Bellyitch Rewind
We spotted this wonderful listing on Old School Parenting‘s Facebook page with things parents should teach their daughters. Here are the top 30 reprinted for you to consider as you raise your little charmers in to strong, confident, bold and powerful women:
1. How to give a firm handshake.
2. To never wear clothes with something written across the butt.
3. A man will never treat a woman better than he treats his mom. Pay attention to how the guys treat their moms, and run from the ones who aren’t respectful.
4. Look people in the eye when you talk to them.
5. People will judge you by what you say. “I was like, um, totally!” does not qualify as a sentence.
6. People will judge you by what you wear. Show respect for yourself (and see #2).
7. How to change a tire.
8. How to throw a football.
9. Don’t be afraid to use your voice – sometimes it’s the most powerful thing you have.
10. Basic self defense – be able to get out of a situation, and run fast. And use that powerful voice.
11. Teach them how to apologize well, ask for help when needed, and
that anger is more harmful to the person who harbors it than to who it’s
directed at.
that anger is more harmful to the person who harbors it than to who it’s
directed at.
12. What’s in the magazine is photoshopped. Confidence is more attractive than size 2 jeans.
13. Laughter can diffuse many a challenging situation. Especially when you can laugh at yourself.
14. Block out the voices. Not every opinion is worth listening to –
listen to the ones that matter, and learn whose opinion you’ll allow to
shape your thoughts.
listen to the ones that matter, and learn whose opinion you’ll allow to
shape your thoughts.
15. Advertising is full of hidden agendas.
Don’t fall for it. “Maybe she’s born with it… maybe it’s Maybelline” –
really? Maybelline didn’t make her anything she wasn’t born with.
Don’t fall for it. “Maybe she’s born with it… maybe it’s Maybelline” –
really? Maybelline didn’t make her anything she wasn’t born with.
16. How to hit a baseball, throw a punch, and use a compass.
17. How to write a proper thank you letter, and how to type.
18. How to manage her money.
19. Appreciate the little things (and little refers to more than diamonds and pearls).
20. Read often and much. Read works of classic and contemporary literature, fiction and nonfiction.
21. Walk in someone else’s shoes.
22. Listen well, both for what’s being said, and for what’s being omitted.
23. Dream big, and set realistic goals. You can accomplish more than you think you can.
24. Girls can do most things as well as boys can, in general. But know
your personal limits, what your own strengths and weaknesses are. Once
you know them you can use them to your advantage.
your personal limits, what your own strengths and weaknesses are. Once
you know them you can use them to your advantage.
25. Most things worth having or worth doing require sacrifice. Know what you’re willing to sacrifice, and for what.
26. No regrets. Learn from the past, but don’t dwell on what could have been.
27. Just because it’s never been done doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Push the limits.
28. Basic sewing skills.
29. How to handle herself online – using good privacy, remembering that
anything shared can go viral (including pictures in poor taste), and
knowing that people online aren’t always who they say they are.
anything shared can go viral (including pictures in poor taste), and
knowing that people online aren’t always who they say they are.
30. Trust your instincts. If it feels wrong, it probably is. Listen to that voice, and don’t silence it.