Yesterday, I learned that one of my all time favorite rappers, Kanye West, will be coming to my town! I squealed and immediately announced my joy to my Facebook friends only to quickly learn that I was alone in my fandom for Mr. West among my friends of moms, dads and professionals. * hrmph *
Now…granted, I understand. The famous multi-Grammy-award-winning producer and recording artist is notorious for saying a lot of controversial things (saying President Bush doesn’t like Black people, ). And…he is also infamously known for doing a lot of off-the-wall things (interrupting Taylor Swift‘s Video Music Award Best Female Video acceptance speech, wearing a jacket with a confederate flag on it etc)
But to me, the man is a musical genius and there is a method to his madness, and insanely ginormous ego. I’m capable of looking past all the socially awkward stuff and still dig his beats, rifts, arrangements, clever verses and contiguously catchy and memorable hooks and choruses. I have adored him since “College Dropout” and before even when he sang a hook on one of Jay-Z’s songs.
So there! I’ve come clean!Love him or hate him, I still love his music. I haven’t felt this relieved since I came out as a silent member of the Bey-hive a couple of years ago. (I even reviewed her self-title album Here and Here)
And so now I’m excited to attend his “The Saint Pablo” World Tour concert which will be coming to DC’s Verizon center on September 8, two days after my birthday. How perfect!
I’ve thrown it out there in the universe and for fam and friends who might want to gift me tickets. (smile) Also, I’ve nagged all of my connects that work at Verizon. I even pitched it to various news outlets I freelance for occasionally to cover it.
Check out my fab Drake concert review HERE! Huh? huh? huh? Good huh? ha!
I check the blog’s analytics occasionally and we frequently get visitors from Calabasas, California so if you’re watching this Ye or anyone of your fam (old or new), hook a sister up!
Don’t make me have to buy my own ticket! lol! Okay! Glad to get that off my chest!
Back to your regularly scheduled friendly mom blog! lol
EDITED TO ADD: I attended the concert and it was bananas! The Universe must have heard my plea because not only did I get an offer to watch it from the box owned by Verizon itself (yeah, Verizon as in the corporation) but I was accidentally given two tickets so my husband could attend! Yay! And wait, there is more.
While we were on the hunt for drinks before the game, someone randomly gave me free floor tickets. An extra pair they had so I went into the concert with one gifted ticket and before it started, I had 4 tickets in my hands! I did a video about the experience you can see here. I tried to share video clips of the concert but someone on Kanye’s team filed a copyright complaint at YouTube and it was pulled. I was penalized for sharing it on Facebook and Instagram and was sent to FB jail for a few days too. It was all worth it! Yay!