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Jeneba Jalloh Ghatt

The IRS exempted Pregnant women from “Obamacare” tax penalty

Depending on when you get pregnant, if you don’t already

have health insurance, you

may qualify for an expansion of the Medicaid program
in your state.
It is part of the 2010 Affordable Healthcare Law, sometimes

called “Obamacare”  because it was pushed by President Barack Obama and is part of his bellwether accomplishment for his first term in office, and is having widespread implications into his second term.
The elements of the contentious law gradually go into effect over the years.  Despite efforts to repeal or defund it because of claims it would cost jobs and some to lose their existing coverage, the US Supreme Court

has declared it constitutional, the president signed it into law and Congress

voted it into law  four years ago.
You can fight it or if you’re in need, figure out how it can

help you especially if you find yourself knocked up without adequate healthcare.
Last December, the Internal Revenue Service exempted pregnant women,

among other categories of people, from the penalty all Americans who do

not get insurance by April 1 must pay.
But the law also adds a special coverage just for pregnant women,

depending on the timing of the pregnancy. If you qualify, meet certain income

minimums, your care would be covered for FREE.
If you are not eligible for Medicaid, you

may qualify
for a subsidized low-cost health care form a “Qualified

Healthcare Provider
  • Under AHA, all QHP must provide, with No Co-Pay:
  • ·        

    Maternity care
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    Labor and delivery
  • ·        

    Prenatal care, and
  • ·        

    all diagnostic screenings.

States still have flexibility to determine what services are

covered so you should examine and compare plans carefully. 

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Ciara’s TLC “CrazySexyCool” Tribute- Baby Bump Style

R&B Pop songstress and mom-to-be Ciara recently took to her Instagram account to share a “Crazy. Sexy. Cool” photo tribute to fellow Atlanta natives TLC. The top-selling girl group’s chart topping hit sophomore album featured members T-Boz, the late Left Eye and Chill above their alter ego personalities. [Edited to add: Another site Madame Noire contends this was a tribute to Digable Planet’s “Cool Like That” song because CiCi captions the photos lyrics from the chorus form that song “I’m cool like that. I ‘m Peace Like That, I Love Like That, I’m Out.” Err. That works too! ha!]

She nailed it!

The “Body Party” singer and her fiance hip hop star Future are expecting their first child later this year.

She announced the pregnancy officially this January on the ABC daytime panel talk show The View after much being shrouded in internet buzz and speculation that she was preggers.

It is her first child. He has children from previous relationships.

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Hand-Me-Down Baby Gear Handling Guide

There’s no denying the fact that babies are expensive, and many families work hard to lessen the expense that comes with having a baby by searching for good deals on all of the items that are needed. When given the option of cutting costs by buying second-hand gear or taking hand me downs from friends and family members, most new and expecting parents leap at the opportunity. While some items are perfectly safe to be used after a previous owner unloads them, there are some that should not be used and guidelines for how others should be handled in order to ensure that they’re up to snuff and safe for your little one. Here are five of the rules that you should take into consideration before you stock up on second-hand baby paraphernalia.

  1. Check Recall Information – The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is the single most valuable resource for recalls and safety warnings that the modern parent has at their disposal. Their website is a wealth of information for both new and used baby items; parents should make a habit of checking it regularly or signing up for their free email list in order to stay abreast of any developments regarding future recalls.
  2. Be Sure That Older Furniture Meets Modern Safety Guidelines – If a hand me down crib was made after 2011 it’s almost certain to meet modern safety standards. Cribs before then should not be handed down because they almost certainly are out of compliance and do not include the most lastest minimum safety requirements. Measure the space between slats to ensure that they’re no more than 2 3/8 inches apart, and check to make sure that any paint on very old or antique cribs is not lead-based, that models of any age have not been recalled, and that your mattress fits snugly into the crib with no more than two-fingers width between the edge of the mattress and the sides of the crib. You’ll also want to be sure the headboard and foot board have no ornate cutouts that could post an entrapment risk. Changing tables should feature a railing or raised edge that’s at least six inches higher than the changing surface and safety straps or harnesses to keep wiggling babies in place; high chairs should be checked for stability and any broken or deteriorating pieces.
  3. Skip the Second-Hand Car Seat – One thing that should not be purchased second-hand, or accepted as a hand me down donation, is a car seat, due to the extreme concerns about their safety and functionality in the event of a car accident. Car seats should always be discarded and replaced after an accident, even if they seem to be intact under close scrutiny. Often, inner workings and safety measures can be compromised after an accident, rendering them practically useless in a second crash. Unless you know the history of a car seat intimately and are absolutely sure that it was never in so much as a fender bender, it’s best to opt for a new model to ensure your new baby’s safety.
  4. Give Items More Than a Once-Over – A quick glance is usually not sufficient to ensure that all parts of an item are in good working order and that nothing is missing, so take the time to carefully examine a second-hand item. Make sure that all screws and bolts are tight, that surfaces feel stable, and that nothing wobbles; toys should have all pieces intact and present no danger of breaking into smaller parts that could present a choking hazard, and strollers should have working breaks and be free of any rusting, sharp edges, or frayed seams.
  5. Clean, Clean, Clean – No matter where a second-hand item came from or how clean their houses are, it’s important that you clean them thoroughly to remove any mildew or mustiness due to the item languishing in a storage building, stains of indeterminate origin, bacteria, or foreign bodies. While you’re scrubbing look for corrosion from leaky batteries or expiration dates; some items are made from plastic that degrades over time and may no longer be suitable for use.

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Evelyn Lozada says no to maternity clothes, considers designing sexy maternity line

Basketball Wives’ Eveyln Lozada recently told Que Mas online magazine that she doesn’t wear maternity wear because maternity clothes make her feel “old and frumpy.”

The newly-engaged clothing store owner and author said. “I love tops that hug my tummy and show off my bump”

She added that she is thinking of designing a line of sexy maternity clothes. Why not? Throw your hat in the ring too.

“Pregnant women need to feel beautiful, wear gorgeous prints and nice solids,” the Afro-Latina mama-to-be shared. “Don’t conceal your bump! Wear it with pride.””

Good advice, mama!

….um  but on that old and frumpy maternity thing, we think she needs to take a better look at some of the creative maternity lines out there like Isabella Oliver for example.

These don’t look old and frumpy to us!

And some other brands too have done sexy maternity pretty well:

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Danielle and Kevin Jonas welcome daughter amidst Fake pregnancy rumors

Congratulations to Danielle Jonas and hubby Kevin Jonas of the Jonas Brothers on the birth of their daughter on Superbowl Sunday, February 2.
This is the first child for the former hairdresser turned reality TV star and eldest Jonas brother. The couple married in 2009 and announced last summer that they were expecting their first kid together.
Like Beyonce, the couple have been plagued with fake pregnancy and fake baby rumors as seen in this IB Times article and a  Crushable post which claims to break down how fake the baby is.
The Crushable article has managed to get a lot of people on board with the conspiracy theory but there are many clues in the article revealing that the author has never had a baby before. She questions a doctor visit with the baby’s heartbeat shared in Instagram because there is no video image of the baby, but dopplers take the baby’s heartbeat and have nothing to do with a video or video monitor. The monitor just happened to be sitting there. Thee photos she posted in IG where her tummy was flat were possibly old photos before the pregnancy. There are so many holes in the piece to go into that it’s not worth it. 
But what I did appreciate was the Instagram video Kevin shared with the baby moving inside Danielle’s tummy. That was THE best feeling during pregnancy inside and out. So cool of Kevin to catch that on video. 
The conspiracy theorists are wack! But um getting a baby detergent brand to sponsor your first photo release, hmmmm. Can’t knock the hustle. 
Congrats guys!

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Review: 1 Pound a Day: The Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet will help you lose weight but it’s not easy!

After packing on 11 pounds from October thru December during the Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas holiday gluttony, I was stoked to finally check out Dr. Roni DeLuz and James Hester‘s “1 Pound a Day: The Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet.”   I was offered the book to review summer but honestly, kept putting off starting the detox because I knew it would require me to strictly eliminate many items from my regular diet and I knew that would be hard to do during the holidays.
The book is a follow up to the duo’s New York Times bestselling “21 Pounds in 21 Days.” which took anxious dieters by storm and got a lot of people excited because of the promise for rapid weight loss the healthy way. In sum, the diet is really a detox from toxins in the body and from pollution we are exposed to daily.  You essentially become an overnight vegan. It requires users to only drink juiced fruits and vegetables, pureed soups and broths with water for 21 days, then add back solids and other eliminated foods back in slowly for the following 9 days. You’re supposed to eliminate caffeine, alcohol, all solids, dairy and other vices from the diet as the body works to expel toxins from the body.  The book contains ample soup recipes, testimonials of success cases and other advice and pointers on food, how different types of food affect the body and various herbs, and other natural elements and food that are good for the body.
It’s a strict regimen and not easy to do.  You definitely need some will power or a sincere interest to complete it before even trying it. If anyone is thinking of doing it, he or she should read the book cover-to-cover first and get indoctrinated in all the benefits of detoxing.  Also, those who are carrying extra weight that they want to get rid of and are serious should also read it thoroughly because it provides the other reasons to detox beyond just weight loss. Knowing the greater good may help a person stay on it.
On the first two days, I had a caffeine headache because I did not wean myself off of my cup of coffee a day addiction. I just went cold-turkey which I do NOT recommend. It’s probably best to come down by doing half-caffe for a few days, then gradually eliminate it.  After those initial days, things got better.  Surprisingly, I did not experience hunger pangs on  the diet.but that is because I planned. I purchased sufficient broths, and made adequate amount of soups in advance so I could just have some whenever I wanted to satiate hunger. Also, I did not let myself get too hungry before getting more soup or juiced juice. 
I took a multi-vitamin to keep me energized throughout the day, and took enzymes in pills, green juice, probiotic capsules to replace good bacteria lost during detox, and a sugar-control herbal supplement.
The effect is a flatter tummy within the first 2 weeks on the system, and better bodily fluid movement and riddance of any and all bloating and gas.  For extra credit, you can take a homemade detox bath, or body wrap or make an appointment to see a hydrocolontherapist. There are recipes and instructions on how to do these or where to find a colonic specialist.
In a nutshell, the book is really just the 21 in 21 book but with an added 9 days that teaches you how to come off the detox better so you do not relapse too quickly into bad eating habits and pack the pounds back on. I lost about 20 pounds on it and since wrapping it up last week and have NOT felt the need to go back to coffee, sugar and all my other bad eating habits.  To keep off the weight lost and continue on the downward trek in inches and weight loss, I am also adding back my regular exercise in my routine. I started ballet and running again.  I plan to incorporate some of the eating advice from the book along with advice I got from another eating session I took last year around this time to maintain.  I am also getting an exercise jump start with a celebrity trainer this week as well.
James Hester and Dr. Roni DeLuz
While this diet/detox isn’t an option for the faint of heart or for those with little to no will power, it does work. But like most weight-loss efforts that include eliminating certain types of foods from your diet altogether, there is a high risk of getting back all the pounds lost if users don’t alter their eating and exercise habits after wards. I learned Radio veteran Robin Quivers of The Howard Stern show did it and got super skinny but has since packed back on more weight than before. 
Overall, it’s still a good way to kick start a lifestyle change, to quickly unload some excess weight gained (like from overindulgence from the Holidays) or to prepare for an event like a wedding, reunion, red carpet event or the like. 
Get the book from my Affiliate partner at Amazon.com for $19.07 hardback or $13.25 softback. 
Disclosure: I received a copy of the book complimentary to test out the rules within the book and provide my honest feedback.

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RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman: Celeb moms tweet condolences

This weekend, Hollywood mourns the loss of a great actor, Philip Seymour Hoffman, whose body of work includes a plethora of rich, interesting and developed characters he brought to life in a way only he could. Whether he was playing an awkward porn industry assistant in Boogie Nightsa sinister agent in The Talented Mr. Ripley a blowhard in Almost Famous, a colorful and flamboyant game maker in The Hunger Games  or the complicated Truman Capote who he won a Best Actor Academy Award portraying, Hoffman brought his A-game to each role and made you believe he truly was whomever he was pretending to be on screen. 
Sadly, he also was crippled by drug addiction which ultimately did him in as he was discovered in his New York city apartment yesterday, Sunday, February 2, with a heroine needle in his arm, dead from an apparent overdose. 
Yesterday, some of the women we have “bumpwatched” and covered in the past tweeted out words of remorse over Hoffman’s passing:

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These Seahawks Maternity Shirts are going to be in demand after today

Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks on their SuperBowl XLVIII win.

This reminds me. Is it too late to get a license, create and sell some SuperBowl Champs T-shirts in Maternity style?

Probably, huh?

source: http://www.sportsmaternity.com/item/nfl-seattle-seahawks-maternity



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Evelyn Lozada & Kristin Cavallari are both expecting baby boys

It’s a boy!
Both reality TV stars Kristin Cavallari of MTV The Hills and Evelyn Lozada of VH1‘s Basketball Wives announced on their  respective social media accounts this weekend that they are expecting baby boys!
This will be the second son for Cavallari and her fiancé Jay Cutler, a quarterback with the NFL‘s Chicago Bears. They are parents to 2-year old Camden. 
This will be the first boy for Lozada and her fiancé Carl Crawford, a baseball player with Major League Baseball‘s Los Angeles Dodgers. Lozada has a 20-year old daughter Shanice from a previous relationship. 


SuperBowl Stats by the Numbers (INFOGRAPHIC)

It’s SuperBowl Sunday. If you are watching your waistline or trying to get back to pre-pregnancy size, today is a day you might want to take a break or not go to a Super Bowl party. The average game watcher consumes 1200 calories! Wowee!  Check out these other SuperBowl stats!
And if you’re just in it for the commercials, you can watch all the leaked ones HERE!

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