Coding is all the rage and there are more jobs for computer programmers and in the tech space than there are people who can fill those positions. Now, parents can start molding their tots to be able to work in the tech space with Fisher Price’s Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar.
The toy teaches the basics of coding, like sequencing and programming, with segments of the caterpillar’s body. Each of these eight segments is labeled with different symbols and colors. Kids put them together, attach them to the caterpillar’s smiling, blinky-eyed, motorized head, and press a button to get the whole toy to move.

The child can cause the toy to move different ways. Here’s how it looks.
Fisher Price also sells three expansion packs at $15 each, allowing kids to add additional features like turning 180 degrees, or making different sounds or lights.
The caterpillar also works with a free companion app on iOS and Android that teaches counting and patterns.