To better enable American kids to compete globally with other “First World” nations that have been surpassing the US in reading, math, science and other subjects, a curriculum change called “Common Core State Standards” became popular. The new paradigm focuses on training children to be critical thinkers, analytic and objective.
Further, some in the business community complained that the caliber of students graduating from various US high schools lacked essential skills to be competent workers. Common Core proponents want close to standardization of the curriculum in all states so that all children learned the same level or way, irrespective if they were from a wealthy district in Connecticut or a poor one in Alabama. The initiative was backed by the business industry and many jurisdictions began implementing the changes. Some states adopted it and others didn’t.
It faced a swift backlash from parents who complained that the curriculum put too much pressure on children, taught them how to take a test rather than to learn and enjoy the learning experience, and was uneccessary. Many felt that state and local differences exist for a reason and schooling should remain a local issue.
Supporters maintain that states are free to opt in or out, and that the challenging coursework creates smarter and more equipped children. They also state the program is flexible and can accommodate teachers and local schools’ styles and preferences.
The folks at created an infographic which presents Common Core from the position of those who are against the curriculum. Take a look and share your thoughts.