With children in the house, romance is often one of the last things on a parent’s mind. From running errands, picking up the kids at school or daycare and balancing everything else on your agenda, there’s not much time left at the end of the day for your significant other. Date night’s aren’t always an option, so instead, consider these three ideas to rekindle the romance.
Sleepover at Grandma’s House
Is there ever a time where you get to relax at home without the kids anymore? Not likely. The home used to be a place where you could have solace, peace and quiet — but that idea went out the window when you had kids. Next time you’re thinking about date night, instead of dining out or catching a movie, stay in. Give the babysitter the night off and send the kids over to grandma’s for a sleepover. Just think about how nice it will be to have the home to yourself with your spouse. No tucking the kids in for bedtime, no nighttime routines and certainly no early morning wakeup calls from the kiddos. Just wine, Netflix and if you’re lucky, breakfast in bed. Quality time is key to some people’s Love Language. It’s all about giving the other person your undivided attention.
Consider doing this every few months as a way to maintain romance with your spouse, talk about something other than the kids and relax. Scheduling time away from the kids is especially important for new parents. Once you’re comfortable leaving your kids with a trusted caretaker, consider giving yourself more time away from your children, like a weekend getaway or staycation.
Meet for Lunch
Parents with full-time jobs know that time away from work is sparse and time away from the kids is more so. For parents who work outside of the home and either drop off the kids at daycare or school each day, meeting for lunch is a great way to reconnect and catch up without the little ones tugging at your clothes or getting fussy because dinner isn’t ready yet. An hour is just the right amount of time to have a little dose of quality time.
Make time each week around your lunch hours to meet at your favorite lunch spot for a picnic or plan to get together at a new restaurant. Choose locations that are close to your job sites and be sure to switch up the locations each week so that the commute to lunch doesn’t fall on the same person each week. This doesn’t have to have a “date” feel. Whether you’re grabbing lunch for $5 or $50, it’s the time spent together that matters. Check out Groupon for new lunch places.
Give Something Special
There are a variety of different Love Languages, including the aforementioned “quality time.” All are valid. For some, receiving gifts is what makes them feel most loved. If you know that this is true of your spouse or significant other, be sure to treat them to something special once in a awhile.
When giving, your gifts don’t have to be expensive. Small, thoughtful items are just as meaningful when given from the heart. A simple bouquet of beautiful roses can communicate your love. Show your spouse that you are thinking about them with a sexy note or thoughtful card to go along with your gift.