During the Holiday season, parents often get carried away indulging their children’s wishes and desires for getting the latest video game
or hot toy. But if your budget allows it or if there are family members who will be also purchasing items for the kids, you may want to consider picking up
something for them that will enrich their education and schooling.
or hot toy. But if your budget allows it or if there are family members who will be also purchasing items for the kids, you may want to consider picking up
something for them that will enrich their education and schooling.
Here are 5 gift ideas to consider that could amplify or supplement every subject your child may be learning about in school:
- 1. Social Studies: A Globe – Having a globe in the home is an excellent way to teach your children that the world does not consist of the narrow confines of their town or block. After they receive their new globe, at least once a week, have them spin the globe, cover their eyes and point to a random location. Then head off to Google more about that location, its climate, topography, culture and traditions. It’s a great way to instill a
value and interest in travel and keep them focused on doing what they need to do to travel on their own to exotic locations some day.
- 2.Science: A Microscope – Getting a child an age-appropriate microscope is a great way for them to explore the basic molecular elements of various household items. They can use it to check out everything from a carpet fiber, to a dead beetle to their own eyelash. One of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing job sector is science, technology, engineering and math. Owning a microscope could enhance an interest in the science field, which will ultimately mean more job prospects for the future.
- 3.Physical Education: A Ball or Bike – One of the reason there is a childhood obesity epidemic in the United States and other regions of
the world is that in this digital age, children spend most of their spare time playing video games or watching TV indoors. Something like a bat and ball,
basketball or bike will give you as a parent and the kid an opportunity to get out and get moving. A gift that encourages physical activity could help combat or delay the onset of childhood obesity.
- 4. Math: A math App or annual subscription to an online math enrichment program – If you have an iPad, iPhone, Android phone or
desktop or Library access to a computer, you can find apps or other online programs that are tutorials and created to help children improve their math
skills. Many programs around now include fun games that help kids learn while enjoying their experience. If it’s not so much like school and similar to fun games they already play, you may get them hooked!
- 5. Reading: Books – It is said that each child should have a library consisting of 1,000 books in their bookshelves. These days, some parents are more likely to amass a large collection of DVDs and movies for their kids than books. However, reading teaches children about comprehension and helps them in reading composition later in life. Also, their vocabulary and grasp of terms and complex concepts improve the more they read. You can even get them those silly Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Big Nate comic books, but make sure you try to find a book series with chapters in it too.
Christmas, Hannukah, Ramadaan or whatever holiday celebrated in December can be educational and include gifts that will help better your child in school. And they can be loads of fun too!