A National Science Foundation (NSF) funded study is looking to pay diverse math teachers $35 per hour for about one hour of work towards its work on a new pilot program that will help teachers give more effective feedback on student assignments.
Together with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Lesley University’s Center for Mathematics Achievement, a program called ASSISTments is looking for diverse 6th-8th grade math teachers to pilot a new ASSISTments feedback system
According to the study leaders, the “ideal teacher candidate is curious, eager to provide effective feedback to their students, and open to working with researchers to improve student feedback systems.”
The opportunity is open to teachers anywhere in the country.
The ASSISTments DRIVER-SEAT pilot project grant is focused on supporting middle school mathematics teachers in providing efficient, practical, and individualized feedback to students’ open-response questions.
Its research uses machine learning and computer science to make providing feedback to students on open-response questions easier.
Teacher participants will be asked to do some or all of the following:
- Assign students open-response questions
- Write feedback to your students’ open response questions
- Write feedback to students outside your class
- Select from automated responses generated by a computer
- Provide feedback to researchers about computer-generated feedback
Teacher participation will help create a library of authentic teacher responses that will enable us to apply deep learning to discover how to help teachers provide feedback to their students more effectively.
In particular, the study seeks teachers that identify as Latinx/Latino/a, Black or African, African American, Asian, Indigenous, Native American, Pacific-Islander, and American Indian.
Teachers must meet the criteria below in order to be eligible for participation:
- Teach middle school mathematics, grades 6-8
- Be willing to use Engage NY (Eureka), Illustrative Mathematics (Open Up Resources), and/or Utah Mathematics on the ASSISTments platform at least 3 times/week in class or for homework assignments
- Teacher and students must have access to a device (in or out of school)
Visit the websiteto apply. Applications are rolling.