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Jeneba Jalloh Ghatt

Mommy Wars: How the Start-Up mom has it THE HARDEST

“Many mothers find it difficult to raise a family and try to run a business because both the children and the business take a lot of time all by themselves,” an article on the Top 3 Reasons Mothers don’t Start Up in ParentStartup.com states. Another New York Times piece and another  recent article talked about how Venture Capitalist discriminate against mothers. 
From that NYT piece:

“[M]uch of the investment world, heavily dominated by men, remains skeptical about a woman’s ability to combine running a fast-growing tech start-up and motherhood, Ms. Gugnani says. She raised $3 million from investors before becoming pregnant. 

“All of the women I know who went to raise money did it when they didn’t have kids,” she says. “There is total discrimination in the start-up world against women who are pregnant.”

Making pregnancy and motherhood a focal point of the investment process is an outdated way of thinking, she adds.

Female entrepreneurs are less numerous and raise less money than their male counterparts. Women make up 10 percent of the founders at high-growth tech companies, “and they raise 70 percent less money than men do because of their lack of access to capital,” says Lesa Mitchell of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where she is vice president for initiatives on advancing innovation.”

And so, the “Start-up mom” joins the Mommy Wars.


The mommy wars is an ongoing battle between mothers disputing and discussing which child rearing method is best: Sleep in Room v Nursery; Bottle-feeding v. Breastfeeding; Baby wearing v. Carrier; Sling v. Bjorn; Cry It Out v. Not; Heavily Scheduled baby v. Let baby control sleep and eating. 

Moms are opinionated and each one believes her method or solution is tops. Of course, to each its own but that doesn’t stop those who have hard-fast thoughts on one thing from speaking up and trying to convince others this. They will not be silenced. They may bully others into their perspective.

Another mommy battle is the battle between Stay-at-Home (SAHM) versus Work-at-home (WAHM) versus Working Moms. Working moms often feel SAHM guilt trip them over spending less time with their children. Meanwhile, SAHMs say they feel belittled by Working Moms who assume they do nothing all day but eat bonbons while their kids are at school. Working Moms say SAHMs are privileged enough to not have to work yet judge those harshly who do. Work-at-home moms say they have the best and worst of each scenario.

Now that the Start Up mom has been brought into the picture, as a work-at home Start up mom, I proffer that the Start-up or Entrepreneurial mom has it THE HARDEST. 
While start up moms do have the luxury of being able to chaperon school field trips, attend school meetings and take our kids to the library as I do daily, they also have the challenge of having to clean the home, provide meals, and be a homemaker all while not bringing income but expected to.
Unlike the SAHM who is not expected to bring in external income, the Start-up mom has to contribute to the family expenses.
Unlike the Working Mom or Work-at-home who is working for a company and at least bringing in guaranteed income, the Start-up mom works for no one and has to go out and generate income from independent sources. 
The Start-Up Mom has to bring home the bacon by working 50 hour weeks trying to build a company that makes little to no money that may never be successful enough to generate income or funding. 
And she has a tough haul raising money to fund her venture, considering that recent Business Insider story revealing how the VC industry discriminates against mothers. 
It’s a hard uphill battle to bear along with the other family responsibility on our backs. 
Yeah, we have it the hardest! 
What do you think?

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Sweden’s Princess Madeleine gives birth to daughter in New York City

Congratulations to Princess Madeleine of Sweden and her husband businessman Christopher O’Neill on the birth of their daughter this Thursday, February 20 in New York City. 
Although the latest Swedish royal made her debut in America, born at New York’s  Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center,  her arrival still warranted a 21-gun salute home in Europe, The Mirror reported. 
This is the first child for the couple who married last year and live in New York where Madeleine works for the nonprofit World Childhood Foundation, founded by her mother, Queen Silvia.


We love her because she is the first royal that we know of who has an active Facebook account and presence. 
Very revolutionary and modern! 

Christina Aguilera is expecting her second child

After shedding lots of weight recently, pop singer and original mom who we  BumpWatch our inaugural year 2007 is reportedly expecting her second child. 
PEOPLE confirmed the news recently.
Kathleen Rutler, mom to her fiancée Matt Rutler who Aguilera had been dating for years, had preciously leaked the news inadvertently in a recent interview:
Kathleen Rutler hinted of a future grandbaby with In Touch. “[I’ve] been sort of told not to say anything,” she said.
In terms of a move to the East coast, Rutler said “I don’t know what their plans are. But when you have a baby, you’re not planning on moving anywhere anytime soon!”
The Voice coach and her ex-husband Jordan Bratman are parents to 6-year-old son Max.
When Bellyitch launched in 2007, Aguilera was among our inaugural list of celebrity ladies we “Bumpwatched.” We’ve come full circle and Aguilera makes the 2nd of our initial list of bumpwatch mamas to have another baby! Yay!

That newest hilarious kid meme & 9 more to add to the collection

We were just blogging the other day about people turning your kid into a meme and lo and behold some guy on Reddit took a photo a Facebook friend posted of his son and asked his Reddit pals to turn it into a meme. You have to admit a photo of a kid talking on a toy phone while eating his porridge for breakfast is a meme waiting to happen. Our favorite one, created by Reddit user, as posted on Mashable is above.
Here are 9 other tried and true and tested Kids who’ve been memefied for a while now and have made their rounds on the blogs, the Tumblrs and the Facebook and what not. 
Add these to our popular post about hilarious kid memes from 2012 you can find HERE!


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Kristin Cavallari announces plans to host new style show on E!

After a few hosting gigs, running her own shoe line under the Chinese Laundry imprint and starring in MTV‘s reality TV shows The Hills and Laguna Beach, mom-to-be Kristin Cavallari announced that she will be co-hosting a half-hour design show on E! called The Fabulist. 

“THRILLED to finally announce I’ll be hosting a new half hour show called The Fabulist on E! with the beautiful @orlyshani.,” she wrote on her Instagram post about the gig. “We will discuss the top trends in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Premieres March 17th at 830pm ET!!! Don’t miss it!”

Fellow style maven and designer Orly Shani will also host the show along with the Cav, who is expecting her second child with hubby Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler. The couple are parents to one-year old Camden.


I love how our Bellyitch Bumpwatch moms STAY on their GRIND whilst preggers! Werk, mamas!

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EcoFriday: Common Environmental Factors for Infertliity

When struggling with infertility it becomes important to identify and address every possible cause. Physical defects can be detected through medical testing, but the lack of information about environmental causes makes them difficult to solve. Your environment and exposure to toxins, radiation, or pollution can play a vital role in your ability to get pregnant.
Exposure to harmful chemicals or toxins is the most common environmental threat to pregnancy because of our dependency to additives and pesticides. Some pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides can decrease a males sperm count or cause ovarian problems for women if handled directly. Other forms of toxins are cleaning solvents like methylene chloride, often used to strip paint, have proven to be harmful to the reproductive system for both men and women.
It is been well documented and fairly common knowledge that exposure to radiation has a severely negative impact on our ability to reproduce. There are well known exposures to radiation like chemotherapy and getting x-rays, but there are other lesser known forms of exposure that can contribute to female infertility. Non-ionizing radiation, considered by some to be too weak to be harmful, are present in most developed areas. It is advised to weed out as much exposure as possible when you are having trouble conceiving. Radiation at varying levels are present near power lines, fluorescent lights, and other household items like microwaves and electric blankets.
Pollution is largely out of your control, but your exposure to pollution is often determined by your behavior. For instance, running or walking is a very common exercise and an incredibly healthy habit unless you are performing those exercises in an area with lots of air pollution. A positive activity can become negative when introducing toxins into your lungs while exercising. One of the most common forms of air pollution, and the most controllable, is through exposure to second hand smoke.

With this information, hopefully you can monitor these external factors and do your best to minimize them.

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How to Get that Signature Gwen Stefani Maternity Look

While you were sleeping Gwen Stefani was killing the maternity style game. We can now see a pattern and have dissected this No Doubt front woman’s preginista’s fashion palette. Stefani and her husband Bush frontman and lead guitarist Gavin Rossdale are expecting their third son. The couple are parents to 5-year old Zuma and 7-year old Kingston.
To get that signature Gwen maternity style…
Start with a pair of wicked leather maternity jeans…

Top it with a bump hugging top…

Layer a righteous coat, or  a leopard skin print pashmina or other eclectic patterned covering over that…

Slip on a pair of booties or ankle shoes…preferably one made by l.a.m.b., Stefani’s shoe and clothing line.

Add a pair of cool shades…

Polish off the look with Fire Engine RED lipstick…


Signature Gwen!!

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10 Tips for Taming your Winter Allergies

You wouldn’t think it but winter allergies can be as brutal as seasonal allergies during spring and winter. Usually though, they come from inside pollutants like poor ventilations, dust mites and other pests. Cockroaches, dust mites, dander, and mold can trigger cold-and flu-like symptoms, said immunologist Dr. Joan Lehach

Also, the frigid temperatures that keep us inside also expose us to indoor allergens capable of triggering a variety of cold and flu-like symptoms.

“If you experience more than nine days of continuing congestion, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and nasal drip, chances are good that you are reacting to the presence of either dust mites, cockroaches, animal dander, or mold somewhere in your home, office or school,” said  Lehach, integrative medicine physician specializing in allergy, asthma and clinical immunology at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. “Many times, and especially in the inner city where populations are dense, all four of these allergens are present and must be addressed.”

Dr. Lehach offer tips for controlling your indoor allergy symptoms:

  1.     Mold inspection: The first step for controlling your allergy symptoms is to do a little inspection for mold inside the house. The most common places to find it are on shower curtains, wallpaper, carpets and the sink. Mold also grows in the drain, which can be cleaned with bleach and detergent. Your best bet to getting a thorough job done is to contact a mold removal service using an online platform like  Shoutwire, for example, for professional inspection and removal.
  2.    Cockroach hunt:  Studies have found cockroach allergens to be present in at least half of inner city homes and in nearly three-quarters of inner city schools.  Cockroaches do not have to be alive to trigger respiratory problems. Dust containing molecules of crushed carcasses can still cause problems for humans.  Professionals can be consulted to discover and clean out hidden colonies.  Nesting areas and pathways where cockroaches may have been traveling should be thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Dry up dust mites:  Keep your indoor humidity at 50 percent or lower, as higher humidity will breed dust mites.  A humidity gauge can be purchased for about $5.

4. Filter out animal dander: If you have a pet allergy,  you probably are going to need to be on allergy medications until you can consult with an allergist and see if you want to be desensitized or not. Meanwhile, a small HEPA air purifier placed in each room will keep airborne dander from spreading throughout the house. Mice or other fur-bearing pests living under the house or in the attic must be searched for and removed.

5. Get symptom relief:  A mixture of sinus-friendly Chinese herbs, like Rootology, can temporarily halt most allergy symptoms in less than 20 minutes. Rootology can also be used to control winter cold and flu symptoms.

6. Start an immune-building diet:  Eliminate foods that are weakening your immune system, like processed and packaged foods, and start eating immune boosting, allergy fighting foods, like blackberries and blueberries. Also important are multivitamin supplements and digestive enzymes to help you access more of the nutrients in the food you consume.

7. Get sufficient sleep:  Our immune system is very “sleep-driven”, and allergies are precipitated by weakened immunity.

8.  Stay hydrated:   When you become dehydrated you get dry nasal mucous and can develop microscopic cracks in the nasal lining, making it easier for allergens to enter your bloodstream.

9. Use the “hot” setting:  Wash your bedding in hot water (at least 130 degrees) to properly neutralize allergens.

10. Wash your face and hands:  Not only to maintain popularity with family, friends, and co-workers, but if there is dander, mold, or dust on your face or hands, chances are good that you will end up inhaling it.

Make Up Tutorial: Get Lupita Nyong’o’s red carpet look

Our Bellyitch mom-to-be actress Thandie Newton‘s make up artist hooked up the make up of the “it girl” of the 2014 Award season: Lupita Nyong’oBritish Academy of Film Association and Academy-Award nominated Kenyan actress who stars in the movie 12 Years a Slave.

In a blog post on the ThandieKay website of the Mission Impossible actress who currently stars on The Movie Channel crime drama Rogue and  is expecting her third child any day now, Newton’s business partner Kay Monsato lets readers know how she created Nyong’o’s flawless look at the BAFTA ‘s awards this week.

She used tools and make up from  Lancome UK:

The post caught our eye because Newton, who will welcome her baby with husband of Ol Parker,  shared on her Twitter account all the various shades of BROWN that Lancome makes!

As women of color know, most make-up counters are filled with 50 shades of TAN and thus to discover a brand that caters to the spectrum of complexions is a plus!
Go Lancome!

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Your solitary MUST HAVE postpartum wardrobe item

Right after you have a baby, you may be anxious about getting back to the gym and working on getting rid of the pregnancy weight gain. I know I couldn’t wait until after my six week postpartum visit to hit the gym. When you are breastfeeding, you can’t pop diet pills or take any diet aid supplements to help your weight loss effort. There is a risk they may negatively impact your baby’s development and nourishment as well. So true because while I was taking pain killers from the c-section, my first child was extremely lethargic because he was drugged up too. I had to make a conscious effort to ween myself off of the meds despite the fact I was still in a lot of pain.
Anyway, I digress.
The only way to do it is slow and steadily, monitor your eating, exercise sensibly and stay active. Breastfeeding is said to help you burn 500 calories a day from the act itself so there is an added benefit to nursing.
But in the meantime, you have to stay stylish and comfortable. My advice is get yourself some uber cute sweats in figure forgiving styles and scrumptious yummy colors.

The sweats will be comfy under your still swollen belly and recovering scars and tender areas. Jeans and other pants can be confining.

And get them in a mix of colors, styles and materials for cooler and warmer temps, indoors and outdoor wear. It’s all about comfort post-partum.

You can mix up colors for casual out and about. And if you want to go fancy sweats, try doing same color matching sets too. This is the equivalent of dressing up for your post-partum, “I plan to wear track suits for two months” self. People are forgiving when they heard you just squeezed a watermelon out of something the size of a lemon. Trust us. (wink)

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