Unlike progressive nations like Sweden, the United States doesn’t have federally mandated paternity leave for employers. Only 12 percent of US companies offer it.
Given that Bellyitch is an online digital blog and eMagazine and a proud member of Team Internet, we were quite elated to see that 5 of the top 10 companies with generous paternal leave as identified by TakePart are tech companies:
Change.org tops the list at #1 with its 18 weeks paternity leave offering.
Coming in behind the online petitioning site at #2 is Reddit which offers 17 weeks for birth and adoptive dads.
Facebook is number 3 on the list and it extends its leave policy to contractors as well as employers. Sweet!
Number 5 on the list is Twitter which also has a support group for new and future dads. Imagine!
Finally, rounding up tech companies on the top 5 is Google, which at #7 on the list, offers 12 weeks if Dad is the primary caregiver and then throws in an additional 5 weeks for adoptive and surrogate parents.

The other ten companies on the list are: Bank of America (#3), eco-friendly retailer Patagonia (#4), international US-based law firm Arnold and Porter (#8), Swiss health firm Roche International‘s US offices (#9); and business management consultants Ernst & Young. (#10)
Read more details here: http://ow.ly/OHhiT