Wen it comes to celebrating firsts, there’s something special about celebrating that first Easter together. While your baby is a bit too small to help you with a lot of things, she’ll enjoy watching you decorate the house, color Easter eggs and prepare yummy foods. During your celebration don’t forget to take lots of photos. You’ll want to be sure to include them with her other “firsts” in her scrapbook.

Coloring eggs
This time honored tradition of coloring Easter eggs started because eggs are a symbol of rebirth. More than 500 years ago the first book was written mentioning Easter eggs. Some Christians would not eat meat during Lent and so Easter was the first time they could eat eggs and meat again. One common game that was played was an egg rolling contest which symbolized the rolling away of the stone on Christ’s tomb. Your baby will love the look of colored eggs. Beware, though. It may be a good idea to wait until your child is older to let her eat them. If you’re looking for egg-coloring inspiration, check out these five blogs.

Egg Hunt
Many churches and cities hold large Easter egg hunts every year. The nice thing about these places is that they let the groups go according to age. You and your little one can run out looking for eggs. Many times the eggs are just lying on the grass and easy to find. Invite some other kids over and throw your own Easter egg hunt. Of the many kinds of events you can host this is probably one of the easiest ones you can do. If money is tight you can always ask each guest to bring a dozen filled eggs with them so that you don’t have to provide all of the filled eggs and the food for the event. Have a good time and take a look at these five blog entries to get some tips on egg hunts.
- An Easter Egg Hunt
- Innovative Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
- Toddler Easter Egg Hunt Strategy
- Easter Egg Hunt Ideas You Haven’t Thought About

Everyone needs a dessert for Easter dinner. For baby’s first Easter he may or may not be eating a lot of solid foods, but these desserts are kid-friendly desserts that are perfect for the whole family. Traditional Easter desserts might be carrot cake or pineapple cake. Bakers have branched out over the years to include all sorts of edible delights for Easter dinner. These five blog posts will show traditional, light and decadent Easter desserts.
- Carrot Cake—Easter Dessert
- Three Great Easter Desserts!
- Easter Dessert #2- Light and Fruity
- Something Swanky’s Easter Desserts

Easter Baskets
Typically the Easter bunny leaves a basket for little boys and girls. You can buy a pre-made Easter basket at the discount store if you are pressed for time, but why would you when it’s so simple to put one together yourself. There are different levels of Easter baskets, from simple to over-the-top. These basket ideas have so many cute things that no one will even miss the candy. So no matter what kind of basket you want to give your little one on her first Easter you should be able to find some ideas within these five blog posts.
- How to Choose Easter Gifts for Baby’s First Easter Baskets
- Georgia’s First Easter Basket
- Anneliese’s First Easter Basket