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VIRAL: Atlanta Retiree Comforts Hospital’s Preemies When Parents Can’t Be There

During a time when there is a lot of bad news being circulated, the story about the retiree who provides kangaroo care to babies in an Atlanta NICU is heartwarming.

Last Friday, the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta posted a photo of David Deutchman holding a sleeping newborn on its Facebook page and within hours, the post went viral and was shown close to 179,000 times

“On Tuesdays, he visits the PICU to hold babies whose parents can’t be with them that day,” the hospital captioned the photo.” On Thursdays, he makes rounds in the NICU.

This photo was taken by baby Logan’s mom as she fought back happy tears. Logan has been in our hospital for six weeks. Every night, his mom goes home to be with his big sister. Every morning, she drives back to Scottish Rite feeling “anxious that he’s been missing his mommy.” On this particular morning, she walked into the PICU to find Logan—a preemie born at just 25 weeks—in the arms of David, who smiled and introduced himself as the ICU Grandpa. This photo captures just one precious moment with a legend of a hospital volunteer who’s been holding patients, and their parents’ hands, for 12 years.”

Who says there’s not enough love in the world? We also loved NOW THIS’ video roundup of this heartwarming story and this very special man:

Serena Williams is Unapologetically Team Epidural

Serena Williams is honest AF about pregnancy, labor and delivery and becoming a mother for the first time.

During her infamous Vogue interview this month, the tennis champ also came out and let it be known that she is “Team Epidural“.

“I’m nervous about childbirth. I’m not a spring chicken,” she told the magazine. “The one thing I really want is an epidural, which I know a lot of people are against, but I’ve had surgeries galore, and I don’t need to experience any more pain if I can avoid it.”

Here here!!

If anyone follows you the “Mommy Wars” they’d know that there is a whole community and culture of natural child birth proponents that argue fervently against the use of medicine like local anesthesia to relive the excruciating pain of child birth.

It is so extreme that some women actually feel ashamed to express publicly and openly that they intend to get an epidural, which is local anesthesia injected in the spine to numb the feeling in one’s legs and torso.

The Natural Childbirth movement has been described as a cult in the past but it is really just women (and a community) that are passionate about childbirth being as close to nature intended it to be as possiblez

It isn’t for everyone and that should be okay.

Go ahead Serena and be a G about it!

The business woman and first-time mom-to-be  with  fiancé Alexis Ohanian has taken a lot of heat in that same Vogue interview for expressing that being a mother will classify as a woman.

She is unapologetic about her feelings as a hormonal pregnant woman should be!

Stay true, mama!


The 10 Tweets You Working Moms Might Have Made At Least Once


Because busy working moms are often left to communicate with their friends and loved ones in the quickest and most efficient way possible, Twitter can be a very popular tool among the career-mommy set.

Keeping everyone in your life updated with quick bursts of information, 140 characters at a time, lets harried professionals maintain some semblance of normalcy in their relationships with friends and relatives. Of all the many tweets sent out by working moms, these 10 or some variation of them tend to be the most popular.

  1. “Impromptu late meeting. Hope @mynanny won’t be too upset!” – For over-scheduled professionals, a last-minute meeting can definitely throw off their family routine. They can also be unavoidable when duty calls, however. With a trusted and understanding childcare provider at home, career moms are able to pursue their work with ease regarding their child’s safety and wellbeing.
  2. “I’m exhausted. I definitely need a #Vacation!” – Working a full-time job and then returning to a hectic household is anything but energizing, leaving many working moms operating on an almost constant level of exhaustion. Tweets about longed-for vacations aren’t uncommon in the least.
  3. “Tired of arguing with @SAHM about my choices! #MommyWars” – The battle between working moms and those who stay home with their children can get downright nasty, especially on the Internet. Working moms embroiled in the so-called “Mommy Wars” take to Twitter in droves, in hopes of defending their lifestyle choices.
  4. “Anyone up for a weekend #playdate?” – The days of sending a mass text to every family in a working mom’s phone book are dwindling, especially when everyone has a Twitter account to refer to. Working out the details of impromptu play dates can be as simple as sending out a tweet and watching the direct messages roll in.
  5. “I can’t wait until school starts! #BackToSchool” – It’s safe to say that most moms are far more relieved than their brood when the summer break ends and life can resume some sort of reasonable schedule. At the peak of the dog days, this tweet is not an unusual one.
  6. “There never seems to be enough time in the day. #WorkingMomProblems” – Most moms are faced with a lack of free time, a tenet that especially holds true for those who are struggling to maintain their careers while raising a family.
  7. “Late meeting then school play tonight! #MommyBalancingAct” – Scheduling conflicts are certainly not unfamiliar territory for the working mom, who is often a master juggler of time slots by the time her children are grown. There always seems to be more to do than time in the day, but working moms are adept at managing the challenge.
  8. “My morning to run the carpool! #Hectic” – Moms whose kids participate in carpool programs are able to enjoy several consecutive mornings of reduced responsibility when their kids are riding with other parents. They also, however, have to rearrange their already crammed schedule to run that same errand themselves from time to time.
  9. “Any ideas for quick dinner recipes? #TheFamilyTable” – The benefits of sharing a meal as a family are well-documented and highly publicized. For moms that are meeting the demands of their career as well as raising a family, however, gourmet meals simply aren’t on the menu on a weeknight. Reaching out to tap into the collective wisdom of the Twitterverse is a great way to find quick dinner solutions.
  10. “My maternity leave is officially over! ? #FirstDayBack” – Few moments in a new mom’s life are as bittersweet as returning to work after giving birth. The sentiments expressed by these parents can tug at the heartstrings, even if followers know how eager a new mom is to get back out there.

While you’ll definitely want to keep up with everyone you care about and no longer have time to speak with regularly, it’s important to remember that tweeting while driving is just as dangerous as texting and driving. Any distraction can present a road hazard, and in many areas using your phone in the car can open you up to the possibility of expensive citations and fines. Be sure that you save your mini-updates for a time when you’re on solid ground, in the interest of your own safety and that of other drivers on the road around you.

Parenting Hacks for New Parents



You just brought your precious new baby home from the hospital! It is hard to believe that after nine long months of growing this brand new person, your little one is now sleeping soundly in the nursery for the moment, that is!

To say that the next weeks will be an exciting and sleep-deprived blur is probably an understatement. Fortunately, there are a number of tips to try that will help make the daily challenges of taking care of an infant to go a bit smoother. Check out the following three new parent hacks:

Turn to Technology to Help with Your Calendar

It is amazing how the smallest member of your home can have such a full calendar. From well-baby checks and photo shoots to keeping tabs of when grandma and grandpa are coming to visit, keeping a well-organized calendar will help you to feel on top of things. To make this as easy as possible, turn to your phone for help. If it’s been some time since you have upgraded your smartphone, you may want to head over to T-Mobile with your napping baby to check out their selection of affordable phones; look for one that features a virtual assistant for quickly adding and organizing your calendar. A virtual assistant, like the iPhone’s Siri, can also help you with your grocery lists and keep tabs on your daily to do list. When you are snuggling a sleeping infant, it will be much easier to quietly say “Siri, add diapers to the grocery list” instead of trying to juggle a pencil, baby and your little bundle of joy.

Use the Neck Hole of a Onesie as an Escape Hatch

You probably have a pretty decent stack of onesies for your infant; the cotton outfits are comfy, easy to put on your infant and wash up well. As Pop Sugar notes, they also feature a huge neck hole and shoulder flaps that are designed to do more than fit over your infant’s bobble head. If and when your baby has a massive diaper blow out, the head opening was designed so that you can slip it down off of your baby’s body, thus avoiding getting any poo where you don’t want it to go.

Invest in a Car Seat Cooler

As you have probably already noticed, car seats can get really hot, especially those metal clips and the buckles that hold your infant safely in place. In order to help keep the car seat as cool as possible, you can purchase a car seat cover; Amazon sells the Mommy’s Helper Car Seat Shade for around seven bucks; place the cover over the seat when you are back home and at the store or mall; it should help reduce how much heat the seat absorbs. If you live in a really warm climate, there’s also the COOLTECH Car Seat Cooler that works like a giant ice pack. Keep the car seat cooler in the freezer when not in use and then around 10 minutes before you head out, place it on the empty car seat; in the time it takes you to gather up your baby, the diaper bag and put your shoes on, the car seat will be cooled down. Remove the cooler before placing your baby in the seat; you can fold up the cover and bring it with you in the diaper bag.



The Friendship Divide: Childfree Friends & You


There’s no doubt that the moment you become a parent for the first time, the friendships in your life tend to change. That’s inevitable. After all, you have a different set of priorities now – and not a soul could blame you for how your worldview has shifted.

Some new parents, however, tend to find themselves worrying they have gone too far. This concern tends to be confirmed as a genuine worry, especially with STFU Parents constantly showcasing examples where parents have crossed the line. When you have child-free or childless friends (there’s a difference!), you can feel like you’re walking on eggshells trying to maintain the friendship. You don’t want to be that Mom can’t talk about anything else, but at the same time… there’s not a lot else that interests you now.

Parenting is consuming. It becomes the focus of our day, much to the bafflement of our child-free and childless friends. For one thing, we’re constantly on the alert for new information. Someone has some new advice, tips, or research? We’re more than happy to set aside our other worldly concerns so we can check this out immediately and see if there’s something new for us to learn. Then there’s the fact that if someone asks if we’ve had a good day, our answer might depend heavily on how our child – rather than us as an individual – are doing. We see them as one and the same thing; child-free and childless friends, however, do not.

Nevertheless, maintaining strong friendships is an essential component of getting yourself through the early stages of being a new parent. There’s also the fact that spending time with friends is a vital component of the “me time” that every Mom needs every now and again. So how can you keep these friendships alive when your baby arrives?


1) Be Careful With Your Choice Of Words

One of the main things that your childfree/less friends want to know when you have a child is that you’re still you. As a new parent, it’s easy to fall into the habit of using “we” instead of “I” – so: “we went to the park” or “we went to the grocery store”. This can feel alienating to friends who don’t get how that feels, so try and be careful to use “I” instead of “we”. It’s such a small thing, but it’s basically making it clear that you’re still you, just now with a child in tow.

2) Keep Your Expectations In Check

Sometimes, you’ll hear a story about how a Mom has become angered by her childless/free friends not coming to her child’s birthday party. It’s usually an overreaction, which is why maintaining your expectations is important. Your friends care about you and your baby, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to want to be involved in what are conventionally “Mommy” type things – so give them a break every once in awhile.

3) Shed Toxic Friendships

The above are good ideas for maintaining friendships, but try and remember that it works both ways. If you have friends who never show an interest in your baby and fake yawns any time you mention the trials and tribulations of being a parent, then maybe they’re not such good friends. If you’re going to make the effort to find a neutral space where you and your friends can just be “you”, then it’s not unreasonable to expect them to occasionally show an interest in your life-changing experience. It’s all about balance, and you’re not the only one who needs to be willing to do it!

Inside US Olympic Track Star Sanya Richards-Ross’ Baby Shower


To be honest, we didn’t even know that US Olympic Team Track and Field sprinter Sanya Richards-Ross and her husband, ex New York Giants and New England Patriots Super Bowl champ, Aaron Ross, were expecting their first child. However, we got really excited to see in PEOPLE magazine that the couple celebrated the impending arrival this past weekend.

The event, held at a lavish affair at the W Hotel in Austin, Texas, gave away the gender of their baby: a boy! The venue was decked out in blue and purple floral arrangements.


STEMS Floral Design + Productions provided the beautiful floral arrangements that filled the meeting room, PEOPLE notes, adding that the company truly went all out as there blue and purple flowers at every seat for guests to view and enjoy, including faux trees made of elegant flowers. During the ceremony, some of the female guests sprinkled flower petals at Richards-Ross’ feet, reminiscent of “Coming to America.”

Our DEUCEY is on the way….. #AJRII ??? #BabyBoyRoss #BabyShower

A post shared by Sanya Richards-Ross (@sanyarichiross) on

The couple used the occasion of the baby shower to reveal the baby’s name: Aaron Jeremiah Ross Jr. The celebrity couple commemorated the impending birth of their child with a monogram display spelling it out: AJRII. Guests took photos in front of a ivy wall bearing the initials.


Also, according to PEOPLE, the initials A.J.R. II was placed strategically throughout the event space. There was a Sweets Suite just for housing all the decadent desserts for guests. They noshed on several course offerings including duck and halibut.

Here are some of the photos of the events as shared by vendors and guests:

FAMILY #BabyBoyRoss #Babyshower

A post shared by Sanya Richards-Ross (@sanyarichiross) on

The Jamaican-American is author to a new autobiography that is currently on  Amazon.com #1 New release list called, “Chasing Grace. Recently, the pretty track star shared her monthly progression photos on her Instagram page:

Nice! congrats!

Here You Go: Tips for Throwing a Boss Kids’ Birthday Party


Nailing a child’s birthday party is difficult.

You don’t need anyone to tell you that if you’ve ever had to organize one before because you already know that there are a million and one different variables to weigh up. You want your child to have an amazing party, but you also don’t want to go too overboard in case they want a mellow and chilled out gathering; you want to get them an amazing gift, but you also don’t want to get them something they’ll use once and never again.

If you’re starting to stress out over organizing festivities for your kid’s big day then these ideas might just give you the inspiration and salvation necessary to ensure that your child’s birthday doesn’t end in tears.


Get the party right.

This is the biggest part of a child’s birthday. As we get older, parties become less of a big deal; you might go out and have a drink with your friends to celebrate another year passing by, but it’s not quite the same as it was when you were younger. You need to remember how special a birthday was when you were younger and how excited you were to party with all your closest friends. The key elements here are friendship and fun; you don’t need to spend a fortune to throw an amazing party for your child, then.

To throw a great party for your child, you just need to invite their friends and give them something fun to do. A theme is a great place to start; it could be anything from a circus party to a Star Wars party. Just think about the age of the birthday boy or girl and their friends; ensure that the theme isn’t too childish because you don’t want to embarrass your child on their big day. The important thing is simply that everyone has a great time and takes a break from being themselves so that they can be a superhero or a Sith Lord, depending on their preferences.

Nailing a unique present.

The gift or gifts that you get for your child are also things that you give great importance, but instead of stressing over what your child wants, think about what they might not realize they want. Instead of giving them a plastic gift that they’ll forget about in a week, you could give your little one something with a little more substance. You could look into options such as a dsquared t-shirt to give your little or not-so-little one something “cool” and fashionable to wear on their big day.


Usually, clothes as gifts will induce groans from even the politest of kids, but if you choose correctly then you’ll sneakily succeed in getting your child a practical present that they actually love. Hopefully, they won’t suspect a thing. Of course, if you want to go for something a little more memorable then a day out to a zoo or a theme park that your child has always wanted to visit is certainly a gift that will make this birthday one they’ll never forget. Surprise presents might seem like a risky move, but the look on your child’s face will be worth it.

This is Just the Bottle You Need to Help Breast to Bottle Transition (REVIEW)


Nipple confusion is a problem for babies transitioning from breast to bottle. A relatively new bottle invention from a manufacturer solves the problem. Comotomo’s bottle is soft and made of a hygienic silicone material that feels like a breast so baby’s tiny hands can grasp it like mommy’s boobies and be none the wiser.

The Proof is in the Pudding

The nipple and bottle are designed to mimic breastfeeding to help babies transition back and forth from nursing to bottle feeding. I gave one review copy ($23 for two on Amazon.com) to a Bellyitch Reviewer, in this case my sister, to use on her baby to test out.

She texted me back a day later asking where she could get her own because the bottle was perfect and her daughter, Aubrey loved it! About the bottle, she said it was easy to use, cap and  uncap and the milk flowed out with ease and her then-breastfeeding baby had no problem adjusting to it.


The only thing I would say is a slight negative is that the bottle tips over easily because it is bulbous and more round compared to other bottles and is soft but that is a minor inconvenience compared to its value.

Easy to clean

I babysat my niece this weekend and her mom brought her Comotomo bottle along. From my own personal experience, I can share that the bottle was very easy to clean after a feeding. I could also use my own hands and a warm soapy sponge to clean the bottle because the neck is so wide compared to other bottles with a narrow neck. The bottles are also heat-resistant and can withstand being cleaned in the top rack of the dishwasher or in microwave sterilizers.


The Price

The bottle is well-received by others and currently is the #1 best selling bottle on Amazon.com. You can get a pair for just $23!  It sells at Babies R Us ( 1 bottle for $13.99) and Giggle stores in NYC and other stores worldwide.  The bottle has also gotten rave reviews from industry experts and pediatric professionals all continue to recognize Comotomo as the “go to” Baby Bottle Comotomo as the “go to” Baby Bottle.


The recommendation

I would recommend them for sure to check out especially if you are transitioning your little one right now. They come in slow flow for babies ages zero to 3 months up to fast flow for older babies. It can be a tough process but having a bottle that mimics the breast in your arsenal ban make it go smoother, possibly!

Spencer Pratt Wasn’t Waiting Til Baby is Born to Celebrate Heidi Montag on Mother’s Day


This week, we saw a pregnancy announcement where  Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish announced excitement tp celebrating Parrish’s her first Mother’s Day next year.

Meanwhile, first-time mom-to-be reality TV show stars Heidi Pratt and her husband Spencer Pratt are celebrating the holiday this year in advance of welcoming their first child together.

“So excited to celebrate my first Mother’s Day,” the former reality star of  MTV’The Hills and a few other shows wrote alongside a photo of her cradling her stomach. “Thank you to all you beautiful amazing moms for your endless love and dedication! Missing my mommy!”

She also shared a photo of the floral arrangements that her husband sent to her on the occasion.

“Thank you @spencerpratt for the stunning flowers from @passionroses!” Montag gushed. “Best Mother’s Day!!!!”

Thank you @spencerpratt for the stunning flowers from @passionroses ! Best Mother’s Day!!!! ??????

A post shared by heidipratt (@heidipratt) on

How Celebrity Moms Spent Their Mother’s Day 2017 (PHOTOS)


This Mother’s Day as with all, a lot of the celebrity moms that we’ve featured on the blog in the past shared photos of their moms and themselves with their kids. We loved our partners at PopSugar‘s roundup and plucked our fave moms from their slideshow of celebrity Mother’s Day photos.

I’ll add some more including some of the sisters we’ve showcased in the past.

Photos: Instagram

Check them out.


Sarah Michelle Gellar as a child with her mom

Mothers Day!!! ???#proud mama #grateful Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful Mamas!!

A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on


Michelle Obama with Sasha and Malia at the Great Wall.


Carrie Underwood as a child with her mom.


Snooki and her two kids.


Heidi Klum sleeping peacefully with her brood.


Kris Jenner saluted her kids who are moms and her own relationship as a mom to her famous kids.

Proud. Me and my mom. On Mother’s Day!

A post shared by Drew Barrymore (@drewbarrymore) on


Chrissy Teigen shared this regal photo of her self with daughter, Luna.

my greatest mother’s day gift of all ?? #axljack

A post shared by Fergie (@fergie) on

Happy Mother’s Day!

A post shared by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) on

My mama. Simply the BEST. ❤

A post shared by Eva Mendes (@evamendes) on

Happy Mother’s Day. Today and everyday, I honor all mothers for their strength, patience, and grace.

A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) on

Happy Mother’s Day! May u spend yours in your jammies like My mom and my little girl. ❤️❤️

A post shared by Hoda Kotb (@hodakotb) on

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!! #blessed ????? @georginachapmanmarchesa

A post shared by Katie Holmes (@katieholmes212) on

#happymothersday ??????

A post shared by Katie Holmes (@katieholmes212) on

Happy Mother’s Day to Luna’s awesome grandmothers too!!

A post shared by John Legend (@johnlegend) on

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