The news that a Boston area woman gave birth one hour after discovering she was pregnant isn’t that surprising. Not when you consider that the hospital where she gave birth in, South Shore Hospital in Massachusetts, stated that it happens once or twice a year there.
It’s common for overweight or obese women to miss pains of pregnancy and weight gain, ABC News senior medical contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton said.
In fact, that was the case here.
New mom Katherine Kropas told reporters that she thought she was just a little bit heaver from holiday indulging.
A 2002 Berlin study discovered that 1 in 475 women did not realize they were pregnant until they are 4 months along in their pregnancy and one in 2,455 didn’t realize it until they went into labor.
Intense back pains brought Kropas to the hospital this past Tuesday, January 7, and an ultrasound solved the mystery.
“They took one look, and they rushed me off into labor,” she told ABC’s Boston station WCVB. “I found out that I was having a baby at 10:15. She was born at 11:06 p.m.”
Amazing and sad because in these situations, the babies lack crucial pre-natal care.
h/t: USA Today.