In a recent Forbes article, contributor Liz Ryan has a wonderful essay about how to tell your boss you are pregnant. It begins:
Right after I got married, my co-worker Andrea told us she was expecting. I talked to her every day about how she was feeling. Being pregnant was a new experience for Andrea, and I was all ears, hoping to be in the same spot myself before long.
I noticed that when I’d go grocery shopping late at night, I’d come home exhausted. I thought I might have anemia or Epstein-Barr. I had no energy. When I told my husband the news of the day at work, I’d tell him about Andrea and her baby-on-board updates. “She gets hot,” I said. “I didn’t know that about expectant moms. She needs to put her feet up on a chair. Interesting, right?”
“It sounds like a trial to have your body go through all those changes week to week,” my husband observed. “I know that if that were you instead of Andrea, we’d get the play-by-play!”
He meant that I love to track changes and talk about them. I thought, I might be pregnant now. I sure feel weird. I made an appointment to go see my internist, but I didn’t tell my husband.
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