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Yeah Baby Sign Language Is Still a Thing and Here’s How to Do It

Bellyitch Rewind


As your infant gets older, she will start to understand her own feelings and needs better, but she still won’t be able to effectively share them with you yet. It can be frustrating for both of you when she’s trying to communicate with you, but hasn’t developed the verbal skills needed to successfully let you know what she needs and wants. Baby sign language can bridge the communication gap and give your baby a way to let you know what’s on her mind. It helps you more quickly understand what your child is trying to say and avoids many of the tantrums and meltdowns that frustration over not being able to communicate brings on. It also is a wonderful way to connect and bond with your baby.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of signing with your infant.

  1. Make it fun. Above all, signing is a way of connecting and bonding with your baby. When you make signing a natural part of your day with him and turn learning time into fun time, you’ll see the best results. Children learn best through play, so introduce and practice the signs during play and relaxation time. You can incorporate signs into songs, word plays and other fun activities you already do with your child.
  2. Don’t expect a response too early. You can start signing to your baby as early as you want to, however, infants aren’t able to understand or respond to your efforts until at least 8 months old. For many, it could be months later. Like any other way of communicating, there isn’t anything wrong with introducing it early and practicing it often. Just don’t pressure your child to embrace signing until he’s ready.
  3. Be realistic about your expectations. Some babies will have more of a natural interest in learning sign language. Others may enjoy the bonding time and interactions with you, but may not latch on to baby sign language as their way of communicating. Let your baby lead the way. Baby sign language is only one way to communicate with your child. If your child doesn’t jump on the signing bandwagon, don’t worry. With time and attention you and your child will develop a system that works for you.
  4. Don’t overwhelm your baby with too many new signs at once. It’s easy to get excited about signing and want to show your baby more and more signs each day. This is especially true if your child has been frustrated at not being able to verbalize his feelings, wants and needs to you and now he suddenly can. However it’s helpful to focus on a few key signs and allow your child time to master those before moving onto additional ones. Soon he’ll have a full signing vocabulary.
  5. Share the signs with other caregivers. Teach anyone else who is caring for your child which signs are his favorites. This can avoid some tearful moments when Grandma or Aunt Maude is babysitting. If your child has gotten used to requesting milk or more cereal through signing, it’s frustrating when the adult he’s trying to communicate with doesn’t understand him. This also gives friends and family members a wonderful way of connecting and bonding with your child.
  6. Start with signs related to things your baby is already interested in. Of course babies will naturally be drawn to learning signs that represent the things in their lives they’re already interested in. Mom, Dad, milk, more, dog and cat often top the list. When choosing which signs to introduce, take your cues from your baby. If he regularly has two cups of milk at lunch time, the sign for more is probably a great one for him to know. If he loves cuddling and playing with Huck, the family dog, the sign for dog will help him communicate his love for his playmate.
  7. Talk, talk, talk with your child too. Signing is a great way to expand your child’s ability to communicate with you, but signing should always be accompanied by talking. By speaking your thought as you sign, you help your child develop important whole language skills. Knowing both the word and the sign for things will help him easily transition from non-verbal to verbal communication.

Baby sign language is an effective and fun way to communicate with your infant. It helps you better understand what your child feels, wants and needs long before he’s able to tell you in words. This helps both of you avoid a lot of frustration and promotes a foundation of great communication between you and your baby.

Say What? Studies Say We’ve Been Doing Parenting Wrong All These Years?


You think you should be helping your child with his homework or making your daughter finish her meal, right? How about washing your baby every day or talking baby talk to her  because you think it will help her with her future vocal skills?

Yeah, those are the things all the books and parenting theories tell us.

Well, like with a lot of social science studies that give us conflicting data year after year, what if these theories are false?

Cracked.com hypothesizes that as the new millennia tries to figure out how to raise children to be conscientious and not little monsters, it turns out that our “well-meaning habits are in fact making things worse.”

Think not-so-smart parents steering their kids wrong. Think scrubbing away good bacteria. Think contributing to negative emotions to food. sigh  Yeah.

Interesting. Curious? Read the post HERE!

Boss Tips for Your Carnival-Circus Themed Birthday Party


Looking for a way to keep your kids and their friends busy, but not inside the house making a mess for you? Here’s the solution, make a backyard carnival! You will use things that you already have around the house so it won’t cost you a lot of money either. Here’s how to do it

Create a plan. Start by drawing out a sketch of your backyard and determine how many different games and activities you will need to fill your backyard. Brainstorm games of your own or take some of these.

Can knock down. Take 6 cans and stack them up in a pyramid shape. The cans can be empty or full depending on what you have available. To give the pyramid some stability you may want to stack them up on a board instead of the grass. If you have little kids then you are probably safe letting them use a baseball to knock the cans over, but if you have kids that are strong enough to break out the neighbor’s window with a baseball throw gone awry you may want to use a tennis ball and empty cans.

Make your own coin throw. Create different levels using boxes and paint cans. Put glasses and plates on the levels and let the kids throw real or plastic coins and see if they can get them to land in the glasses or on the plates. Bean bags can be recycled from old games. Keep an eye out at garage sales or flea markets for bean bags. Take some sidewalk chalk on the driveway and draw a tic-tac-toe board with a square around it. Depending on the ages of your kids you will create an appropriate throw line. Kids will take turns with their opponent throwing bean bags to try to get 3 across before their opponent does.

Kissing booth that uses no lips. Fill a jar with Hershey’s kisses and put out some paper and pencils for the kids to guess how many kisses are in the jar. At the end of the day the person who comes closest wins the jar.

Water gun firing range. If you’d like to set up two of these you can have two kids go against each other in a timed match, otherwise one will still be a lot of fun. Gather up some recycled Styrofoam from some old packaging and cut it into chunks. Stack up the chunks and put some golf tees into the Styrofoam. Now balance ping pong balls on the golf tees. Create a shooting line using a yard stick or other straight stick. Then supply some inexpensive water guns. The idea is to shoot the ping pong balls off the tees.

Pin drop is a game of luck and dexterity. Take various sizes of recycled jars and determine point values for each jar. Write the point value on a piece of paper and place it on the jar or under the jar. Give each child 3 clothes pins and have them try to drop them into the jars from about 2 feet above the jars. This distance can be adjusted based on the age of the child to make it harder or easier. If a pin goes into a jar the player gets the point total.

Lucky Duck game is fun for little ones. This game is simple enough that almost any age child can play. Gather a bunch of rubber ducks and before you set up the game paint the bottom of one duck red. Put all the ducks into a bucket of water. Kids can take turns trying to find the winning duck.

Bowling for bottles is fun and simple to do. To set up this game you will need to have 10 empty 2 liter bottles. Fill the bottles with a few inches of water so that they will stand up better. Line them up on the driveway or sidewalk just like at the bowling alley. Now you can roll a small basketball at the bottles or use a play bowling ball if you have one. You can even let the kids throw tennis balls at the bottles to knock them over.

Bottle ring toss for prizes. Cut out the centers of some plastic lids to create rings. You can now put a bunch of bottles of Sunny D, Gatorade, Vitamin water, Seltzer water and flavored water close together. Mark a line 5 feet away and let the kids try to toss a ring onto a bottle. If they are able to ring a bottle then they get to keep that bottle. Another way to play this game is to use the cardboard tubes from paper towels or wrapping paper and bury them a couple inches into the ground and let the kids try to get the rings around the tubes. If they get a ringer then they win a ticket.

Buy a package of tickets or make some on your printer to have as prizes. When all the games are done the kids can use their tickets to buy prizes. The prizes can be homemade cookies or brownies to trinkets bought at the dollar store. The kids will have a blast playing all of the games and of course, winning prizes.

VIRAL BBC Interview: Read These 15+ ‘I’m Not the Nanny” Essays from Moms of Color


This week, South Korea expert Robert E. Kelly‘s BBC on air segment went viral as he was discussing the recent impeachment of that nation’s president Live when his two daughters burst into the room where he was Skyping his interview.

The Pusan National University political science professor’s wife, Jung-a Kim, shut it down when she burst into the room, ninja style, ducking low, but making a ton of noise and dragged the kids out of the room. Many work-at-home parents can relate.

It is hilarious (You can catch it HERE).

One of the by-products of the video is the discussion among members of the public and  the media who assumed that Kelly’s Korean wife was the nanny, not the mom of the two racially-ambiguous kids.

While one could understand the presumption of many, given the trend of interracial marriages, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume the woman was the mom.

The number of mixed-race babies has soared over the past decade, new census data show, a result of more interracial couples and a cultural shift in how many parents identify their children in a multiracial society.  In fact, more than 7 percent of the 3.5 million children born in the year before the 2010 Census were of two or more races, up from barely 5 percent a decade earlier. The number of children born to black and white couples and to Asian and white couples almost doubled.
Victoria Rowell wrote in her autobirography that her nurse refused to give her blonde hair blue eye baby to her after birth before triple checking.

Young & Restless actress Victoria Rowell wrote in her autobiography that her nurse refused to give her blonde hair blue eye baby to her after birth before triple checking.

In light of the recent video with Kelly, there have been a few summaries and think pieces on the unconscious bias and micro-aggression many women of color around the world endure when they are asked by well-meaning people what agency they work for or if they are the mom to their own children.

This is not one.

I have several friends who are married to men of European decent who have children that are very fair and have physical features that are also quite European-looking. I have a few blogger friends as well who have penned pieces on the topic and I’ve written about one from the DC area,  Thien-Kim Lam, whose entire blog is actually titled, “I”m Not the Nanny”.

Because this topic is new to a lot of folks who cannot imagine these women’s perspective, I curated 14 Blogs and Interviews with over 15 women of color giving their first-hand personal essays on this topic. Check them out:

No, I’m Not the Nanny, He’s Really my Son, Stacy-Ann Gooden, Weather Anchor Mama

I’m Not the Nanny — Darker Mom, Lighter Baby, Angela Gray, Huffington Post

No, I’m not the nanny: When you don’t look like your kids, reporting by Pamela Sitt, TODAY Moms

Nope! I’m Not the Nanny, Just a Black Mom, Thanks, Nicole Blades, Jezebel

I’m Not the Nanny: Multiracial Families and Colorism, Allyson Hobbs review of Lori Tharps’ book, New York Times

I’m Not the Nanny, Collection, What to Expect.com

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Jennifer Borget, BabyMakingMachine

My Daughter, I’m Not her Nanny, C. Fleming, The Race Card Project

I’m her Mom, Not the Nanny, Rose Arce, CNN

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Paloma Thomas, The Gal-Dem.com

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Sage Steele, People

No, I’m Not their Nanny, Vivienne Lewis, Chronicles of a Young Mother

Please Stop Asking me If I’m the Nanny, Oriana Branon, Scary Mommy

Here is a young white mom who is mistaken for being the nanny of her biracial son in the Upper West Side of New York.

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Allison, Motherhood Project NYC

Finally, my journalist friend Jamila Bey  and a multiracial San Diego native Phaedra Erring who each are parents to blonde haired blue eyed kids, and New York Times Motherlode blogger Lisa Belkin were interviewed by NPR.

Also on this interview is Carolyn Hall who is a white woman who has two African adopted kids and a bi-racial child with her Jamaican-American husband, who is given harsh looks while out with her African kids because people assume wrongly she “stole” them from her husband’a previous relationship.

. Listen to their stories:

Forget Mommy Wars, What About the Parents v. NonParents Battles?


So a lot of people have heard of the “mommy wars.” You know, they are the various philosophical battles women who are parents have with other women over which personal decision on pregnancy and child rearing is best.

You have the Breastfeeding moms versus formula feeders. The moms who make you feel guilty if you choose to send your baby off to the nursery after delivering versus keep the baby with you in your room and “Room in”.

There “Attachment parenting” versus “free-range parenting” and Cry-it-out sleep method of getting a baby to put themselves to sleep  versus the cry interventionist method.

There are those moms (like I was) who looked down on women who used baby carriers versus wear slings which I think are better for a baby’s spine. Helicopter parents battle  Montessori like parents. Work-at-home tackle Stay-At-Home who take on Working moms.

And so on and so on….

But even as moms battle amongst themselves, they are united in dealing with critics and pushback from the non-parents out there, many who are are resentful of parents for getting scores of child and child care tax breaks that non-parents cannot take, getting to call off from work for a variety of child-related causes, leaving non-parents to pick up the slack, and generally over the fact that society is centered around parents, and is most supportive of the needs of the parenting community.

In return, there are some parents, on the other hand, who feel non-parents have little empathy or patience for the sacrifices they make raising the next generation of humans.

They also feel there is a lack of understanding or willingness to take into consideration that our choices are different than there’s.

Equally, they are resentful of the “population controllers” who argue that the world is already overpopulated.

It’s easy to get caught up on our individual causes and beliefs and to lose sight of how sanctimonious, disconnected and generally, “douchey” we can sound to the other side when presenting our arguments.

Spring Break: 10 Things to Consider for A Family Vacation Rental


When you’re planning an extended family vacation, a rental property is often more economical and more convenient than a long stay in cramped hotel quarters. Selecting the perfect short-term vacation rental, however, is far from a simple process if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. When you’re adequately prepared and have a firm idea of your needs in mind, however, finding the perfect vacation home is far from daunting. Armed with the items detailed on this list, you’ll have a strong vision of what you need from a vacation home and amenities to be on the lookout for as you browse through rental listings.

  1. A Functional Kitchen – One of the primary amenities of a vacation home over a hotel room is the ability to prepare meals at your home away from home, rather than springing for restaurant meals at tourist-destination prices. Make sure that you’re taking the functionality of the kitchen into account when you book your rental; a hotplate and a dorm-sized refrigerator in a garage apartment won’t be worth the money saved on the rental when you’re forced to drop a bundle on three meals out each day.
  2. Smoke and Pet Free Houses – Smoke and pet dander not only leave unpleasant smells that linger for weeks, they can also be triggers for family members that are prone to allergies. Make sure that you’re keeping an eye out for smoke-free, pet-free vacation rentals. Unless, of course, you plan to bring Rover along for the ride.
  3. Ample Sleeping Space – Vacation home owners know that the appeal of a rental over hotel accommodations is that they can reasonably house more people than a hotel room and, as such, can prove to be a more economical choice for large groups. Your teenager will get tired of sleeping on the pull-out sofa in a main area, though, so make sure that there’s enough privacy to go around. And if you don’t feel like lugging along the portable crib, be sure to inquire as to if you can get one on location.
  4. Multiple Bathrooms – Unless you’re traveling as a single family and are accustomed to sharing a restroom, it’s a good idea to look only at listings that include more than one bathroom. Waiting in line for a shared, single restroom is enough to rain on anyone’s parade, and will make for hectic morning ablutions.
  5. Full-Sized Bathtubs – In order to maximize available living space, many vacation rental owners opt to build smaller bathrooms with only a standing shower. This might not be an issue if your kids are older, but bathing a frightened toddler in a standing shower is no one’s idea of a good time.
  6. Dining Space – Those home-cooked meals that are going to save you big bucks aren’t as much fun when half of your group is balancing plates on their knees on the back porch. Make sure that there’s seating for everyone in your group, or you won’t be sharing many family meals while you’re traveling.
  7. Close Proximity to Area Attractions – In an unfamiliar area, the last thing you’ll want to do is navigate a maze of back roads and residential streets to find the beach or the amusement park. A centrally-located, easy-to-find home is your best bet when you’re visiting a new town.
  8. Safety and Security Features – Pools are an attractive amenity for travelers, but can pose a hazard for families with little ones that aren’t yet strong swimmers if the proper safety features aren’t in place. Modern furniture with glass tops and sharp corners also aren’t safe for little ones that aren’t steady on their feet. A place that offers childproofing or at least safety gates can be helpful. Keep an eye on safety while you’re looking for a vacation rental so that your trip isn’t spoiled by a trip to the emergency room.
  9. Laundry Facilities – You won’t want to deal with enough luggage to keep your entire family in clean clothes for the duration of the trip, and you probably won’t like the idea of spending your vacation in a Laundromat much more. Homes with on-site laundry facilities should probably take precedence over those without them.
  10. Access to Childcare Services – One perk that the major resort chains have over small, owner-operated vacation rentals is that those big-box resorts typically have childcare services on-site or a concierge that can direct you to a reputable service. Unless you plan to never have a grown-ups night out, you’ll want to inquire about childcare services and temporary nanny agencies in the area, or line up a local sitter.

Where to Raise Kids: Maryland Is Most Culturally Diverse; New England Least (REPORT)


Even though the United States is growing increasingly culturally and racially diverse, some parts of the country are more multicultural than others.

When couples start to think about their future, and begin planning their family and determining where to raise their future children, some think about the diversity of the area because they want their children to be exposed to a variety of peoples.

To identify the most culturally diverse places in America, personal finance site WalletHub’s analysts compared 501 of the largest U.S. cities across three key metrics, including ethnoracial diversity, linguistic diversity and birthplace diversity.

The results show that the state of Maryland has the most diverse cities in the entire nation. (Interestingly enough, Maryland also ranked number 5 in terms of best high performing school so there could be something to say about how that diversity actually enriches the education and learning process). Coming in second is the Bay area  with two cities; Oakland and San Jose among the top 10.

The New England area is home to the least culturally diverse cities with three Vermont and one New Hampshire cities in the bottom ten. West Virginia comes a close second with two cities ranking in the bottom. Those cities are over 90% white while Hialeah, Florida boasts a near 100% Hispanic, Spanish-speaking and foreign-born population in all categories.

Most Culturally Diverse Cities Least Culturally Diverse Cities

1 Jersey City, NJ

2 Germantown, MD

3 Gaithersburg, MD

4 Silver Spring, MD

5 Spring Valley, NV

6 New York, NY

7 Oakland, CA

8 San Jose, CA

9 Rockville, MD

10 Kent, WA

492 Miles City, MT

493 Laconia, NH

494 Bennington, VT

495 Barre, VT

496 Jamestown, ND

497 Rutland, VT

498 Hialeah, FL

499 Watertown, SD

500 Clarksburg, WV

501 Parkersburg, WV

Here are some other Key Stats to consider:

Oakland, Calif., has the highest racial and ethnic diversity, which is four times higher than in Hialeah, Fla., the city with the lowest.

Hialeah, Fla. has the highest concentration of Hispanics or Latinos, 95.64 percent.

Rutland, Vt. has the highest concentration of whites, at 95.45 percent.

Gary, Ind., has the highest concentration of blacks, at 81.41 percent.

Hialeah, Fla., has the highest concentration of Spanish speakers, 92.25 percent.

Waipahu, Hawaii, has the highest concentration of speakers of Asian and Pacific Islander languages, 49.18 percent.

Greenville, Miss., has the highest share of population born in their state of residence, 87.16 percent.

Hialeah, Fla., has the highest foreign-born population, 72.75 percent.

To view the full report and your city’s rank, please visit:


Lent: Activities and Other Ways to Engage Children All Season Long


Today begins the season of Lent for Catholics, Christians and others who use the period of reflection, charity and reconciliation. Young children associate Lent with giving up something but it is much more. There are ways to engage kids all through out the season and we’ve curated a few creative resources for parents below:

Easter composition of colorful eggs and sheaf of wheat card

Easter composition of colorful eggs and sheaf of wheat card

How to Celebrate Lent with Kids

In celebrating 13 years of Lent with kids, here’s the things we’ve learned. Maybe they’ll be helpful to you, too.

  1. Be reasonable. You can’t go all drill sergeant on your kids and start making demands of a completely reformed lifestyle during these 40 days. Trust me, I’ve tried. I believe we call that a #parentingfail

    continue reading


Use the Jellybean Jar to help them along Source

40 Lenten Activities for Kids

  1. Make a Prayer Chain: List 40 intentions or people on 40 slips of paper. Link them together into a chain. Rip one off each morning of Lent and pray for that need.
  2. Bury the Hallelujah: Explain why we don’t proclaim hallelujah during Lent. To symbolize, write out hallelujah on paper and bury it in the yard or put it away in a box.

continue reading

Free Lenten Activities for Kids printable

Print out this guide of things children can do during Lent. Source

photo: Cassidy Lancaster

5 Ways to Store Your Daughter’s Hair Accessories


If you’re sick of finding rubber hair bands, bows and clips all over the place, or fed up with not being able to find them when you need them, it’s time to straighten out your daughter’s hair accessories. With a little creatively and vision, you can create an attractive way to display all of your daughter’s hair care items and keep them easily accessible.

1.Make your own framed hair bow display. Take the glass out of an old 8 by 10 or larger picture frame and recycle it into a piece of hair care art. Hot glue lengths of ¾ to 1-inch wide ribbon about 1 ½ to 2 inches apart across the longer sides of the back of the frame. To create a ribbon hanger, glue the desired lengths of ribbon to each top corner of the frame and tie the pieces into a bow. Add additional ribbon to the bow to fill it out. Store clips, fancy elastics (pull the elastic behind the ribbon and stick the appliquéd piece through the elastic loop in the front), bobby pins and other accessories on the ribbon and hang headbands over the corners of the frame.

2.Store hair accessories in a shoe organizer placed over the door. Clear over the door plastic shoe organizers are full of clear pockets that are just the right size for holding brushes, elastics, bobby pins and all sorts of hair accessories. If you’d like to keep accessories out of reach, simply trim a few rows of pockets off of the bottom.

3.Use beading storage containers for elastics and bobby pins. For a few dollars you can pick up a plastic container broken down into storage squares that will organize rubber bands, bobby pins, small hair clips and other hair emblements. Place different colored bands in each box so you can easily find multiple hairbands of the same color, leaving you never to have to mismatched pigtail hairbands again.

4.Use a small basket, tin bucket or short, square glass vase if it’s out of reach to hold brushes and spray bottles. A short, stout decorative or clear container can be a great place to store brushes, bottles of water, spray in conditioner, combs and other hair care items. You can store a rainbow of rubber bands over the spray bottles for easy storage.

5.Add long, thick ribbons to a coat hanger to hold barrettes and elastics. Hot glue a few strips of ¾ inch to 1 inch wide ribbon along the sides or bottom of a wooden or plastic coat hanger. Clip barrettes, clips and bobby pins onto the strips. Slide elastic bands over the top of the hanger. You can display this on the wall or over the door handle or hang it in the closet.

With a minimal investment of time and money you can say goodbye to digging through a basket of tangled bows and bands and hello to an organized storage area that will make finding the perfect hair accessory a cinch every time.

reprinted with permission

20+ Blogs with Family Friendly Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts & Ideas


While everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday, it’s unlikely that many know the story behind St. Patrick’s Day.

In a nutshell, a man named Patrick converted a large group of Irish people from Paganism to Christianity and was made a Saint.  Now considered the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick used the shamrock as the symbol of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The color green is used because of the rich green hills that are found all over Ireland.  You may be wondering how St. Patrick’s Day turned into a day for drinking, and there is a reason for that too.  St. Patrick told a bar owner who was cheating his customers by pouring short glasses of liquor that there was a demon in his basement and that the only way to be rid of it was to be generous.  After that, St. Patrick said that everyone should celebrate with some of the hard stuff on St. Patrick’s Day. However, the holiday isn’t solely reserved for those of legal drinking age; there are plenty of family-friendly things to do to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day too.

Check out these 20+ blog entries to find craft projects to make with the kids, decorations for your home, recipes to make for your family and other activities to do as well.


Make these simple crafts with your kids as part of your celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.  This often overlooked holiday can be really entertaining if you make a point to celebrate it just like you would other holidays with special crafts, decorations and food.  These five blog posts will share some craft projects you can enjoy with your kids.


Up your house’s festivity factor this St. Patrick’s Day by decorating in plenty of green and gold. Some of these decorating ideas are appropriate for younger children, while others are better suited for the older kids.  Get together as a family and enjoy some creative time together decorating your home.


All things green are up for grabs on St. Patrick’s Day.  What, you don’t think your kids will be excited about spinach and kale and other green leafy food?  No problem! Just make regular food green instead and see what the kids think of it.  It doesn’t have to be just for dinner, enjoy these five blogs that have breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas.


While green is definitely the star color for St. Patrick’s Day, it isn’t all confined to just that color. After all, you can’t forget about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Make some rainbow inspired desserts instead of just green ones this year.  For some inspiration check out these five blog posts.


What kind of things can you do as a family or with the kids for St. Patrick’s Day?  Some cities have St. Patty’s Day parades, so you might see if your city is having one.  Or you might decide to have a party for the kids in the neighborhood.  Take a look at these five blog articles for some ideas on activities that your kids or your family might enjoy.

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