After dad blogger Oren Miller of A Blogger and a Father passed away this past weekend, the lung cancer victim’s dad blogger pal Daniel Pelfrey took up on of Miller’s causes.
Pelfrey launched a petition to get’s Amazon Mom discount site to become Amazon Family.
Pelfrey, who cares for he and his wife Laura’s 5 children full time while she works, created a Change.Org petition urging the company to change the name.
“Why are you choosing Amazon Mom instead of Amazon Family,” Daniel states in his petition addressing Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos. “It’s a small change, but it is, I think a significant one that Amazon could make to be inclusive to all families.”
Currently, Pelfrey has gotten about 6,000 out the targeted 10,000 signatures.
“To only act as if moms are the caregivers always struck me as odd,” Daniel told USA Today.