Necessity is the mother of invention. That is why four savvy sisters (out of a family of nine) got together with their shared vision of creating a simple solution for busy sophisticated modern working moms who need a solution for pumping on the go and created a perfect solution!

Simple Wishes founders, sisters and moms of breastfed babies.
Simple Wishes is a chic, relatively new, hands-free pumping bra bustier on the market that can be attached to any of the most popular breast pumps, Medela, Philips AVENT, Lansinoh, Bellema, Evenflo, and Spectra Baby. The hands-free apparatus lets multi-tasking moms go about their day and be more productive while they pump, take a break, work in the office or unwind at the end of the day, or pump while baby is sleep to relieve milk build up.
The bra we received to review is made of quality material but is still soft and supple to the touch. It is stylish while functional and is made with a thoughtful design that provides full breast support but is much more affordable for the quality compared to other nursing bustiers on the market!
The sister founders say they learned through their own mother’s experience breastfeeding all nine of us that there are tremendous benefits, however, there can be challenges. “Through our products, we strive to alleviate some of those challenges to help empower women to continue providing such wonderful nutrition for their baby,” they write on the company’s website.
The bra holds the bottle firmly and securely in place and does the work while mom goes about her business getting other stuff done!

We are not the only ones who feel so.
The product has a close to perfect review star rating on Amazon and most of the verified purchasers say they love that the product has a Velcro panel which provides versatility. So if you like yours tighter or looser, you can easily adjust it to suit without working about fasteners and adjusters that do not work.

As any nursing mom knows, your breast can grow in size as milk fills up and get smaller. This nursing bra is accommodating. It comes with straps that are optional and is reversible, meaning that it can be zippered going up or down. Like we said, totally customizable to each woman’s individual needs an comfort.
The best part is that the bra slips on easily with or without removing nursing bra and shirt. This is great in situations like work when you may not have the time, privacy or accommodation to get completely unrobed on top, neither want to!
Elastic reinforcement has been built into the top of the bra for a secure fit, ensuring no slipping. It fits comfortably without added pressure that cuts into the skin.

For added versatility and support, the bra’s convertible design allows it to be worn as a strapless band or in tank, racer-back, or halter style. We like the halter style look but for women with ample breast, the tank or racer-back hold provides extra needed support.
For a product that has not been on the market for too long, it has taken off and is being well accepted and loved by new moms and vets alike.

If you’re in the market for a supplement to your breastfeeding needs and goals, do consider investing in this. The item retails for about $30 and if you order from Amazon and have Prime, shipping is FREE! The product sells in retail stores around the country too! Find a nearby seller HERE!
If you purchase through the Simple Wishes website and join its mailing list, you get 10% off your first purchase! Sweet!
Expecting moms who plan to breastfeed and/or return to work while still nursing, add this product to your wish list or registry! T

The 9 Members of the Simple Wishes founders’ family!