Let’s keep it all the way real, shall we?
The majority of women who become pregnant and carry a baby to term will get stretch marks!
There is a small lucky, fortunate and/or blessed group of women who genetically have elasticity in their skin naturally that is resistant to stretch marks.
A lot of women who do get them want to know if they can get rid of their post-pregnancy stretch marks or will they have to live with them.
Dr. Rosemary Leonard, health expert at The UK Express explains:
Stretch marks are caused by tears in the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. This allows the blood vessels in the deep layer to show through which is why stretch marks are often red or purple in color when they first appear.
They occur when the skin has to stretch and although they are most commonly associated with pregnancy they can also occur in the growth spurt that occurs in puberty or when a person suddenly gains weight.
Some skin types are more prone to stretch marks than others and if a close relative in your family has developed them you are more at risk.
Unfortunately despite the claims that you frequently see on very expensive creams, there is very little that you can do to prevent them occurring if you happen to be prone to getting them.
The good news though is that when the skin contracts after pregnancy the blood vessels are no longer visible and the marks will fade to a silvery white colour and will be much less noticeable, although this process can take several years.
Laser therapy can help stretch marks to fade although it can’t remove them completely and typically several treatments are required. Most insurers don’t pay the cost and is usually very expensive.
The answer is yes you can get rid of them but you need time and money to make it happen.
Until next time!
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