are pretty amazing!
Despite the fact that she had been a lifeguard for five summers when she was younger, Swedberg said this was her first rescue.
h/t Fox8