COVID-19 has taught me my place in peoples Life!
Two weeks ago, I had a cough that wouldn’t just go away. It slowly morphed into the flu and in a week it was gone. Part of me though it was COVID-19 but because it did not go more than a week, I did not think much of it. Furthermore, temperatures have been going as low as 7 Degrees so, it was a logic explanation why I am sick. Earlier that week I had washed my hair at midnight and oiled it half naked so yeah, I did not read too much into it. I did my steaming and hydrating , did my lemons , eucalyptus and all the herbs you would think of.
My son was active as ever during his school holiday and my husband was not any different. Later that week, my husband developed a cough and it dawned to me it could be COVID-19. He insisted on going to hospital and I was afraid to hear what I was thinking.
He had the rapid tests done and they came out negative. He was told he was developing pneumonia. He got the Antibiotics and 3-day shots, and he started showing some sort of improvement. When the prescription was over he became worse, and my gut feeling was telling me to take him to the hospital.
Due to the curfew in place in our country, we couldn’t go anywhere that day, I got an Oximeter and his oxygen saturation was at 60%. That night I sat as he tried t sleep. AS soon as it was morning, I rushed him to the hospital, Thank God for my aunty who has a clinic close by.
Nothing was working, the doctor ordered for a COVID-19 rapid test and came out negative, but the CT scan showed Pneumonia with traces of COVID-19. It was not making sense. The doctor’s advice was to transfer him to a bigger hospital with more facilities like an ICU. At this point, I couldn’t do anything. I was too much to digest. My brain had shut down.
The COVID was a shocker but what happened next literally made me fall off my sit! So the Sister, she is a nurse, comes and picks all the documentation from the doc, scans and says she will g with him to where he will get better treatment. I stood there and said goodbye as he was wheeled into the Ambulance. I broke down. My son and I broke down and they were gone. Little did I know was going to war!
My In-laws took his Identity card and when I asked back for it, they refused. For those who don’t know, this side of the Sahara, the Death certificate goes to that person holding the Identity card. This means all his wealth goes to that person.
I did not fight, instead, I buried myself in work and sept more than a new baby. Soon it was Saturday, and he was doing much better, my Mother by Love started calling me and at one point told me not to spend the money I am getting for his son’s hospital bill. Please note, I do not have a scent as I had spent all my money paying the first hospital bill.
His test came back positive meaning I couldn’t see him. I went to get tested too and I was negative. I was now on antibiotics, sleeping pills, vitamins, and Zinc. I really did not have the strength to fight with her.
The next day, we went to get vaccinated a car ride of 22Km felt like a lifetime. My mother by love said all she could say. She went to the extent to say his son should go back home.
I took public transportation back. The insults were enough! I couldn’t!
Fast-forward to today as I write this, my in-laws believe that their mum can insult me, and I stay silent. They blame me for the man’s hospitalization and the fact that I have refused to ask my “rich uncles” their words not mine, for money for his bill.
I love my husband with all that I am, and I know we got this together.
So why the story? In this new normal, it’s important to know your tribe. My Family Nuclear and extended are my rock. They have called daily some, like clockwork to check in on me. My In-laws just showed me that I am a liability to them!
My advice put your affairs in order, COVID-19 is taking people’s lives. And, with in-laws like mine, you will be doing your family a favour!
……………………. one last thing, take care of your mental health, COVID-19 has some serious psychological effects on both the patient and the family.