Like most celebrities who get paid to be fit and trim, many moms are eager to get back into pre-pregnant shape and down to their pre-pregnancy size sometime too soon. It is not advisable to start with aerobics or other heavy exercises immediately. You must wait at least six weeks before starting to exert after pregnancy by vaginal way and eight weeks after pregnancy by Cesarean.
Here are the four best ways to get back into your pre-preggers shape:
- Walking: This is probably the easiest way to carry out your weight loss early pregnancy plan. It is safe and easy; grab your partner and go for a stroll in the neighborhood. A nice walk in the open will surely make you feel better and uplift your mood. Keep in mind not to overexert yourself.
- Running: If you are an habitual runner then there’s nothing to worry. Getting pregnant doesn’t mean the you will have to stop running . Just keep in mind not to overdo it; never run to the point of exhaustion. Regular burns extra calories and can help you in your weight loss early pregnancy plan. (Pregnancy exercise ,Weight Loss Pregnancy)
- Yoga: If you want to stay fit and lose weight during and after pregnancy then doing pre-natal yoga is the best thing for you. Yoga has many benefits, it is a great stress buster, helps in easing back and joint pains ( very common in pregnant women), and also helps in childbirth and post delivery stages. Overall regular Yoga can help you to go through your pregnancy with minimal worry. (Pregnancy exercise ,Weight Loss Pregnancy)
- Swimming: Swimming is a very good way to exercise and can help in weight loss early pregnancy. It can significantly lower your weight as swimming exercises the whole body. Join any water aerobics class or pre-natal swimming to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy.

Safety considerations for exercise during pregnancy
To ensure that our exercise program provides us with all of the wonderful benefits outlined above, we also need to do whatever we can to ensure our safety and that of our baby, so below is a list of safety considerations to be aware of; and remember to always speak to your Doctor or Obstetrician if you are unsure. (Pregnancy exercise ,Weight Loss Pregnancy)
- Avoid becoming overheated.
- Avoid high intensity exercise.
- Avoid frequent and prolonged exercise after week 28 of your pregnancy.
- Limit the amount of exercise that you do lying on your back.
- This is of particular concern from your second trimester on.
- Avoid the use of hand weights over0.5kgin weight during aerobic classes.
- Perform Pelvic Floor (Kegel) Exercises.
- Wear a good supportive bra.
- Avoid rapid changes in direction and be very cautious if you are doing Step exercise classes.
- Stretch gently.
- Have a light snack approximately 2 hours before exercise and carry a small carton of fruit juice to your workout.
- If at any time during your exercise session you feel very hot, faint, dizzy, short of breath, experience vaginal bleeding, have palpitations, blurred vision, or severe or continuous headaches – STOP EXERCISING IMMEDIATELY.
It is also important to stop if you experience lower abdominal pain, tightness or cramping, back pain or pubic pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your obstetrician as soon as possible.