While working in an orphanage in Africa, Kenton Lee, executive director of Because International, said he noticed a little girl in a white dress wearing shoes that were several sizes too small. When he inquired more, Lee learned that the home had gotten a shipment of donated shoes but the kids were stuck wearing what was available. The other alternative would be to go barefoot then risk exposure to ground contaminants.
That’s when Lee came up with the concept for “Shoes That Grow.”
He partnered with designers and created a shoe with snaps, buttons and a few buckles that hold the shoe together and can be adjusted to grow as the child does.
The shoes can grow five sizes and can last up to five years.
- Small = Grows 5 sizes – From Kindergarten to 4th Grade
- Large = Grows 5 sizes – From 5th Grade to 9th Grade.
Because International has delivered shoes to children in impoverished nations including Haiti, Kenya, Ghana and Ecuador and is considering expanding the program to help poor children in the US.
The organization relies on donations to ship the shoes, which cost $10 each, in bullk. Consider donating a shoe, a duffle bag or volunteering otherwise here and check out this promotional video about the group and its efforts: