A few year ago, actress Emily Deschanel got some heat by continuing with her vegan diet while pregnant last year. However, despite concerns, remaining vegan while pregnant can be done safely with the consultation of a doctor and nutritionist and maybe also by reading up on some recommended books on having a well-rounded vegan diet.
She is not the only celebrity to stick with her vegan diet even while pregnant. Alicia Silverstone even wrote about her vegan pregnancy diet. Carrie Underwood, Natalie Portman and Allyson Hannigan are vegans who softened up and switched to vegetarianism during pregancy.
The Happy Herbivore put together a post that includes a list of recommended books for having a safe vegan diet and pregnancy. Check them out:
- The Kind Life
- Our Vegan Pregnancy
- Being Pregnant
- Kid Tested, Fire Fighter Approved
- Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide by Sayward Rebhal
- The Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book by Reed Mangels
- Disease-Proof Your Child by Joel Fuhrman
- Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven by Rory Freedman
- Creating Healthy Children by Karen Ranzi
- Feeding Baby Green by Alan Greene
Happy Healthy Pregnancy!