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When you’re thinking about decorating your nursery for your baby, redecorating and updating an older kid’s room or putting up some personal touches in your home, you might not automatically think of using something like Foam board or Gatorboard to mount your photos.
Those types of materials conjure up images of advertising and marketing businesses that use board prints to promote. But in fact, Gatorboard and Foam board printing is a new innovative and inventive way to present images. This material is also superb for creating unique and quality homemade arts and crafts for your home. True!

Here’s the deal. Gatorboard is one of the toughest Foam boards. It is resistant to bending, denting, and crushing. Nice, eh?
Gatorboard printing holds a dense core that gives it more strength and durability than a standard poster or Foam board. It’s also stable and lightweight.
We’re thinking your kids artwork could have a lot of longevity on a piece of Gatorboard. Transform them on there and place in their room or in the basement wall to create a whimsical and unexpected effect to dazzle visitors.
But how is it made? Would a DIY solution work?
Gatorboard Printing
Maybe, but there are companies that are now printing onto Gatorboard and positioning the finest design resolution on to them as well. For example, there is Signage print. This type of print is crafted and designed to give your photos the utmost transparency and durable finish. Place a dynamic piece of signage print behind a sofa, and it can be the center of attraction to your living room, or dining room. It can be a fab addition to a nicely decorated bedroom as well.
Also, Gatorboard printing can be built into a professional print. Printers accommodate distinct inks on high-quality paper, and use custom-built frames and in a thick solid wood or aluminum frame to make mounting on a wall easy. Gatorboard printing converts into fabulous photo mounts that are designed and printed in full and vivid colors that will not fade or damage with a matte finish that will make an impression. Look at these below:

Cool, huh?
Foam Board Printing
Another more economical material for printing is Foam board. You can inexpensively print your family photos on this material. It can also be used to make various arts and crafts to decorate your home. From wall art, photo frames, holiday and outdoor décor to customized Foam board decorations. Foamboard printing is the best material to make any idea come to life. It is strong, flexible, durable and lightweight and can even be used for picture frames, paintings, and wall mounting.

You can use Foam board printing to decorate your children’s bedroom, print some of your favorite artwork in the living room for your guests to admire or even craft unique collages to display some of your most memorable photos.
You can create natural and beautiful arts and crafts by using Gatorboard printing and Foam board printing. When using Gatorboard and Foam board, the results are amazing board prints that can be easy to mount, hang, and integrated into any area of your home.
So whether you are a professional photographer or you are just looking to display professional family photos, Foam board and Gatorboard prints are an inspiring and attractive home décor. Both Foam board and Gatorboard are an ideal and excellent material for printing beautiful photographs, family depictions, and inspiring images and passages.

They come in different sizes and materials but with Foam board printing and Gatorboard printing you can transform your home and give your walls some color and life.
Have it your way!