As mothers we have to juggle a lot, and what this usually means is fitting everything else in around our children. It can be tricky to balance other commitments, and one areas where many moms can struggle is with going back to work. Maybe you want to work to set a good example to your children, or perhaps you need the money. Maybe you want to stay home and raise your children yourself and devote all of your time to them. The thing with this is there isn’t a wrong or right answer, it’s all about what’s right for you and your situation.
But if you do want to get back into work, here are some options to consider.
Go Part Time
This could mean going back part time to your career, this can be useful as you can keep your skills up and if you do want to get back into full-time work later on, you’re already prepared and in the swing of it. Otherwise, it could mean getting a part time job wherever is hiring. This would allow you to build your skills up, gain experience and earn money. Places like Subway are always hiring and you don’t need skills or qualifications since these kinds of jobs will train you. You can get a Subway job application here, it’s worth considering if you need the cash and want to get back into work.
Find a Flexible Job
The very best way to balance work along with having children is to have a job which offers flexible hours. When you’re able to pick and choose the times you work it can take a lot of pressure off, because if you happen to be having a busy few days you can simply cut back on what you’re working. Having a trade or skill will allow you to do this, for example a mobile beauty therapist, nail technician, hairdresser. These kinds of jobs allow you to work independently, and you’re your own boss so there’s no one to answer to. If you’re just starting out in your career and know you will want children later down the line, considering this kind of path early on allows you to get established before the time comes.
Work From Home
You don’t even need to leave the house to earn money these days, there are lots of home based jobs you could do. It could be freelancing, blogging or a home based business- when you work for from home again you have that flexibility to choose your own hours and you don’t even need to worry about childcare. You could simply work when your kids are at school, asleep or even for a few hours in the evening when they’re having some quiet time before bed.
Juggling home life and work can be a tough balancing act. But providing you can find the right job, it’s possible to do.
Have you managed to get back to work after having children? What are your reasons for or against doing so?