I spotted Living Happier After’s blog post on 10 things single moms need to do this summer and I honed in the fact she included 5 things to do with the kids and 5 things to do alone. After having quite the hectic life this summer with my kids home most of the time as I worked from home, and entertaining houseguests all summer, I must say I think the 5 things moms should do alone can apply to any mom, single, married, dating and in between.
They were:
1. Go out to dinner. And eat alone and bask in solitude which is critical to living happier.
2. Get self-care. A masage or pedicure or facial for yourself will do…again taking care of self. It can also be spending an afternoon reading a book, exploring new magazines, but definitely doing it in a space where there are no kids around…if you can find such a space.
3. Go to the movies alone…also to just get a breather and escape.
4. Visit a local museum or art gallery. Take in some culture in a space where quiet is not only premium but mandatory!
5. Do a personal assessment. Revisit resolutions from January 1 and check in to see if you have let some lapse or if you need to reset and reconnect and recalibrate.
Superb suggestions and I think I am ripe to make some of these happen soon! Read Living Happier After‘s post and complete list of 10 items HERE!