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Father’s Day: 25 + Gifts for the Dad Who Has Everything


For Father’s Day, most people gift their dads a tie, a pair of socks or a shaver. But what about those dads who have everything? What to get them when they have the ability to purchase whatever they want? Sure Father’s Day is not about the gift, but it can be too.

For the affluent dad or the one who is hard to please or impress, the gift of an amazing one-of-a-kind and once-in-a-lifetime unique and exclusive experience would be perfect! 

The auction website IfOnly lets users bid on some of the most amazing and unique gifts around. Here is a sample of what’s currently available:

For Sports Fan Dads:

Quarterback Camp with former 49er & Superbowl Champ – $500

Grand Prix Weekend in the owner’s suite: ride in an IndyCar, meet drivers – $2000

Signed jersey by NFL All-Star Barry Sanders or former NFL players Marcus Allen, Marshall Faulk, Ronnie Lott, Ray Lewis, etc. – prices range

Boxing Glove signed by Sugar Ray Leonard – $500

Signed baseball by NY Yankees World Series Champion David Wells – $125

For Adventurous Dads:

Helicopter flight lessons over New York – $340

Foraging with National Geographic Channel’s “Wildman” in Central Park – $200

Sail with America’s Cup Champion Brad Webb on USA 76 – $330

Soar over San Francisco in sunset seaplane coastal tour – $250

Experience NASA through the eyes of an astronaut – $484

Three-day archery workshop by wilderness survival expert – $575

Learn to shoot with a former military personnel – $775

Custom-built drone and two-hour pilot lesson – $1,250

Active Dads:

One-on-one workout with SF Crossfit’s Co-founder – $1,250

Star Wars Fiend Dads:

Behind the scenes museum tour of the world’s largest Star Wars memorabilia collection – $175

Random, Cool Stuff:

Personalized crossword puzzle by New York Times puzzle creator – $1,500

Private chess lesson and game with grandmaster Maurice Ashley – $725

Dinner and consultation with a reality TV producer at Musso and Frank in LA – $750

For Wine/Beer Enthusiast Dads:

Brooklyn culinary and bar tasting tour – $55

Wine Discovery Sampler – 6 ½ bottles curated by a renowned wine expert from San Francisco’s Ferry Plaza Wine Market – $160

Trio of California Pinot Noir by famed winemaker Joseph Jewell – $120

Private vineyard tour and picnic led by the winemakers at Joseph Jewell – $75

Wine making with master sommelier, Rajat Parr – $1,650

For Foodie Dads:

Sushi making with Katsuya alum – $225

Southern BBQ cookout prepared by Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef – $600

Classic New York steakhouse dinner party prepared in home by renowned New York chef – $600

For Artsy Dads:

Private tour of New York’s Chelsea galleries led by a leading art advisor and private curator – $1,500

Oh to be a Rich Dad! Ha!

Writer Gives Props to Eva Mendes & Ryan Gosling for Shunning the ‘Bumpwatch’ Craze



Salon writer Nico Lang gives praise to Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling for being super private about their spawning offsprings. He also gives a pretty good run down on the “bumpwatch” and celebrity baby industry which is a multi-million dollar industry. It is not all damning, here is an excerpt:

Call it a win for privacy in the digital age, but even more than that, it’s heartening to see parents opt out of the toxic culture of celebrity baby worship that demands constant updates about famous offspring. Every single one of us should follow their lead.

This is an industry that treats children like corporate mergers, fashion icons, and objects of an almost religious devotion before they can even walk or talk, let alone sign an endorsement deal. When Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony gave birth to twins in 2008, they pulled in what was then a record sum for the first photos of a celebrity couple’s children: $6 million. That total would be eclipsed within months. Knox and Vivienne, the fraternal twins of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, would quickly become household names from the moment they were born. Their debut into the limelight—courtesy of People magazine—netted $15 million. That’s more than most movies make in their opening weekend.

  But no financial impact was more massive than the Royal Baby, an infant whose coming was such a media sensation that Prince George’s July 2013 birth was estimated to generate $400 million in revenue for the U.K. economy. For celebrity news websites, the young royal’s birth signaled a boom time after a long drought:According to the New York Times, US Weekly had the biggest traffic day in its website’s history on July 23, the day that new mother Kate Middleton finally vacated the hospital with her “bundle of baby joy.” The same was true for People’s site, which reported a nearly 50 percent boost in traffic on the very same day. The magazine’s print publication on the royal birth was its biggest-selling of the year.

At the time, the editor of the gossip website Hollywood Life, Bonnie Fuller, predicted that Prince George would remain a cash cow for tabloid publishers. “The royal baby will become a regular beat, just like Shiloh and Suri were the babies of six years ago,” Fuller told the New York Times, also referring to Suri Holmes-Cruise, the now 10-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. “The two babies that Hollywood Life audiences are going to be obsessed with are going to be Prince George and Kim Kardashian’s baby, North West.” US Weekly editor Mike Steele called it the “royal baby boom.”

Read the rest HERE!

All Airlines’ ‘Flying While Pregnant’ Policies & Tips for Plane Travel While Pregnant


Nine months is a long time to expect someone to not travel.  It’s three quarters of a year.  Pregnant travel doesn’t have to be to far flung or exotic destinations, a simple car trip can be enough.

But pregnant women are given travel restrictions nonetheless.

These restrictions are rarely for the entire duration of the pregnancy, unless you are extremely high risk or have complicating medical conditions that need to be monitored.  When the restriction kicks in depends upon two things, your doctor and how your pregnancy is progressing.

Usually these restrictions are placed somewhere between the beginning of the third trimester and the beginning of the final month – so 28 to 36 weeks.

When considering that once baby arrives it will be harder to get away, many couples find themselves planning romantic trips as one last hurrah, or trying to work out visits with family members in other parts of the country.  Some have long-standing annual family vacations that they want to make, and some women might have careers that require time away from home.

Regardless of your reason for traveling these tips, annotated from an old post from my ex Washington Times Communities colleague Brigid Moret , may help make your journey as comfortable as possible and also check out CheapAir’s airline pregnancy guide below.

Check With Your Doctor Discuss any complications you might be having, where you are going and your mode of transportation.  Air travel may not be advised, and certain parts of the world carry increased risk for pregnant women and are discouraged.  Also, if you get motion sick and tend to take medication for the condition while traveling, verify that the prescription is safe for your developing baby.

Evaluate When You’ll Be Traveling –  The second trimester is often the most comfortable time for most women and usually beats the earliest of travel restrictions doctors place on mothers-to-be.  As a result, weeks 15-28 tend to be the best for travel.  You’ve gotten your energy back, the morning sickness is gone, and you’re not feeling like a beached whale yet.  For vacation purposes, this may be the best time since you’re most likely able to enjoy yourself during this period.

Another consideration is the time of year you will be traveling.  While pregnant your blood volume increases as do your maternal fat stores.  Both of these contribute to overheating.  You can go from a summer loving sun-goddess to an air-condition clinging woman quite easily.  Similarly, if you’re planning on a winter trip, learning how to ski while your center of balance is thrown off might not be the wisest of activities.

Take Frequent Breaks Okay, if you’re on a 10 hour flight you can’t ask the pilot to land when you want a break, but you can get up and stretch your legs.  Sitting for too long can be uncomfortable for anyone, but it is more so for a pregnant woman.  Staying in one position too long can lead to back pain and restrict circulation in your legs.  If you’re in your third trimester, it can also cause discomfort in your swollen belly. Changing position usually helps with all of these discomforts.  So try to get up and move every one to two hours.

Also, ignoring your bladder for as long as possible because you don’t want to use a grimy gas station bathroom or trying to maneuver in the tiny stall on a plane is a bad idea.  Resisting the urge to go to the bathroom can lead to urinary tract infections, which can cause complications in your pregnancy.

Watch Your Diet It can be hard while traveling to maintain the healthy diet you have been keeping to at home.  Whether it’s a dearth of healthy options at the roadside café or that your family wants to eat out every night, there are definitely more obstacles in your way.

To help minimize the number of candy bars you’re grabbing to stave off the munchies, plan ahead.  If you’re traveling by car, pack a bag or a small cooler full of healthy snacks, such as fruit, granola, and nuts.  If you’re traveling by another means, throw a handful of healthy snacks from home in your purse. A handful of nuts mixed with dried cranberries is a great alternative to trail mix with M&Ms, and the individually wrapped fiber bars are a great way to make you feel more full to get you through the trip.

Once you are at your destination, be menu savvy.  Look for things that are low on fat and add vegetables whenever possible – even if it’s insisting that you add green peppers, olives and mushrooms to a pizza.  Ask waiters if they make substitutions for their sides.  Apple sauce instead of french fries may not be as good as steamed veggies, but it’s less grease and fat.

Stay Hydrated Dehydration is a leading cause of pre-term labor, so drink, drink, drink.  If you’re traveling by car, throw plenty of bottled water in the cooler with your healthy snacks.  If you’re flying, drink plenty before you board, then when the flight attendant brings the beverage cart around, ask for a bottle of water.  If you ask for the entire bottle they will give it to you, otherwise you will receive the tiny plastic cup which will not be enough.  Also, don’t be afraid to flag down a flight attendant at any point during the flight and ask for more to drink.

Include hydration alertness for all your activities on your trip, especially if you are out and about a lot or spending lots of time in the sun.  Remember, everything you sweat out needs to be replaced, and being pregnant you’re probably sweating more than you are used to.



Stay away from caffeinated beverages while you travel.  Not only do the standard warnings about caffeine intake during pregnancy apply, but caffeine is also a diuretic.  As a result, all those fluids that you’ve been drinking to stay hydrated will try to find their way through you faster.  The result?  More trips to the bathroom.

Above all, the most important parts of traveling while pregnant is to make sure you are safe.  Following the tips above will help you be more comfortable and help protect you and your baby.  Just remember, this may be the last trip you make without an extra companion for years to come, so make as enjoyable as you can.


Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are Not the First to Hide a Birth from the Public for Weeks


Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling pulled a Neve Campbell: totally hid the fact they had delivered a baby until discovered by prying paparazzi.

In 2012, Campbell was spotted by the paps playing with her baby 6 weeks after delivering her at a local park.

TMZ got a hold of the birth certificate for Mendes and Gosling’s second child, daughter, Amanda Lee Gosling. The new arrival was welcomed last month on April 29 at the St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

The extremely private couple did a great job of keeping the news secret.

The couple also have a two year old daughter named Esmerelda who has never been revealed to the public, or had her photo shared publicly.  She was born on Friday, September 12, 2014, but that news was discovered too after some news agency’s did some creative snooping.

It is common for celebs who spend their entire lives in the public eye to shield certain part of their lives from the press.

We’ve never ever seen Kerry Washington‘s daughter, Isabelle Amarachi Asomugha, either.

And in 2012, Dido only mentioned she had given birth to her first child with husband Rohan Gavin in December that year, months after actually delivering her son in the Summer.

Last month, reality TV star and swimsuit designer Draya Michele famously did not disclose she had given birth until after she released all of her maternity portraits via her Instagram account. She said she wanted a few moments with herself and the baby before letting the world know.

“I had him last week and I just wanted to take that time to enjoy him as my own little special gift,” she captioned a photo.

Besides those mentioned in this post, several celebs have successfully hidden a birth from the public and press until the media discovered it or they were ready to introduce the news on their own terms.

Kudos to them!

Here are 10 Reasons to consider Hypnobirthing

Bellyitch Rewind

labor hypnobirth

In the May 15, 2013 Vogue India edition, Beyonce describes her delivery of daughter Blue Ivy last January 2012 using words that sounds as if she used Hypnobirthing techniques.

“I had a very strong connection with my child,” she revealed. ” I felt like when I was having contractions, I envisioned my child pushing through a very heavy door. And I imagined this tiny infant doing all the work, so I couldn’t think about my own pain… We were talking. I know it sounds crazy, but I felt a communication.”

If you are expecting around this Mother’s Day and haven’t yet considered Hypnobirthing as an option, consider these tips from  Las Vegas headliner and expert hypnotist Marc Savard and his wife, Joanna. The couple employed the method to deliver their three daughters all natural, drug-free and will again this August for baby number 4.  Here are 10 reasons they provide for why you should consider using the hypnobirthing technique.

  1. Shorter and more comfortable labor time. Pain comes from the perspective of fear, which creates constricting hormones and shallow breathing, causing pain. Women who practice hypnosis in preparation for childbirth learn comfortable relaxing breathing techniques, and replace fear perspective with expectations of a pleasant child birth, allowing endorphins, feel good hormones, to be released. This allows the mind and body to work together, allowing for a shorter and easier labor.
  2. Pain free or significantly reduced pain during labor.Women who experience a hypnobirth have a different perspective of pain. Instead of feeling pain, women feel sensations such as tightening and pressure. The use of relaxing breathing techniques releases endorphins, which relaxes the body further and allows mothers to mindfully work with their bodies through delivery of their baby. Although hypnobirthing does not promise a pain-free childbirth, women who choose to do hypnobirth never report excruciating pain like most other forms of labor techniques.
  3. Allows a deeper connection with your body and baby during labor. The use of drugs during childbirth disconnects mothers with their own body and their baby. With hypnobirth, there are no drugs needed, so mom is aware of every part of her body, to a super-conscious level. She can feel exactly what her body needs to do to ease the delivery of her baby. This allows the mother and her baby to experience a pleasant delivery and give a warm welcoming for baby into this world.
  4. No need for medications for recovery time. Mothers who learn relaxation techniques and learn a new perspective of sensations in the body not only have no need for medications through recovery time, but also have a shorter recovery time.
  5. Visualization and relaxation skills learned can help pr event complications and tearing.bThe use of the imagination and visualization during childbirth is extremely useful. When the mind creates an image, the body will naturally create an organic change. This tool allows mothers to work with their mind and body together to prevent tearing or even turn a breeched baby.
  6. Less trauma to the baby during birth allows new baby to feed and sleep better. Babies who are born will less trauma from relaxed childbirth experiences are more relaxed babies themselves. This allows them to more easily bond with their parents, sleep better, feed better, and are all around less fussy babies.
  7. Significantly reduced post-partum depression. Mothers who are more in touch with their mind and body through learning hypnosis techniques have shown greatly reduced post-partum depression. A peaceful childbirth released natural instincts from mother, as she is connected to her child from conception through birth. This gives her strength and clarity and strength when she must care for the child outside the womb.
  8. No drugs in Mom’s body during labor or after means a healthier, happier baby. Babies who do not receive drugs through their mother’s blood stream during labor as more aware and connected to the world when they are born. These babies are much healthier by not being exposed to drugs and chemicals upon their arrival. This allows their immune system and nervous system to be stronger as it develops on its own. Healthier baby = happier baby!
  9. Confidence and personal empowerment gained through delivery is priceless. Mothers who experience hypnobirths learn to be incredibly confident, empowered and in control of their own thoughts, emotions, and sensations. These tools are priceless not only for childbirth, but for being a mom, being a woman, and being a human.
  10. Relaxation skills learned for hypnobirthing are great tools for being a Mom! Being a mother can be exhausting! The relaxation skills are incredible tools for staying calm when your little angel does something to frustrate you, or even when you have trouble falling asleep. Hypnosis teaches useful tools for life!

Hopefully these tips have convinced you to give it a try.

Here are 10 Things to Do to Avoid Spring Allergies


With Spring, we welcome warmer weather and more opportunities to play outdoors. Spring also is a time when many children and adults feel the effects of allergies. Allergens can be in the home too.
Most people don’t realize that their home is probably making them sick,  says Robin Wilson, founder and CEO of Robin Wilson Home in New York City and an ambassador to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, but there are simple solutions to help eliminate the “wheezes and sneezes.”
Here are her tips for help contain some of the sources of allergy suffering:
1. For allergy and asthma sufferers, make sure and use hypoallergenic pillows and anti-allergen or hypoallergenic pillow cases and covers. Wash your pillow case once a week, your pillow protector at least once a month and wash your pillow at least twice a year. Replace pillows every three years
2.  Don’t use a vinyl shower curtain because it holds mold more easily and off gases. Use a nylon curtain instead. It’s also less expensive.
3. Use non-VOC paints which won’t off gas, leave an obnoxious paint odor and stir up asthma or allergies. It looks just as good on the wall as regular paint.
4. Avoid wall-to-wall carpeting. Tile and hardwood floors are a much better choice, but must be vacuumed or cleaned on a regular basis to eliminate dirt and dust. Shake out and vacuum area rugs on a regular basis as well. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
5. Watch for mold in the dishwasher and refrigerator pan which can build up quickly in the kitchen.
6. One of the biggest trends today is eco-friendly cabinetry because it has no formaldehyde adhesives and is made with low VOC stains.  Consider frameless cabinets which won’t collect as much dust.
7. Use slip covers on sofas and chairs which can be washed regularly to eliminate dirt and dust.
8. Keep pets out of the bedroom, and bathe them often to reduce the dander.
9. Freeze stuffed toys for 24 hours to kill dust mites and other bacteria that may have built up.
10. Keep windows closed at night so pollen from outdoors don’t get in and settle on surfaces.

Following these tips should help minimize the sneeze attacks this Spring.

We got 9 Siblings/New Baby Portrait Ideas for You!

angela Weedon

Bellyitch Rewind


angela Weedon

Spotted. Super cute sibling portrait ideas for photographing the new baby with their older siblings. Check them out from various talented photographers around the country.
Which is your favorite?
Derksen Photography – Fresno, CA

angela Weedon

 Angela Weedon – Dallas, TX

Katie Bower Photography – Georgia
Ema  Photography – New York

Kayla Paler Photography – Minnesota

Disney Photography

Carrie Sandoval – California

Melissa Rodriguez – Texas

sibling photography photo

Carrie Sandoval – California
Shutterfly.com New Customer 50 Free Prints Offer

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Celebrity Mom and Baby Yoga on Instagram is a Trend

celebrity yoga

A couple of years ago  yoga instructor mom Laura Kasperzak and her then 4-year-old daughter Mini were all the rage on Instagram (and they still are). The duo wowed social media audiences with their fantastic yoga poses.

In the interim and since then, Elsta Patakay,  Gisele Bundchen and Hilaria Baldwin and others have shared photos and videos of themselves performing video with their kids.

Recently, Drew Barrymore trended today when a photo of herself with daughter Olive doing yoga started catching attention.

Princess Elsa came to our mother daughter yoga class. #magicdays #iloveolive

A photo posted by Drew Barrymore (@drewbarrymore) on

“Princess Elsa came to our mother daughter yoga class. #magicdays #iloveolive,” Barrymore captioned the pic.

And 3rd time mom-to-be Hilaria Baldwin takes it one step further with videos with instructions for other moms! Nice! I love it! 


Janet Jackson is Planning a Family; Not all World Tour Fans Happy with the News

janet jackson

Janet Jackson is starting her family and the news is not sitting too well with all of her fans.

This morning, on her Twitter account and Facebook accounts, she announced to them that she will be halting the second leg of the tour to support her 11th album, “Unbreakable”, to “plan” a family.


“We’re in the second leg of the tour, and there actually has been a sudden change. I thought it was important that you be the first to know,” she said. “My husband and I are planning our family, so I’m going to have to delay the tour.”

Not all replied to the news with joy and congratulations. Some expressed disappointment because it has been over a decade since the youngest of the popular musical Jackson family released an album or went on tour. She had previously delayed to start of the Summer 2015 when her dad was temporarily ill and then delayed it again, mid-tour, when she was advised to have surgery last December 2015.

One commenter on her Facebook version of the announcement wrote: “Why plan a tour for a specific year and for specific dates if you know you were wanting to start a family? Congratulations to you and your husband and I send my best wishes to you both but I still think it’s extremely unfair that us UK fans missed out on seeing you and it’s obvious those dates won’t be rescheduled as we got our money back. It’s not really fair is it?”

Another wrote: “Starting a family the same year you come out with a new album after 7 years of silence. Great choice. I wish you all the best in your life but your credibility has gone honey. You sound like a robot btw. I have a feeling your husband is owning you, really hope i’m wrong. So long.”

Jackson plead for understanding in her video.

janet jackson tour announcement

“Please, if you can, try to understand that it’s important that I do this now,” she continued. “I have to rest up; doctor’s orders. But I have not forgotten about you. I will continue the tour as soon as I possibly can.”

Jackson turns 50 this May. At that advanced age, Jackson’s doctor is correct to recommend she rest up. This is the case whether it is to ease the chances of her becoming pregnant, if she is undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization) or other treatment to conceive herself or avoid a miscarriage or other complications, if she is already pregnant.

She did not confirm whether she is actually preggers on the video.

Many other fans supported her decision and admonished those who were not as supportive.

“Congratulations Janet!!! A baby any fan who can’t understand that isn’t worth having. I’ve been a fan sinve I was a little girl and i love the idea of Janet Jackson having a legacy not only in music and entertainment but life for you i hope you allow us to enjoy this miracle with you. Love always and forever #RhythmNation #JanetJacksonlegacy” a respondent commented.

Jackson is married to Arab fashion tycoon Wissam Al Mana. This is her third marriage. She was married very briefly to James DeBarge in her early 20s and for a longer period of time to Rene Eizondo. Neither of those marriages produced any children.

Before this third delay, the tour, Pollster listed i among one of the top 20 highest-earning tours, BBC notes.

Unlike previous tours where the platinum selling singer wears and arrangement of sexy and revealing clothing, she has performed fully covered during this tour as her husband is from a Muslim country where modesty is mandatory for women.

janet jackson

Jackson last played at the Dubai World Cup on 26 March.

We support all pregnancies and love babies at Bellyitch and so we are wishing her nothing but success and health in this new journey to motherhood!

Congrats, Janet!

Photo: Getty,Screen grab

The One April Fool’s Day Joke this TTC Couple didn’t Want to See Anyone Pull

no pregnancy april fool

Infertility is real and about 12 percent of women ages 15 to 44 struggle to conceive, according to the Centers for Disease Control. So for many of them, like Rhode Island school teacher Chelsey Kimmel, seeing April Fool’s jokes from women pretending to be pregnant is no laughing matter.

Kimmel told ABC news that she warned her social media followers on Instagram to think twice before sharing a pregnancy joke on April Fool’s Day.

 It’s been 18 months since the 24-year old and her partner of five years have been trying to conceive successfully. They suffered a miscarriage  last October and  are due to start another round of in vitro fertilization in 10 days, ABC reports.

“I’ve known people for a long time who joke that they’re pregnant and this year it hit me that it does hurt,” Kimmel told ABC News. “I struggle with real posts of people I know and love when they really are pregnant, but when people make a joke [about it], women like me, who want more than anything in the world to be pregnant … it just really hits home. It can hurt.”

It didn’t stop people, including celebs like Gwen Stefani, from sharing a sonogram on her Instagram today with the caption, “It’s a girl.”

One commenter with the handle bankstonlife wrote about Stefani’s joke, “Respect lost, obviously the completely clueless people on here have never lost a child!! Joking about a pregnancy when soooo many have suffered a loss during pregnancy is insensitive!!!”

It’s very sensitive issue indeed. There were several others too leaving similar responses.

“There are a lot of emotions and energy we invest when facing fertility issues. Seeing people joke about being pregnant is deflating.”  said Ellicott City, Maryland engineer Qiana Gabriel.

She said she told her husband that she planned to stay off of Facebook today after seeing five friends joke that they were pregnant.

Consider this your warning for next year folks.

photo: courtesy Ericka Chick photography

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