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‘Power’s Naturi Naughton Gets a Surprise Baby Shower


Power actress Naturi Naughton was caught off guard by a surprise baby shower a few friends threw for her recently. The petite star took to Instagram to express her gratitude for the gesture by her friends.

“OMG!A Surprise baby shower!! ???Thank u @yasmine_pearl & @breshawebb 4 doing this 4 me! #truefriendship#LALove #Grateful#ItsReallyhardTosurpriseMe#IAskTooManyQuestions ? #SoBlessed#Mommy2Be” the former member of the trio 3LW captioned a photo of herself being embraced by her two friends.

Naugton and her beau Ben are expecting their first child together. She told PEOPLE that the pregnancy was a surprise but that she had been getting loads of support from the cast and crew of her his STARZ! Network show which is in its 4th season and has already been renewed for a 5th season.

Power returns on June 25th. I am almost caught up and have one more season to go to catch up! She’s been on a promotional tour and looking fab too:

#LA #PressDay #Day1 Fab Glam by @takishahair @syd4makeup & @mrenriquemelendez ❤️#PowerTV

A post shared by Naturi Naughton (@naturi4real) on


#PressDay #Day2 #PowerTV #LALife Thx 2 my glam @syd4makeup & @xavierlwestbrook 4 hookin me up! ??

A post shared by Naturi Naughton (@naturi4real) on

We Are Experiencing The Rise of the ‘Bully Moms’


Women may be stereotyped as “catty” but the truth of the matter is, generally, we sometimes are most judgmental of one another and often, we do, in fact, prey on each other’s insecurities. We then use them to impose and dictate our standards onto other women and shame them when they don’t measure up.

I’m guilty of this for sure.

Moms do this too.

Heck, the Mommy Wars is all about Judgy Judy McJudsons, and in fact, a recent survey of millennial moms reveal that 80 percent of them have been shamed by other moms. le sigh

Getting bullied and made to feel inadequate by the popular girls and cliques was supposed to end at high school graduation, right?

Women talking at baby shower

But it doesn’t.

In a new piece by Anne Roderique Jones in MarieClaire published today, Jones describes the “Bully Moms” (also the title of the article”) who are fueled by  social media and pop culture.

I love how Jones starts:

You can’t identify a mean mom by her Birkin bag or her lycra Lululemons. She comes in all sizes and socio-economic classes and lives in no specific zip code, rearing her head in the heartland, crunchy California, the Deep South, New York City. But you know a mean mom when you meet one: She criticizes your parenting style, calls you out on Facebook, or slathers you in snark. These are the mean girls, all grown up and blossomed into adult bullies with kids of their own. You’ve probably encountered a few at your local playground. Hell, maybe you are one.

The author then goes on to perfectly explain the evolution of “Keeping up With the Jones” from the perfect TV families to Reality TV wives and beyond:

I hesitate to blame pop culture for the mom-on-mom hate, but life does imitates art. Our parents’ generation grew up watching scripted sitcoms with impeccably behaved children (The Brady Bunch, Happy Days) and modeled their own actions accordingly. But as our entertainment appetites evolved, so did the way we treat each other … Girls who watched ‘The Simple Life’ as teens in the mid-aughts are now moms hooked on ‘The Real Housewives.’

In a world dominated by Pinterest and Instagram, is being a mother (which women have been doing since the beginning of time, mind you) starting to become an endless race towards perfection, lest you get called out for being anything less? Do we all have to keep up with the clever birth announcements, the gender reveal parties, the elaborate maternity shoots, the professional post-birth shots in the hospital ward? I recently came across a post in my feed of a beautiful blonde woman wearing an off-the-shoulder shirt with #MomLife scrolled in gold letters across the front. It’s all a perfectly curated existence, this motherhood thing.

 Maybe moms today—with the pressure to be selfie-level beautiful, to cook Instagram-worthy (organic) meals, to plan lavish playdates, and to maintain a career so they can, in many cases, not just contribute to their household but be the breadwinner or even the sole source of income—are just too damn exhausted.

Fascinating and sadly accurate!

Head on over to and digest the rest. 


ICYMI: Our Best Parenting Posts, We Got You! (LINKS)


In case you’ve been busy or under a rock and missed some of our top quality parenting posts from the past few months, we’ve compiled the best of the best for our recent newsletter. And in case you missed that, here it is one more time for your reading pleasure and at your leisure! Enjoy!

Hey friends!!

It’s a new year and we’ve been busy cranking out top quality posts and many full of parenting tips, suggestions, hacks and other ideas to help your life run smoother.

Here is a list of our top parenting posts we’ve curated just for you to check out at your leisure:

  • Before you go out and buy new clothes, try mixing and matching what your kids already have in their closet with these 1o tips.
  • For the first time in history, that 24-count box of Crayola crayon retired a color. Learn More!
  • If you’re heading on a road trip for Spring Break or during the Summer Break, here are 6 tips to make the trip go smoother.
  • Want to know which are the best and worst states in America to raise a family according to one survey? Here are the results!
  • You don’t need a magic bullet or fancy gadget to make baby food and we’ve got tips on how to do it using a simple blender.
  • Before even planning to have a baby, there are things you need to consider. Here are 6 of them.
  • Helicoptering kids may be tempting but kids who already have anxiety could be damaged by all that micro-parenting. Read More!
  • You’ve hear of GPS trackers to help parents keep up with their kids when away. Learn more about how they work.
  • So there’s a study you might want to read about women who don’t take their husband’s last name after marriage. Yeah read up on that one.
  • Who knew?! It’s better to have a dirty baby if you want to lower their asthma risk, this study says.
  • Over the years, moms of color who have biracial babies have had to defend themselves and over 15 penned essays about it.
  • If you’ve ever thought of throwing your baby a carnival or circus-themed birthday party, you can start with these suggestions.
  • Help your kids grow to become a more creative thinker. This road map is your key!

Next time, we’ll share the top celebrity, news, fashion, pregnancy, red carpet stories and reviews you might have missed.

Thanks for Reading!

Until next time….

SEE YOU NEXT TIME! Have a great holiday!!!





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13 Ideas for Having a Great First Easter For Baby!


Wen it comes to celebrating firsts, there’s something special about celebrating that first Easter together.  While your baby is a bit too small to help you with a lot of things, she’ll enjoy watching you decorate the house, color Easter eggs and prepare yummy foods. During your celebration don’t forget to take lots of photos. You’ll want to be sure to include them with her other “firsts” in her scrapbook.


Coloring eggs

This time honored tradition of coloring Easter eggs started because eggs are a symbol of rebirth.  More than 500 years ago the first book was written mentioning Easter eggs.  Some Christians would not eat meat during Lent and so Easter was the first time they could eat eggs and meat again.  One common game that was played was an egg rolling contest which symbolized the rolling away of the stone on Christ’s tomb.  Your baby will love the look of colored eggs.  Beware, though. It may be a good idea to wait until your child is older to let her eat them.  If you’re looking for egg-coloring inspiration, check out these five blogs.



Egg Hunt

Many churches and cities hold large Easter egg hunts every year.  The nice thing about these places is that they let the groups go according to age.  You and your little one can run out looking for eggs.  Many times the eggs are just lying on the grass and easy to find.  Invite some other kids over and throw your own Easter egg hunt.  Of the many kinds of events you can host this is probably one of the easiest ones you can do.  If money is tight you can always ask each guest to bring a dozen filled eggs with them so that you don’t have to provide all of the filled eggs and the food for the event.  Have a good time and take a look at these five blog entries to get some tips on egg hunts.



Everyone needs a dessert for Easter dinner.  For baby’s first Easter he may or may not be eating a lot of solid foods, but these desserts are kid-friendly desserts that are perfect for the whole family.  Traditional Easter desserts might be carrot cake or pineapple cake.  Bakers have branched out over the years to include all sorts of edible delights for Easter dinner.  These five blog posts will show traditional, light and decadent Easter desserts.


Easter Baskets

Typically the Easter bunny leaves a basket for little boys and girls.  You can buy a pre-made Easter basket at the discount store if you are pressed for time, but why would you when it’s so simple to put one together yourself.  There are different levels of Easter baskets, from simple to over-the-top.  These basket ideas have so many cute things that no one will even miss the candy.  So no matter what kind of basket you want to give your little one on her first Easter you should be able to find some ideas within these five blog posts.


VIRAL BBC Interview: Read These 15+ ‘I’m Not the Nanny” Essays from Moms of Color


This week, South Korea expert Robert E. Kelly‘s BBC on air segment went viral as he was discussing the recent impeachment of that nation’s president Live when his two daughters burst into the room where he was Skyping his interview.

The Pusan National University political science professor’s wife, Jung-a Kim, shut it down when she burst into the room, ninja style, ducking low, but making a ton of noise and dragged the kids out of the room. Many work-at-home parents can relate.

It is hilarious (You can catch it HERE).

One of the by-products of the video is the discussion among members of the public and  the media who assumed that Kelly’s Korean wife was the nanny, not the mom of the two racially-ambiguous kids.

While one could understand the presumption of many, given the trend of interracial marriages, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume the woman was the mom.

The number of mixed-race babies has soared over the past decade, new census data show, a result of more interracial couples and a cultural shift in how many parents identify their children in a multiracial society.  In fact, more than 7 percent of the 3.5 million children born in the year before the 2010 Census were of two or more races, up from barely 5 percent a decade earlier. The number of children born to black and white couples and to Asian and white couples almost doubled.
Victoria Rowell wrote in her autobirography that her nurse refused to give her blonde hair blue eye baby to her after birth before triple checking.

Young & Restless actress Victoria Rowell wrote in her autobiography that her nurse refused to give her blonde hair blue eye baby to her after birth before triple checking.

In light of the recent video with Kelly, there have been a few summaries and think pieces on the unconscious bias and micro-aggression many women of color around the world endure when they are asked by well-meaning people what agency they work for or if they are the mom to their own children.

This is not one.

I have several friends who are married to men of European decent who have children that are very fair and have physical features that are also quite European-looking. I have a few blogger friends as well who have penned pieces on the topic and I’ve written about one from the DC area,  Thien-Kim Lam, whose entire blog is actually titled, “I”m Not the Nanny”.

Because this topic is new to a lot of folks who cannot imagine these women’s perspective, I curated 14 Blogs and Interviews with over 15 women of color giving their first-hand personal essays on this topic. Check them out:

No, I’m Not the Nanny, He’s Really my Son, Stacy-Ann Gooden, Weather Anchor Mama

I’m Not the Nanny — Darker Mom, Lighter Baby, Angela Gray, Huffington Post

No, I’m not the nanny: When you don’t look like your kids, reporting by Pamela Sitt, TODAY Moms

Nope! I’m Not the Nanny, Just a Black Mom, Thanks, Nicole Blades, Jezebel

I’m Not the Nanny: Multiracial Families and Colorism, Allyson Hobbs review of Lori Tharps’ book, New York Times

I’m Not the Nanny, Collection, What to

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Jennifer Borget, BabyMakingMachine

My Daughter, I’m Not her Nanny, C. Fleming, The Race Card Project

I’m her Mom, Not the Nanny, Rose Arce, CNN

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Paloma Thomas, The

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Sage Steele, People

No, I’m Not their Nanny, Vivienne Lewis, Chronicles of a Young Mother

Please Stop Asking me If I’m the Nanny, Oriana Branon, Scary Mommy

Here is a young white mom who is mistaken for being the nanny of her biracial son in the Upper West Side of New York.

No, I’m Not the Nanny, Allison, Motherhood Project NYC

Finally, my journalist friend Jamila Bey  and a multiracial San Diego native Phaedra Erring who each are parents to blonde haired blue eyed kids, and New York Times Motherlode blogger Lisa Belkin were interviewed by NPR.

Also on this interview is Carolyn Hall who is a white woman who has two African adopted kids and a bi-racial child with her Jamaican-American husband, who is given harsh looks while out with her African kids because people assume wrongly she “stole” them from her husband’a previous relationship.

. Listen to their stories:

20+ Blogs with Family Friendly Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts & Ideas


While everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday, it’s unlikely that many know the story behind St. Patrick’s Day.

In a nutshell, a man named Patrick converted a large group of Irish people from Paganism to Christianity and was made a Saint.  Now considered the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick used the shamrock as the symbol of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The color green is used because of the rich green hills that are found all over Ireland.  You may be wondering how St. Patrick’s Day turned into a day for drinking, and there is a reason for that too.  St. Patrick told a bar owner who was cheating his customers by pouring short glasses of liquor that there was a demon in his basement and that the only way to be rid of it was to be generous.  After that, St. Patrick said that everyone should celebrate with some of the hard stuff on St. Patrick’s Day. However, the holiday isn’t solely reserved for those of legal drinking age; there are plenty of family-friendly things to do to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day too.

Check out these 20+ blog entries to find craft projects to make with the kids, decorations for your home, recipes to make for your family and other activities to do as well.


Make these simple crafts with your kids as part of your celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.  This often overlooked holiday can be really entertaining if you make a point to celebrate it just like you would other holidays with special crafts, decorations and food.  These five blog posts will share some craft projects you can enjoy with your kids.


Up your house’s festivity factor this St. Patrick’s Day by decorating in plenty of green and gold. Some of these decorating ideas are appropriate for younger children, while others are better suited for the older kids.  Get together as a family and enjoy some creative time together decorating your home.


All things green are up for grabs on St. Patrick’s Day.  What, you don’t think your kids will be excited about spinach and kale and other green leafy food?  No problem! Just make regular food green instead and see what the kids think of it.  It doesn’t have to be just for dinner, enjoy these five blogs that have breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas.


While green is definitely the star color for St. Patrick’s Day, it isn’t all confined to just that color. After all, you can’t forget about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Make some rainbow inspired desserts instead of just green ones this year.  For some inspiration check out these five blog posts.


What kind of things can you do as a family or with the kids for St. Patrick’s Day?  Some cities have St. Patty’s Day parades, so you might see if your city is having one.  Or you might decide to have a party for the kids in the neighborhood.  Take a look at these five blog articles for some ideas on activities that your kids or your family might enjoy.

Here are 111 Benefits to Breastfeeding (INFOGRAPHIC)


It is an undisputed fact that breast milk is best for baby. In the mommy wars, we often see battles about how best to raise a child and parent a newborn that turn ugly. Formula fed children do well as well and a lot of us were formula fed as babies and turned out fine. A lot of moms, for various reasons, so not breastfeed for personal reasons.

Some are not comfortable breastfeeding perhaps because of a past of mental anguish from sexual abuse, or have low milk supply or simply lack of support at work and home. But for those who are not hampered by these impediments, knowing the overwhelming benefits may sway their decision to nurse their newborns.

Here are 111, precisely, that our friends at Mom Loves Best asked us to share with you all.

The 111 Benefits of Breastfeeding by

Keshia Knight-Pulliam shares 3D Sonogram, Reflects Her Rollercoaster Year


First-time mom-to-be Keshia Knight-Pulliam used Thanksgiving to share with her Instagram followers the lessons she’s learned from the roller coaster year she has had.

The star, best known for her role as the character “Rudy Huxtable” on the 1980s comedy “The Cosby Show”, used the occasion to share a sonogram of her soon-to-be-born daughter, she has decided to name Ella Grace. She captioned the 3D image with a heartfelt message.

“This has been this single most challenging year of my life. However, I wake up this Thanksgiving more grateful & in awe of God’s power than ever,” she wrote.

“Thru it all this little face has kept me going & helped me tap into strength I didn’t even know I possess. I am so eternally grateful for my little Ella. I would not trade any of what I have gone thru for her. She is my greatest accomplishment & joy. She has inspired my smile even thru the tears. I am so proud she has chosen me to be her mommy… #Grateful #ThereIsAlwaysARainbowAfterTheStorm #IfICanDoItSoCanYou”





Pulliam and her estranged husband, former NFL player Ed Hartwell are undergoing a divorce after Hartwell filed for the formal separation days after she announced that they were expecting their first child. The couple only married in January this year after a very brief courtship.

The actress also casually dropped the fact that she has been one of the few women fortunate to not have gotten stretch marks while pregnant…yet.

Hold on, girl. They appear during that last month but hopefully she can stave them off for the entire pregnancy. My mom had four children and has zero stretch marks on her belly! Lucky!

A little over a month ago, members of her Kamp Kizzy surprised her with a baby shower


And earlier, she was gifted with a bunch of stuff from Marquee Communications which represents a bunch of baby and pregnancy related brands! Nice


My Pick of 7 Chic Diaper Bags You Can Use After Baby Grows UP

ju ju be

Diaper bags have come a long way. For a few years after first starting this blog, I would publish a most expensive baby item post that was very popular. It included a list of the top most expensive diaper bags.

Even those were not as cool and hip as the options we have now. Here are seven sophisticated, chic, stylish and fabulous baby bags that are so gorge that they’d be marvelous to wear after baby no longer needs a diaper bag and to even keep as a heirloom item that you use for later pregnancies or even pass down. Yes, this can happen! Check out my faves:


One of my faves is Kate Spade’s New York Harmony baby bag. It is so pretty and classic. The simple black with tan trim is fabu.  I also love the smooth nylon material which makes it easy to clean. The silhouette is classic in that it can match with your wardrobe and like most diaper bags, it comes with a changing pad and retails $298. 

gucci diaper bag

Logo and monogram bags are timeless and one bag that is also a status symbol is the original Gucci diaper bag. This beige fabric and leather bag was a staple among high society women. It’s deep with plenty of inside pockets and a ruched side pockets to hold baby bottles and diaper wipes and other items you might want instant access too. It is great for all sizes of women cause the draps drop 17.7 inches. It retails at a hefty $1,150 hence why the rich moms love it so.

skip hop chelsea bag

I just absolutely love the practicality of the Skip Hop Chelsea Diaper Backpack because it can double as a weekender or a casual bag for outings and errands-running. It has a drawstring closure which is great for getting into when  you’re hands are full, but also comes with clip on shoulder straps…because sometimes, you need straps. It too comes with a cushioned changing pad and is just $100! A total steal!

babymel grace bag

Another sleek minimalist bag can be found in Babymel’s Grace Diaper Bag. It has a built-in insulated zipper bottle pocket. Winning! It keeps fluids warm or cool fo up to 4 hours, the manufacturers say. It’s also funcitonal because it is made of polyurethane and can easily be wiped clean. It also has a great price point at $90!


I just love how cosmopolitan and metropolitan Ju-Ju-Be’s BFF Legacy Diaper bag is. I got a chance to check this stylish and smart bag which is one of the latest of four new styles/prints out: The Navigator. It is very pretty. The hardware is pretty sturdy and there is loads of room inside this baby! There is a clip to hold a key chain and lots of interior pockets including a sleeve for a mobile phone so it is easy to whip out when it rings but still insulated from all the other stuff so it doesn’t get moisture on it. Also, because it is inside the bag, it cannot be pick pocketed in a crowded location. The bag is great for fighting germs too. It has Agion antimicrobial lining to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. And, cleaning the diaper bag is easier, thanks to a Teflon fabric protector that helps repel stains. Use the backpack diaper bag when you want the comfort of ergonomically curved and padded shoulder straps, and the convenience of multiple zippered pockets to stow all of your baby’s essentials. This Ju-Ju-Be backpack has two exterior insulated bottle pockets with Thinsulate to keep items warm or cold.

The easy-to-reach Mommy pocket, featuring a diapers and wipes pocket, on the front of the bag helps moms and dads do quick changes when necessary. There’s also a memory foam changing pad included in the back panel zipper compartment to aid in the process of changing your little one.

The 11.5-inch opening of this compartment is also suitable for holding tablets, small laptops or magazines. Stow your phone in the cell phone pocket, and put away small items like sunglasses or a digital camera in the convenient top storage pocket. Wash this backpack diaper bag as needed in the washing machine, and then let it air dry.

It’s an amazing bag! And it too sells in a great price point at about $180.00 for all you get in this fab bag!

timi and leslie

  1. Another super chic option is Timi & Leslie’s Charlie Diaper Bag.  This bag is made of water-resistant faux leather and it stands out because it also comes with a zippered sac for storing soiled baby clothes and keeping them away from your fresh stash inside. It also has lots of exterior and interior pockets. It’s just $159.99 which is a decent price. I could definitely see one wearing this after baby grows up even!

burberry diaper bag check

Finally, the cream de la creme is this gorgeous Burberry Mason Leather & Check Baby Bag. That signature pattern is the hallmark of this British designers’ products. This tote is in a classic shape and is quite the sophisticated piece! This bag is imported from Italy and retails at $1,495 but it’s worth it! Look how gorgeous it is!


This Might be THE Cutest Collection of Mom Tees Around

baby chick collection

When I spotted the super cute maternity tee shirts that Texas postpartum Douala Nina Spears sells on her blog, I fell in love. The love the super cute sayings printed on them like “Momday“, “I long naps and I cannot lie (take off of a lyric in Sir-Mix-Alot‘s “Baby Got Back“), “Shopping for Two and “My Kids are my Cardio.”


Spears sells the shirts on her The Baby Chick blog that she runs with a small team of other mom bloggers while also managing her Douala agency, the Bassett Baby Planing. 

I love them because they are relatable. I mean, my life is coffee, top knots, yoga pants, chocolate and wine, and in no particular order! lol!


They just speak to my soul and I imagine would be a conversation starter in person or among your social media or Instagram friends who will be asking you were you got yours from! Send them to us and tell them to get it from The Baby Chick shop!



The other interesting thing about this inventive entrepreneur is that she does so much to help educate, inspire, and uplift mothers hundreds of moms via her baby planning, doula, massage therapy, childbirth education, infant massage instruction, prenatal fitness services…but she isn’t a mom yet herself!


The University of Texas grad and her husband Brian, her co-founder, only got married last July 2015 yet are parents to two fur babies, Lola + Aria (one is a Pomeranian and an Alaskan Klee Kai).


I’m excited to partner up with The Baby Chick and help spread awareness of its awesome services for moms-to-be and Nina and Team’s very innovative line of fun maternity tees!


Pick up one for yourself or a friend who is expecting. They’ll make great novelty gifts, Christmas or Holiday gifts for a mom to be. Prices start at a modest $24!!





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