Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited designer brand on the market today.
There have been many lines of these designer products produced over the years. If you are not very familiar with them, it will be difficult for you to know for sure which one is real and which one is a replica Louis Vuitton.
This is why you need to see how real LV replicas can look like so you know exactly what you are dealing with. Here are some tips that will help you recognize a counterfeit from the real one.

Louis Vuitton Logo
One of the most important things to look at when buying a Louis Vuitton is their logo. This logo was created over a century ago and has the same unique design that most counterfeiters have trouble copying.
If the logo on the Louis Vuitton you are buying is blurred, smudged or tilting, then it is a Louis Vuitton replica. The logo is also never crossed with stitches, locks or folds. Most of them have the LV monogram on the leather canvas, and it is symmetrical from side to side.
This logo can be upside down as in the speedy model but only on the backside without a seam at the bottom. Never go for a LV product that has two pieces of leather stitched together.
The Leather and Handles On An Authentic Louis Vuitton
The leather on vintage LVs is darker than what is found in contemporary bags. Some are made of coated canvas, but the trim is still leather. This trim should be dry to the touch. If it is slippery or oily, it is a fake Louis Vuitton.
The trims are never covered with polythene tissues or soft paper. This is an attempt by counterfeiters to protect the material from eroding and the seams from coming off.

Lining and Stitching
Another area you should carefully inspect is the lining. On Louis Vuitton bags, the linings are never dark brown. They are either Alcantara or grey. They also do not utilize suede linings. Some models have cotton ones.
Each model will have its unique lining. You, therefore, need to do thorough research and check the company’s website to ensure you buy the real ones. Counterfeiters will often overlook the lining part.
Stitching for LV bags is a crucial process from which perfection is demanded. Therefore the stitches are straight and even. There is also a specific amount of stitches used, and this does not change from bag to bag.
Some great examples are the Louis Vuitton Speedy, Alma, and Neverful. These have five stitches across every tab where handles are secured, never more, and never less. There is no back and forth stitching for all models.
This is also something you should factor in when buying LV bags. None of them is cheap, and they do not have discounts or wholesale distributions. Their prices are constant throughout the year because of their strong market value.
Make Sure You Are Buying An Authentic Louis Vuitton
Choosing the real from counterfeit Louis Vuitton is not easy, but it is possible. All you need is to be extremely keen on the smallest details. You do not want to buy a Louis Vuitton replicathat will tear and embarrass you after only a few weeks.