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Watch Too Pregnant to Attend Oscars in Person Natalie Portman’s ‘Mean Tweets’ Segment


Before the Academy Award broadcast on Sunday, February 27 at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, California, second-time mom-to-be Natalie Portman announced that she was too pregnant to attend.

The Jackie biopic star released a statement about her decision to sit out the award show and stay home with husband, choreographer Benjamin Millepied and 5-year old son, Aleph.

“Due to my pregnancy, I am unable to attend the Independent Spirit Awards and the Academy Awards,” Postman said in a statement to E! News on Saturday. “I feel so lucky to be honored among my fellow nominees and wish them the most beautiful of weekends.”

The actress is nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress for her leading role in Jackie. She had previously won an Oscar for the 2010 film Black Swan and was nominated before that for her supporting role in the 2004 movie Closer.

Portman was also nominated for Best Female Lead at the Film Independent Spirit Awards for her role in Jackie. The film also got an Oscar nod for Best Feature, Best Director and Best Editing.

Back in 2011, she accepted her Oscar for Best Actress while pregnant with Aleph and thanked Millepied, a choreographer who worked with her on the film, for giving her “the most important role of [her] life.” Her then soon-to-be-born son. Awwww!

Though not there in person, she was seen in an Oscar night version of  host Jimmy Kimmel‘s popular “Mean Tweets” segment.

She read the first one actually: “I feel like if u went to lunch w/Natalie Portman she would only order a hot tea with Lemon and MAYBE some toast, but definitely not an entree tho,” she read before the camera pans out and she turns to show the silhouette of her big belly.”


“You’re wrong,” she whispers looking the camera dead in the eye! Hilarious.


Checklist: The 7 Things Expectant Moms Need to Do Before Baby Arrives

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Pregnancy is a beautiful experience but it also requires planning and preparation for baby before she arrives.

It is actually super helpful to do this because not only this will keep you busy until the baby arrives, but also help you in managing different chores once he comes into your life. Moreover, You don’t have to worry about the little things like baby’s clothes should be pre-washed or need to call up a pediatrician. You would be able to enjoy with your little bundle of joy because you’ll have planned things beforehand.

One place that you will need to visit frequently during this time are the maternity and baby care stores in addition to your gynecology’s clinic or office. Nowadays, there are many stores which sell quality products. You can browse through a long list of money saving deals available in the baby-essentials stores on Vouchershops. On doing so, you get an exciting chance to update your special mom-to-be’s closet and the awaited little one’s wardrobe in a much affordable way.

Here is a list of 7 things to do:

  1. Announce that your little one is arriving soon

 A birth announcement is a perfect way to introduce your baby to your friends and family. You can do something sweet and simple by yourself or you can use various handy websites to plan an extravagant announcement party. There are tons of templates available which you can use to give a personalized touch. You can also design some cute templates for sending to your closed ones after your baby arrives. So, share your happiness with a splendid proclamation.

  1. Get a waterproof bed pad for yourself

You must get this wonder item which is a must need for you during the last months of your pregnancy. You would definitely not like to ruin the comfy pillowtop mattress on your bed, right?? So, you must purchase a bed pad which is waterproof and will not allow the amniotic fluid to ruin the bed if your water breaks in the middle of the night while you are sleeping.

  1. Purchase a cozy baby car seat and other transportation items for your little one

When the time of your baby’s arrival is coming up, you must make sure that a safe car seat is ready for him. It is the law that you cannot leave the hospital without a safety seat already installed.  A stroller or wrap is a convenient item to purchase so when  you go for walks with your little one or travel outside the car. .

  1. Pack your bag and baby’s bag

You must make a checklist of what you should carry to the hospital. Once you are done with this, pack the bags separately for you and baby including the slippers,, nursing bras, washed going home clothes for baby, lanolin, hair ties etc.

  1. Buy a few nursing bras

Nursing bras are essential because, unlike traditional bras, they can come on and off pretty easy with a snap or slip through a opening in the nursing bra. If you will be breastfeeding, you will need a few of this already purchased before baby arrives.

  1. Consult a good pediatrician

You cannot wait until baby arrives to find a pediatrician.  Often times, the hospital or midwifery will let the Pediatrician knows when the baby is born and he/she will come see the baby in the hospital or birthing center within a day of baby’s birth. You can browse through the internet or better yet, ask your friends or extended contacts for recommendations.

  1. Get the best quality baby bathing kit for him

 You baby bag must have a good quality hygienic bathing kit in it. Your sweetheart has just taken birth, so his skin is as tender as a flower petal. A bathing kit having the mild bathing needs like a shampoo, an oil, a soap and so on is must for him.

You can shop for the aforementioned prerequisites from the renowned store namely, Mothercare and save some bucks using various Mothercare deals & discount codes as well.  So, what are you waiting for? Check out these things and get ready to welcome your darling and start the most alluring chapter of your life – Motherhood.

Henry Veno is a content marketer at VoucherShops, a leading online vouchers providing website. He is a thought leader in the realm of content marketing and strategy and relishes inditing about Technology, Marketing & perpetual Industry trends. He’s a techy geek and loves to explore latest happenings.

Parents Who Smuggled Kids Into US may Face Criminal Prosecution


Soon, parents living in America without authorization who paid a smuggler to sneak their child into the country may be subject to criminal prosecution.  Their children also may be quickly deported upon arrival at the US borders, housed in detention centers and not given the same protections and opportunity to stay in America as under the previous administration.

Department of Homeland Security John Kelly circulated proposed orders among agency heads in two memorandums written for distribution and dated Friday,

Thousands of children who arrived in the United States as “unaccompanied minors” and were subsequently reunited with a parent living in the country illegally will be affect if these orders become finalized.

A senior White House official said that the memos were not final but the immigrants would be subject to what’s known as expedited removal proceedings to quickly get them out of the country.

Los Angeles immigration attorney Alma Rosa Nieto told KPCC that many families, including those with legal status, arrange for their children to be brought into the country through smugglers. She said that parents who are in the U.S. illegally cannot obtain visas for their children to come legally, even if they face danger in their home country.

“It is common for parents to bring their children and use whatever viable recourse there is in their arsenal to bring them into the United States,” Nieto said.

Robin Hvidston of We the People Rising, an local activist group that supporters tighter immigration laws, also told KPCC that the new Trump order simply enforces existing rules.

“It’s against the law for a person to smuggle in another person,” Hvidston said. “Even if it is a family member, that is still against the law.”

Find Out the New Scientific Way to Tell If You’re Having a Girl or Boy without an Ultrasound


Here is a brand new way of finding out if you’re having a girl or boy without getting an ultrasound or amniocenteses, and before waiting until around 16 to 20 weeks.

A recently released study by the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center discovered that the immune samples of women who are carrying girls  produced more of a specific type of protein that caused an inflammatory response than those carrying boys.

Amanda Mitchell, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher in the Institute followed a group of women through pregnancy and exposed their immune cells to bacteria in the lab.

Mitchell and her team noticed some significant differences that later was revealed in the gender of the baby the women carried.

“This could mean that inflammation may play a role in why some women who are carrying girls have more severe reactions to illnesses, making symptoms of conditions like asthma worse for them during pregnancy,” said Mitchell.

“Too many of these cytokines or too much inflammation can really be unhelpful for our bodies’ functioning,” Mitchell said. “It can create or contribute to symptoms like fatigue or achiness.”

So, there’s now some evidence behind the notion that women carrying girls may be more likely to have a harder time with illnesses during pregnancy than if they were carrying a boy.

Melissa Fox, a woman who took part in the study, says the results made a lot of sense based on her experience. Fox said her allergies abnormally flared up during the pregnancy with her daughter, so much so that she had to take and over the counter allergy pill almost every day. Check out her story below:


14 Gifs That Perfectly Showcase Beyonce’s Grammy Homage to Motherhood


By now, most who are in tune with pop culture happenings know that  Beyonce gave a captivating bumpilicious performance at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards that took place at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California last night, February 12th.

Fresh off of the platinum-selling artist’s announcement that she and her husband Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter are expecting twins, the 22-time Grammy-award winning pop star didn’t back down from her commitment to perform LIVE at the show.


It was glorious and showcased a marvelous celebration of the human body in pregnant form by a woman who was the most nominated for the night (9) though took home just two awards for Best Music Video and Best Urban Contemporary Album.

As could be expected, with her being that heavily pregnant and high-risk and all, she took it slow and opted to sing two ballads from her latest album, “Lemonade”: Love Drought” and “Sandcastles.


During the performance, the “Love on Top” singer was draped in gold, flowy yellow fabric, regal chains, an ornate crown and draped with colorful maidens in waiting all outfitted in light slip dresses, tribal neck corsets and goddess braids.  She moved slowly and methodically, sounded breathy at times, probably from the pressure of carrying around two human beings while bringing down the house; and the event featured her mom Tina Knowles and daughter Blue Ivy.


The imagery was reflective of Hindu, African, Orisha and deities and figures, which carried its own controversy and elicited the usual outcry from Christians and the anti-Illuminati crowd.

Though slow and melodious, it was still an impactful performance which really paid homage to motherhood, the birthing process and femininity. The most drama came when the chair at the end of the runway she sat in made a dangerous pivot off the edge. It was enough to have anyone who has ever been pregnant or cared for a pregnant person sit at the edge of her/his own seat, hoping for the best.


Many agreed, she put a lot of trust in that chair and after a couple of sound snafus last night with Adele’s George Michael tribute and the Lady Gaga and Metallica set, I’m not sure I’d be that certain that a snafu wouldn’t go down.

But alas, when you have a squad this wide and deep who has your back, also known as the Beygency, then what can go wrong, right? These gifs from Vulture‘s gif bible provide an excellent showcase capture of the magnificence of the performance.

 There were clear elements of the mutli-armed Hindu goddesses a plenty in case one needed reminder of why she is called Queen.


When you are radiant and ethereal and know it…


 Rising from ashes like a Phoenix…


 But still full of enough swagger to work a runway while balancing the weight on ample birthing hips….


 And with the ground littered with rose petals and flowers to catch your fall just in case…


which won’t be needed when your throne awaits…


 And as the herstory continues…


Your ghost baby hologram throws everyone for a loop…


Yeah…all that!

Gracious and full of gratitude and humility…





10 Easy Valentine’s Day Activities Your Kids will Love


Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and soon you’ll be scrambling to find activities for your little ones to do while celebrating the day together! Here are a few ideas to get you going.

  1. Make heart shaped pancakes – Make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast! Put pancake batter into a squeeze bottle and draw heart pancakes on the griddle! You can also cut sandwiches, deli meats, and fruits into heart shapes using cookie cutters. Creating heart shaped cupcakes or muffins is simple, just drop a marble or rolled up piece of tinfoil between the baking liner and muffin tin before baking to create an indent in the finished product, it will look just like a heart!
  2. Create a conversation heart wreath – Cut the middle out of a paper plate to create a ring. Have your children help you cut out hearts and write short messages on them such as “I love you” or “You rock” and glue the hearts onto the ring to create a conversation heart wreath. Be creative with your phrases and make them special to your family.
  3. Make your own valentines – Younger children will usually have a party in their classroom to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their classmates, so take some time to help your child create their own cards. They don’t have to be fancy, all you need is some construction paper, glitter glue, stickers, doilies, and adhesive to jump start the creativity in your child. Encourage your child to be creative and let them create whatever they want to, the cards don’t all have to be the same as long as there is one for every child in their class.
  4. Valentine’s Day scramble – Post a piece of paper on the wall that has the words “Valentine’s Day” on it and see how many words you can create from those letters, adjusting to the age of the children around you. How many words can you find? You could also add the traditional candy heart phrases and see what additional words you can make using those letters.
  5. Hold a Valentine’s Day dance party – Invite your neighbors over for a fun, family friendly dance party! Decorate the room with streamers and balloons, choose a few fun songs together, and get ready to dance!
  6. Themed worksheets – A quick search online will turn up dozens of Valentine’s Day themed worksheets, from math sheets to crosswords, so you can easily find something meet your child’s needs.
  7. Love themed books – Hit up the library for books with a Valentine’s Day or love theme; most libraries will have seasonally appropriate books on a separate shelf, which makes finding them easy. Check a few out and read them together!
  8. Create coupon books for family members – Talk about what love is and what it means and then discuss various coupons you could create to show family members that you care about them. Offer to walk the dog for free, give a back rub, have one on one time, play a game together or offer to sweep the floor. The receiver can then choose when to redeem the coupons. Coupon books are a great way for kids to be able to give back to the family without a monetary contribution.
  9. Go pink and red! – Create a pink and red theme! Pink lemonade, strawberry milk, cupcakes with pink frosting, watermelon, beets, strawberries, and apples are all great pink and red foods to offer for snack time.
  10. Make a paper heart chain – Use your cutting and gluing skills to create a chain of hearts to hang up in your house! You can either create a chain by cutting hearts out like you would with paper dolls or cut out hearts together and tape or staple them together to create a chain of unique hearts. Hang them where everyone can enjoy them.

Children love to celebrate holidays and Valentine’s Day is an especially fun holiday to celebrate together. It’s a great time to discuss what love and family means and why it’s so important to recognize it together.

reprinted with permission

First Post-Birth Janet Jackson Sighting; She Introducing mom Katherine to Newborn Son Eissa

janet katherine

Janet Jackson presented her baby to her mom Katherine Jackson for the first time, recently, according to public reports.

Janet and hubby Wissam Al Mana welcomed their firstborn son, Eissa Al Mana, Jan. 3 in London. “Janet had a stress free healthy delivery and is resting comfortably,” her rep said at the time. Three weeks later, the 50-year-old “Rhythm Nation” singer was photographed for the first time since becoming a mother while shopping at the children’s clothing boutique Blue Almonds, E! News reports, also stating:

The famously private singer has maintained a low profile ever since that shopping trip. But, on Tuesday, she resurfaced at a flower shop in North London.

“A store manager helped to carry Janet‘s purchase to the waiting chauffeured vehicle outside the store,” a source tells E! News exclusively. Additionally, the new mom looked “happy and healthy” as she smelled the blooms.

The rare public outing came a day after her 86-year-old mother, Katherine Jackson, and her 66-year-old sister, Rebbie Jackson, visited her home. “It seems like her family is staying close to help and support Janet,” a source says. Katherine and Rebbie left Janet‘s home after four hours.

Wissam, meanwhile, has not been photographed since Eissa’s arrival.


Last Spring, the 50-year old pop star announced she was also delaying her Unbreakable World Tour.

She and her Qatari billionaire businessman husband first met in 2010 and secretly tied the knot in 2012.

He works for The Al Mana Group, which was founded by his father, Saleh Al Hamad Al Mana. It is now owned Wissam and his brothers Hisham and Kamal.

The tycoon, who has an estimated worth of $1billion, is the executive director of the group, which runs Harvey Nichols, Zara and Mango stores in the Middle East and also counts designer brands such as Hermes and Alexander McQueen among its portfolio.

Western Parenting Styles Influence the World, But ‘Tiger Mom’ Style Is Now Enticing


Historically, Western societies’ methods of parenting have managed to influence the child-rearing habits of other parts of the world, in particular, Asia, but the tide is shifting as more parents in America and Europe begin to adopt the “Tiger Mom” structure.

So says University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education Professor of Applied Psychology Dr Xinyin Chen who analyzed the parenting styles in the West which encourages individualism to the parenting styles in the East which emphasizes collectivism.

“In most Western societies, such as Europe and the US, individualism, independence and self-orientation are viewed as important,” Chen writes in an article published today in Child and Family Blog. “Parents encourage their children to develop skills that support these values, such as assertiveness, self-confidence, self-expression and autonomy. They want their children to develop a positive sense of self and personal worth.”

In the piece titled, “East and West May be Reshaping Each Other’s Parenting,” Chen compared more westernized parenting styles to those of Eastern world nations.

“In more collectivist cultures, such China and Korea, parents are expected to assume greater responsibilities in child development,” Chen wrote. “To fulfill that expectation, they tend to be highly involved in child rearing and child education, sometimes using ‘high power’ strategies.”

Where American parents may engage children more, Asian and Eastern parents do not as much.

“They may order their children to do certain things, providing little explanation or reasoning. They want their children to obey them, so they emphasize compliance and obedience.” Chen states.  “In a ‘high power’ approach, if children don’t listen, parents may use force or punishment. This approach reflects the parents’ goals: to develop children who listen and who learn qualities such as cooperation, compliance and self-control, which could be useful for adapting to the society.”

But each model has its own benefits, he argues.

“The US emphasizes individuality and self-confidence, which have been seen as cornerstones of economic success,” writes Chen. “But the message from Japan, China and Korea is that their traditional values—self-control, modesty and compliance—might lead to greater achievement.”

He credits globalization and industrialization for the infusion of Westernization of Asian, African and South American cultures with these societies growing “more individualistic, and parents are adapting their child-rearing styles and values.”

And as parents rely less on their children to care for them in their older years, Chen notices that “parents say they are raising children more for enjoyment. They want their children to develop independent skills and positive self-esteem.”

Likewise, teens in China are reporting that “over the past 15 years, parents have become less authoritarian and less power-assertive, as well as more sensitive to their feelings and needs, encouraging them to exercise greater independence and autonomy.”

But in the same vein, in the West, attention to “Tiger Moms” and because of immigration, and the growing multiculturalism of the West, parents in America and Europe are getting exposed to the child rearing habits of people from Asian, Africa and South America. Peer group interactions contribute to a melting pot of values where children learn from peers with different cultural values, and parents, too,  “also have increasing opportunities to learn about new values through their interactions with families of different backgrounds,” Chen notes.

“In the West, concerns about the importance of education have made parents ready for fresh thinking” he adds. “They’re open to the idea that pushing their children hard to achieve academically may have something more to offer than laissez-faire Western approaches that have failed some children.”

Read Chen’s blog article HERE

The 8 Healthy Snacks You Should be Eating Daily


What you eat between meals matters as much as the food you consume for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This is where a lot of people make mistakes because it’s not uncommon to assume that if you eat chips or other snacks, you get to “correct that mistake” with healthy meals.

Your body doesn’t work like that, and it needs a constant flow of healthy foods rich in valuable nutrients to remain healthy. It is important to establish healthy eating habits; it’s always useful to watch food documentaries with detailed insight into consumers’ habits, processed foods, and benefits of well-balanced diets.

Healthy eating requires proper snacks, too. Here are some snack ideas you could use:


Nut butter packets

Nut butter is one of those snacks that are both delicious and healthy at the same time. They are made from cashews, macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts and you can easily find them in grocery stores, farmer’s markets, even online. Nut butters are abundant in nutrients like proteins, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. Besides nut butter jars, brands like Nuttzo and Justin’s supply on-the-go single-serving packets of these healthy snacks.



Reasons to eat more pistachios are numerous; they are rich in Vitamin B6 which is responsible for the production of hemoglobin whose role is to supply oxygen to the cells. One study found that consumption of pistachios lowers levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and reduces cardiovascular disease risk. Evidence suggests that moderate intake of pistachios is beneficial for body weight management due to their satiety and satiation effects and they help your body maintain healthy antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.



Did you know that one-quarter cup of walnuts provides more than 100% of the daily recommended value of plant-based Omega 3 fatty acids? Health benefits of walnuts are numerous including cancer-fighting properties, heart health, and weight management. Another reason they make a perfect snack in between meals is that they deliver remarkably powerful antioxidants which destroy free radicals and protect your body from oxidative damage. Men who eat one-half cup or 75g walnuts a day improve vitality, motility, and sperm quality. Let’s not forget that walnuts are super beneficial for your brain as well.



Basically, edamame is an underripe green soybean that provides a unique mix of slow-digesting carbs, proteins, and steady energy levels. If you’ve never tried edamame before, you should definitely do so because this healthy snack delivers a number of benefits to your body. Since it’s soybean, edamame has the potential to protect the brain from age-related diseases, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and decrease odds for breast and prostate cancer. The folate in edamame helps relieve symptoms of depression, alleviates inflammation, and promotes fertility in women. So many benefits coming from such a small soybean.


Dried plums

Prunes or dried plums are ideal for people who want to eat something sweet but healthy as well. Thanks to high fiber content, this snack promotes satiety thus helping you manage weight. Appetite suppressant properties are necessary for weight loss too! One study showed that dried plum prevents the loss of total bone mineral density in postmenopausal women due to the ability to inhibit bone resorption.



Apricots are versatile, you can eat them as they are or add to yogurt and oatmeal for natural sweetness. Plus, you can opt for dried or fresh apricots, it’s up to you. So, what makes them an ideal snack? It’s because they provide various health benefits such as prevention of anemia, eye health, reduced risk of fatty liver diseases, and so on. Bear in mind that apricots have anti-inflammatory properties as well, improve digestion, and regulate your blood pressure. Besides all this, they are incredibly delicious.


Kale chips

The word “chips” immediately reminds you of potato chips that you munch on a daily basis, especially at night. You already know that’s not, exactly, the healthiest food choice one can make, especially if it’s store-bought. When it comes to chips, you just have to be creative and think outside the box. For instance, kale chips are a wonderful snack, it’s tasty and healthy, plus it doesn’t require too much preparation. You’ll be surprised to know that this particular snack can help you lose weight, protect eyesight, and improve heart health. How it’s chips after all?! It’s because they aren’t fried, but baked thus retaining nutritional content. Sounds tempting? You can find a recipe for kale chips online, including here.


Regular snacks that people consume on a daily basis are unhealthy, contribute to weight gain, and increase the risk of numerous health conditions. These negative effects don’t miraculously improve just by opting for a nice, healthy lunch.

This article listed a few ideas for snacks that are both healthy and delicious. Give them a try, you’ll love them.

New Parents: Design Your Baby’s Nursery Room Like a Boss


Welcoming a baby is an exciting time around the home. But before the baby arrives, mom and dad have some work to do. From selecting the perfect crib to choosing the comfiest nursery chair, here are five tips to make the nursery cozy for the entire family.

The Crib

While many parents don’t necessarily think of the crib as an investment, it truly is. Your child will likely sleep in a crib for the first few years of his or her life. And, if you are planning to have more kids, you will soon find that your crib was in fact, a good investment. When choosing your crib, be sure to check that it meets all of the current United States safety requirements. Although you may want to use a family heirloom or precious antique crib in baby’s room, be cautious, as safety standards have evolved over the past decade, and the crib you may be thinking about using could be dangerous. When it comes to design, choose a crib that suits your style. And, if you are planning on having more children, perhaps consider choosing a crib that is gender neutral.

Noise-Reducing Curtains and Drapes

Noise-dampening window dressings can be a great option for parents who are searching for a way to reduce the amount of noise from outside that is heard indoors. Whether the noise is coming from a busy street or a barking dog, certain styles of drapes and curtains can actually help your new bundle of joy sleep better. Dense materials such as velvet and suede are good for keeping outside sounds muffled. Pleated curtains can help to reduce some noise and layering your window dressings can also make the room a bit quieter and tranquil.

The Changing Table

Possibly one of the most essential items, behind the crib, in baby’s room is the changing table. There are a few possibilities you can choose from when adding a changing station to the nursery. The freestanding changing table is one option. Here, you should be able to access everything you need to change your baby — necessities should never be more than an arm’s reach away. A changing top is a second option. The changing top is different as it is not freestanding but instead a piece that can be added to an existing dresser. For parents with limited space in the baby’s room, a changing top may be the best idea. When choosing your changing station, be sure to consider whether or not it can be repurposed after your baby grows out of his or her diapers.


Along with at the spa or in a relaxing bath at home, aromatherapy can be used in the baby’s room. However, keeping the nursery smelling great must be done with caution. Consider using a diffuser in the room; this will both humidify and diffuse the essential oils throughout the space. When adding oils, be sure to dilute them. For example, parents with children ages 0-1 should dilute the oil to one-eighth its concentration.

The Nursery Chair

When the baby arrives, new parents will be spending a lot of time in the nursery. And while it’s important to make the room comfy for your baby, making the room cozy for mom and dad is also crucial. That’s where the nursery chair comes in. While essential to the room, parents can use the nursery chair to add a pop of color to the room or show off their style. Remember, this is a nursery. Choose fabrics that are washable and consider choosing a pattern or print that can hide stains well.

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