It’ flu season again.
Kids are back in school and susceptible to coming home with a virus they pick up for a classmate. There are things families can do to try to prevent catching the flu. Dr. Muhammad A. Mirza, Medical Director at the Allied Medical & Diagnostic in Clifton, NJ, offers these flu prevention tips for parents and their children.
- Wash your hands—The most effective way to prevent the spread of germs and the flu virus is to constantly wash your hands. For those occasions where you are unable to wash your hands properly keep a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 70% isopropyl alcohol or 60% ethyl alcohol) nearby.
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing—Rather than into your hands, try sneezing into a tissue (if handy) or into the fold of your elbow.
- Avoid frequently touching nose, eyes & mouth—Even with frequent washing, your hands are still covered in germs, so keep them away from the most common germ entrances of the body.
- Keep surfaces and objects used daily clean—The flu virus can live and be transferred on a variety of surfaces. So regularly wipe down desks, phones, tablets, doorknobs, counters, light switches, etc.
- Eat right—Help your body fight off flu viruses with a well balanced diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables and foods that are rich in Vitamin-C.
- Stay active—Whether it is taking a quick walk or going to the gym, any type of cardio exercise will activate your body’s infection-fighting defenses and stimulate your immune system.
- Sleep—Let your body recover and fight off any germs that may have gotten into your system by getting plenty of sleep.
- Stay hydrated—Drinking fluids, especially water, is a great way to flush out any toxins that may have found their way into your system
- Manage stress—Stress can affect your immune system, reducing your body’s ability to fight off the flu virus or other germs. Find ways to keep your stress low this winter season.
- Get vaccinated—One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from the flu is to get vaccinated. So save yourself the misery and visit your doctor and get the shot.
Hope these are helpful. Stay well!