When you are a new mom, you have to deal with a lot of pressure and stress of taking care of your newborn, dealing with the stresses of work, spouse or maybe another child in the home you are caring for. Self-care is often last on the list of concerns, but it shouldn’t be.
The transitional weeks between end of summer and early fall often prove unexpectedly hectic. As families try to squeeze in one more long weekend, unearth a few extra days of vacation, or begin to gear up for the busy fall season, this time of year typically feels anything but relaxing. Factor a newborn into that mix, and stress levels can skyrocket, causing new Moms to feel pressured and exhausted as they struggle to adjust to the changes brought about by the arrival of a new baby.
For those of you who have just given birth or are due to welcome your new arrival this fall, the makers of Water Wipes, curated a list of five things you should consider to ease your anxiety and stress level as the Autumn season begins.
- Push Back Against Pressure: Don’t feel pressured to plan that final weekend getaway or start reorganizing closets for the upcoming change of seasons – spend these early weeks focused on your newborn and getting used to your new life.
- Turn Off the Noise: New Moms get a lot of advice – online and off; solicited and unsolicited. If it becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to focus solely on what works for you and your baby. Remember, you are all your baby needs!
- Try Saying “No:” With fall right around the corner, invitations will soon begin to arrive – from friends and organizations alike – looking to reconnect after the long summer. In these first few weeks of your baby’s life, do what’s right for the both of you – not what’s expected – and remember “no” is an OK response.
- Turn Baby Care into Bonding Time: To help feel more confident about caring for your baby, look for opportunities to turn baby care basics – such as diaper-changing – into bonding time. After wiping and diapering, place baby skin-to-skin against your chest and take note of your natural ability to calm and soothe your newborn.
- Think Instincts: Moms intuitively know how to care for their new babies – but it can be difficult to remember that in the middle of the night. Just remember to trust your instincts – and don’t let anything come between you and your newborn.
They also released a video series about three women starting their motherhood journey, and through their first days, other new moms can learn a few things. Check it out and pass it along to a new mom in your life.