Today is Small Business Saturday.
In addition to being a lifestyle and business content creator, a Pinterest and Digital Content Marketing Youtuber and one-on-one business coach, I am also a small business owner who sells digital products!
Using my legal and marketing PR firm background, I’ve created legal templates for families and small business owners that I sell on my Etsy Shop.

I am also incubating an inclusive stock photography company called Picnoi and currently sell downloads of the entire database.
Small Business Offer
For Small Business Saturday, I’m offering a package of my most popular family and business templates for half off.
I normally sell my package of family estate templates for $197.
I recently reduced it to $97 for my loyal email subscribers and am cutting that price in half for a limited quantity of buyers. It’s now just $47.
Nowhere else online will you be able to get a package of legal documents to protect your family for that low a price.
Similarly, for those who have side gigs and rising small businesses but who cannot yet afford to hire an attorney to draft custom documents, my package of legal templates for fleddling startups and hustlpreneurs is also half of half and just $47.00 as well.
Finally, I’m offering limited downloads of the image database at half off, down from $59.99 down to $29.99.
Sale ends December 15th or until the limited downloads run out!

I’d appreciate it if you could support the work I do here and the information I share freely in various different platform and forums by purchasing one of my products and/or sharing this post with anyone you know who may be in the market for these items.
Thank you!

Thank you for shopping small.
I describe the products below.

Caveat: There are certain state specific requirement you will need to consider before submitting
Created by an attorney, this template toolkit includes three family estate planning document every parent should have including:
1) A will is legal document that spells out your wishes regarding care of your children, as well as distribution of your assets after your death. Failure to prepare a will typically leaves decisions about your estate in the hands of judges or state officials, and may also cause family strife.
(Before filling out the will, sit down and fill out the worksheet which can be printed out and is in pdf format)
2) A trust is legal arrangement in writing that spells out how third party, named the trustee, is to hold, keep track of and distribut assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries, the people who will get the assets in the trust.
a) Lifetime access: You may also, for example, set up a revocable trust so that the trust assets remain accessible to you during your lifetime while designating to whom the remaining assets will pass
b) Control your assets and money: You can determine the terms of the trust, and control when and to whom the distributions may be made.
c) Protect Your Legacy from Creditors: A properly constructed trust can help protect your estate from your heirs’ creditors or from beneficiaries who are not good at managing money.
d) Keep Your Affairs Private: Unlike Probate whichi is a public record and proces; assets in a trust can pass on to your beneficiaries outside of probate and stay private.
e) Saves Taxes and Fees: Because trusts don’t go through probate, you’ll save court fees and taxes in the process.
3) Power of Attorney is a document that allows a third party to control a person’s assets, access to codes, banks, A durable power of attorney simply means that the document stays in effect if you become incapacitated and unable to handle matters on your own. To cover all of the issues that matter to you, you’ll probably need two separate documents: one that addresses health care issues and another to take care of your finances.
4) A Quit Claim Deed is a short legal document that transfers the ownership of real property like a home or land to another person. This document can be used when there are no complex aspects or no dispute as to ownership or rights between the person transferring the property and the receiver.

Small or Micro Biz/Content Creator Legal Start Up Template Kit
Running an ecommerce shop or creating content as a business as a blogger, vlogger, YouTuber, podcaster, Instagrammer or other infuencer part time or full time and earning money from these ventures require you to get a handle of the legal obligations and be able to manage your blog, protect it legally, and promote it. Having legal templates, content management documents and other forms are essential. Use the documents in this kit to keep you organized and growing. Customize them, print them out and keep them in an organized binder. It will be a God send come tax time as well.
Legal Templates
A Sample Work for Hire Agreement
Use this document when contracting work from web site builders to logo developers or anyone helping you build your presence visually where you intent that the final product be owned by you outright
A Sample Joint Venture Agreement
Use this agreement when you decide to partner with another person, business, group or organization on an ongoing basis or for a long term project or partnership.
A Sample Copyright Infringement Cease and Desist Letter
Use this letter to alert someone or an entity you discover is using your content without prior authorization. This letter lets the infringer know you are aware of their violation and your rights and should help get the infringer to remove your intellectual property or start discussions on future possible legal action from you.
A Sample Non Dislosure Agreement
Use this agreement when you are sharing an idea, concept, business plan that you do not want the receiver of the information to share with others or develop on his/her own without your involvement. Note that a lot of companies or orgs that are large and influential may not sign or may have you sign a version prepared by their attorney
A Sample Sponsorship Pitch Letter
Use this the solicit a brand or company to sponsor your blog, YouTube channel, podcast, event or website.
A DMCA/Trademark Violation Take Down Request Letter
Use this letter to request that someoned using your trademark or other digital content online without your approval and/or prior authorizationn to take it down.
I am a veteran attorney and I currently manage my own Digital Publishing company and online learning platform called the Digital Publishing Academy where I train transitioning professionals who want to create online content or to launch, grow and scale their new digital ventures, whether a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, eCommerce store and more. I also run several blogs and co-own a stock photography company.
This tooklit helps content creators searching for help and assistance with getting organized and staying on track as they go from hobby to professional content creator.
This shop is for the lean entrepreneur who cannot yet afford to hire a team of lawyers, a marketing manager, a social media manager and digital strategist and have to do-it-themselves.
All items are customizable and are drop and go!
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