The FOOD NETWORK is NOW CASTING dynamic grandmothers who have culinary chops to star in its new competitive cooking series, Clash of the Grandmas.
Whether it’s your kid’s grandmom or your own grandmom who can throw down in the kitchen and whip up out-of-this world desserts or finger-licking chicken, she may be an ideal candidate for this fun competitive cooking show which is on the hunt for Grandmothers to battle it out.
And if you are that grandmom and think you can take on any other grandmom out there in the kitchen, bring it on!
Now, what would be best if granny has the wit of Betty White and the skills of Betty Crocker. If so, this would be her chance to finally show the world that her recipes can stand the test of time.
Do you have a grandma to nominate? Are you a grandma who LOVES to cook?
To nominate a grandma that you know or to apply for the show, email grandmothercasting@leg-corp.com with location (city, state) in the subject line and include the following:
2.) contact info for you and/or nominee (phone number, email address),
3.) your or nominee’s occupation (or former occupation, if retired),
4.) your or nominee’s location (city/state),
5.) and describe your or your nominee’s cooking or chef experience, cooking style, signature dishes and why you believe that you or your nominee would be perfect for this show!
6.) attach photos of you/nominated grandma (including photos with the kids and/or grandkids and photos of her food if possible)