Bellyitch Rewind
Winter break is over, and while most parents enjoy getting their schedules back into a routine, I think it’s safe to say that most kids feel differently. Getting up early, focusing in class and finishing homework on time can all seem like foreign concepts to kids after a couple of weeks of school vacation. To help make the transition back to school a little easier on everyone, give these tips a try:
Stick to your regular routine: As much as possible, stick to your regular routine during school breaks. Bedtimes, mealtimes, play and learning time should be as consistent as possible. While it is nice to give your kids a little more freedom during vacation, staying in line with your normal routine will make heading back to school much easier when the time comes.
Make learning a part of vacation: Just because your kids are on vacation doesn’t mean that their brains should take a vacation too. The trick is to make them think they are just having fun. MindWare has lots of books and brainteasers, building sets and games that will get your child thinking and learning while still having fun!
Don’t wait until the last minute: Don’t wait until the night before to ask your kids if they had any homework or assignments over break. Check in on their progress throughout vacation and get those projects taken care of right away. Have them pack their backpacks and pick out their clothes a few nights ahead of time, so they don’t feel stressed the night before school resumes.
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