Holly Madison is expecting her second child. The former reality TV star, author and TV personality has launched a Blog on E!Online. For her second post, she talks about that forgotten symptom of pregnancy: forgetfulness or “mommy braind” as it is sometimes called.
In her insightful post, the former The Girls Next Door, star offers moms-to-be some some sage advice and 6 tips for fighting temporary memory loss caused by being knocked up. (smile):
1. Become a List Junkie: Make notes on your phone, keep a traditional day planner or journal, leave Post-Its everywhere. Keep a special place near your door to set your diaper bag every day and post a check list somewhere nearby of all the things you can’t leave the house without.
2. Exercise Every Day: I know what you are thinking: when? But even if it’s just sprinting around the block a few times or pulling up a short Youtube yoga video when you have a few free minutes can get the blood pumping to the brain enough to make a difference.
3. Stop Worrying!: Cortisol, one of the hormones that possibly triggers the forgetfulness in the first place, spikes when you stress. Remind yourself that you are strong and capable and only so much of life is within your control, anyway. Worrying is a waste of time.
4. Upload a New Game on Your Phone: One way you can make your brain work in ways it’s not used to is by downloading a new game, preferably one that requires hand eye coordination and one dissimilar to games you already play. This is a quick and easy way to switch gears mentally when you find a spare moment.
5. Learn a Second Language With Your Baby: Why not pick up some dual language story books or sign language flashcards to share with your baby? The interaction promotes bonding, can be soothing, and if the language is a new one for you, it’s an easy way to stretch your brain while on mom duty.
6. Fish Oil: One of the health care professionals I visit recommended “copious amounts of fish oil” to help combat my brain fatigue. I took fermented cod liver oil capsules (sounds lovely, doesn’t it?) several times a day, and I feel it helped me get back to normal. If you are a vegetarian, try algea supplements, flax or chia seeds.
You can read the entire post HERE!
Madison and her husband event producer and carnival owner Pasquale Rotella recently celebrated the 3rd birthday of their daughter Rainbow! The couple married in 2013.