As we’ve seen from the criticism that currently pregnant starts like Kelly Rowland has gotten over her Instagram pics of her workouts while pregnant, there is a common misconception among many that pregnancy limits a woman’s physical activity. But in actuality, doctors recommend women who are pregnant get regular exercise in as it helps with their pregnancy progression and can help them during labor and delivery. It helps them keep their weight gain within moderate levels as excessive weight gain can lead to complications, gestational diabetes and other problems. Also, staying fit while pregnant can help a woman regain her pre-pregnancy figure quicker after she delivers her baby.
We were sent and got a chance to review Fitness professional Erica Ziel‘s newly released Knocked Up Fitness Prenatal and After Baby Guide to Pregnancy DVD and accompanying book Book. We must say it is a must have fitness bible for anyone who is expecting.
The DVD covers a very comprehensive menu of exercises for each trimester of pregnancy and the 4th trimester when a woman is trying to regain her pre-pregnancy weight and shape.
Ziel, a mom of three and native of Iowa who now resides in Southern California, offers a Push Prep method that prepares a woman for pushing during labor and delivery and she focuses on exercises that help women relieve some common pregnancy-related pain and discomfort in the back, hips, neck and sciatic nerve along the leg.
For after pregnancy, there is a section that helps those women who experience Diastasis, the separation of the abdominal muscles, and offers moves to get those muscles back into shape without needing surgery.
The book is a step-by-step resource guide and is packed with photos, diagrams, Q&As and other tidbits and nuggets of information throughout. It is easy to read and follow and is divided into simple stages and focus area (glutes, arms, back etc). Our favorite section was the back quick guides which provide images and cards of all the work outs. You can just flip to them and after using the DVD to learn how to do each exercise, you can easily go through a routine and take as little as 20 minutes a day to complete each exercise. These are great if you are a pregnant woman who travels for work or who may not have the time to watch a complete DVD. You can just squeeze some of the exercises in to make sure you’re at least getting some physical fitness for the day.
There are modifications given for women who may have discomfort or other physical limitations so no one should feel discouraged if they cannot do a particular move. And also, for women not comfortable with going to the gym while pregnant, this guide offers that perfect alternative.
It’s a very useful book that we recommend you get today if you are pregnant and want to be fit or pick up for a friend who is expecting. She will thank you for it! Go from “Knocked up to Knock out”! Get it at for $29.95!
Also, check out some of Ziel’s preview Videos on YouTube Channel HERE! Here is a sample from the channel: