I used hypnobirthing during each of my deliveries and I use the techniques I used during preparation for labor and delivery.
If you are considering it, take a look at these tips from Las Vegas headliner and expert hypnotist Marc Savard and his wife, Joanna, we’ve shared before. The couple employed the method to deliver their three daughters all natural, drug-free and will again this August for baby number 4. Here are 10 reasons they provide for why you should consider using the hypnobirthing technique.
- Shorter and more comfortable labor time. Pain comes from the perspective of fear, which creates constricting hormones and shallow breathing, causing pain. Women who practice hypnosis in preparation for childbirth learn comfortable relaxing breathing techniques, and replace fear perspective with expectations of a pleasant child birth, allowing endorphins, feel good hormones, to be released. This allows the mind and body to work together, allowing for a shorter and easier labor.
- Pain free or significantly reduced pain during labor.Women who experience a hypnobirth have a different perspective of pain. Instead of feeling pain, women feel sensations such as tightening and pressure. The use of relaxing breathing techniques releases endorphins, which relaxes the body further and allows mothers to mindfully work with their bodies through delivery of their baby. Although hypnobirthing does not promise a pain-free childbirth, women who choose to do hypnobirth never report excruciating pain like most other forms of labor techniques.
- Allows a deeper connection with your body and baby during labor. The use of drugs during childbirth disconnects mothers with their own body and their baby. With hypnobirth, there are no drugs needed, so mom is aware of every part of her body, to a super-conscious level. She can feel exactly what her body needs to do to ease the delivery of her baby. This allows the mother and her baby to experience a pleasant delivery and give a warm welcoming for baby into this world.
- No need for medications for recovery time. Mothers who learn relaxation techniques and learn a new perspective of sensations in the body not only have no need for medications through recovery time, but also have a shorter recovery time.
- Visualization and relaxation skills learned can help pr event complications and tearing.The use of the imagination and visualization during childbirth is extremely useful. When the mind creates an image, the body will naturally create an organic change. This tool allows mothers to work with their mind and body together to prevent tearing or even turn a breeched baby.
- Less trauma to the baby during birth allows new baby to feed and sleep better. Babies who are born will less trauma from relaxed childbirth experiences are more relaxed babies themselves. This allows them to more easily bond with their parents, sleep better, feed better, and are all around less fussy babies.
- Significantly reduced post-partum depression. Mothers who are more in touch with their mind and body through learning hypnosis techniques have shown greatly reduced post-partum depression. A peaceful childbirth released natural instincts from mother, as she is connected to her child from conception through birth. This gives her strength and clarity and strength when she must care for the child outside the womb.
No drugs in Mom’s body during labor or after means a healthier, happier baby. Babies who do not receive drugs through their mother’s blood stream during labor as more aware and connected to the world when they are born. These babies are much healthier by not being exposed to drugs and chemicals upon their arrival. This allows their immune system and nervous system to be stronger as it develops on its own. Healthier baby = happier baby! - Confidence and personal empowerment gained through delivery is priceless. Mothers who experience hypnobirths learn to be incredibly confident, empowered and in control of their own thoughts, emotions, and sensations. These tools are priceless not only for childbirth, but for being a mom, being a woman, and being a human.
- Relaxation skills learned for hypnobirthing are great tools for being a Mom! Being a mother can be exhausting! The relaxation skills are incredible tools for staying calm when your little angel does something to frustrate you, or even when you have trouble falling asleep. Hypnosis teaches useful tools for life!
Hopefully these tips have convinced you to give it a try.