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postpartum depression

Alanis Morissette Pens Essay On Having PPD for the Third Time

alanis morisette and family

alanis morisette and family

Postnatal depression affects more than one in every 10 women within a year of giving birth,  and Alanis Morissette knows it well because she dealt with it after giving birth to each of her children.

The You Outta Know singer opened up about experiencing PPD in her blog after giving birth to her third child, son Winter in August this year.

PPD symptoms can include a persistent feeling of sadness, lack of enjoyment and interest, fatigue, difficulty bonding with your baby and lack of concentration.

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“I have been here before. I know there is another side. And the other side is greater than my PPD-riddled-temporarily-adjusted-brain could have ever imagined: as a mum. As an artist. As a friend. As a collaborator. As a leader. As a boss. As an activist,” Morissette wrote.

“I saw how things got richer after I came through it the last two times. I have my eye on that prize again… even as I drag my ass through the molasses.”

The Jagged Little Pill recording artist added that she has “so much more support” the third time around, explaining that she prepared “as much as she could beforehand” for the eventuality of suffering from PPD.

“Some parts of the care-prep have been a godsend, and well-planned. But for all of this preparation – PPD is still a sneaky monkey with a machete – working its way through my psyche and body and days and thoughts and bloodwork levels,” Morissette said.

In her opinion, Morisette said she did not think our culture is  “set up to honor women properly after birth” but acknowledges that there has been improvement.

“I see it changing, which is so heartening… but the general way is bereft of the honoring and tenderness and attunement and village-ness that postpartum deeply warrants,” she said.

“This is where the fabric of our culture, of our world, is crafted. On physical, emotional, neurobiological, chemical, spiritual, mental, existential, practical levels. Wouldn’t it be cool if we treated all postpartum mums and families with this awareness and hon our[?]”

Morissette finished her essay declaring that “We’re not alone.”

Morissette gave birth to her first child with rapper Mario “Souleye” Treadway in 2010, son Ever.

Their second child, a daughter called Onyx, was born in June 2016.


Truth About Postpartum Depression in Men

Guest Post

Did you know that approximately 1 in 10 men experience paternal postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth of their children?

On average, new dads more or less expect a lot of sleepless nights, diaper duty, and other typical joys of being a new parent. However, paternal postpartum depression, is certainly something that new fathers don’t expect or are prepared for the arrival of their newborn. The wave of paternal postpartum depression can hit at any time, so it is essential for new dads to keep a wary eye out for its common symptoms.

The Symptoms of Paternal Postpartum Depression

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), parental postpartum depression can affect anywhere from 4 to 25 percent of new fathers. Unfortunately, PPD can go undetected and untreated, as most men aren’t familiar with the signs and symptoms associated with this debilitating form of depression.

Here are a few signs of PPD in men to look out for:

●                   Inability to sleep

●                   Sleeping too much

●                   Severe fluctuations in weight

●                   Frequent episodes of unexplained anger

●                   Feelings of hopelessness

●                   Inability to concentrate

●                   Fatigue

●                   Thoughts of death and suicide

During these bouts of depression, men are more likely to become aggressive, irritable, and even hostile toward their family, and can even display little desire to engage with their newborn child.

While first-time dads have the greatest risk for developing PPD, they are even more susceptible if their partner is also experiencing postpartum depression. In fact, another study published by the NIH shows that the likelihood of postpartum depression in dads whose partner is also suffering from PPD increases by 2.5 times.

Causes of Paternal Postpartum Depression

While the research on postpartum depression in men is still ongoing, doctors see a significant dip in male testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen, prolactin and cortisol levels around the time of their child’s birth. Furthermore, there’s typically a spike in PPD in men around the 3-6-month mark, as this is generally the time when working moms return to the workforce. As dads become more involved with raising their children, the rise in PPD becomes more pronounced.


The best way to tackle postpartum depression in both men and women is by seeking the help of a professional. Men are notorious for their reluctance to acknowledge their mental pain, which can often lead to greater negative consequences in the long run.

However, simple talk therapy can truly work wonders when utilized with consistency. A licensed therapist can help new fathers work through their negative thoughts and find productive ways to manage their anger. And if they are not comfortable or don’t have the time to visit a therapist in person, there are plenty of tele-therapy options available that can help fathers in need to speak with a licensed therapist online and in the comfort of their home.

One such option is LARKR, a company that I and my wife Christianne Kernes co-founded. LARKR is a convenient mobile platform that provides professional, affordable, and private talk therapy via video chat. With time, talk therapy can help new fathers and new mothers heal, so they can be the best possible parents to their newborn children.

infographic about postpartum depression

About Shawn Kernes

Shawn Kernes is the Co-Founder and CEO of LARKR On-Demand Behavioral Health, which aims to make mental, emotional, and behavioral health care immediate, accessible and affordable for all.

Things You Might Not Know About Postpartum Depression (INFOGRAPHIC)

Postpartum depression is something most mothers are aware of today, but in our own experience we’ve found that many women stay in a state of denial about Postpartum.

This could be due to the fact that Postpartum depression takes on many different forms from depression to anger to anxiety. The folks at Larkr, a new on-deman mental healthcare app, put together an infographic that you can see below with some interesting facts about Postpartum depression that may help clear things up.

If you or anyone you know may be suffering from Postpartum depression, Larkr’s network of licensed therapists are standing by to help.

Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Year-Long Battle with PostPartum Depression


In a very candid essay, model and cookbook author Chrissy Teigen opens up for the first time about battling postpartum depression, a condition that affects 1 in 9 women, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

In the essay, the Lip Sync Battle co-host talks about being a very happy person and being genuinely ecstatic about starting a family with her husband John Legend. The couple welcomed daughter Luna in April 2016.

But then after her birth, she says she felt “unhappy: for “much of the last year.”

“What basically everyone around me—but me—knew up until December was this: I have postpartum depression. How can I feel this way when everything is so great? I’ve had a hard time coming to terms with that, and I hesitated to even talk about this, as everything becomes such a ‘thing.'” the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model reveals before sharing that as a person who lives her life as an “open book” she felt compelled to share her story:

“I had such a wonderful, energetic pregnancy,” she begins but adds that things turned a bit dark because of disruption at home.

“After I had Luna, our home was under construction, so we lived in a rental home, then a hotel, and I blamed whatever stress or detachment or sadness I was feeling at that time on the fact that there were so many odd circumstances,” Teigen shared. “I remember thinking: ‘Maybe I’ll feel better when we have a home.'”But it didn’t go as expected though she shared how the show was very accommodating:

I went back to work on Lip Sync Battle in August, when Luna was four months. The show treated me incredibly well—they put a nursery in my dressing room and blew up photos of Luna and John and my family for my wall. When Luna was on set, they lowered the noise levels. They turned down the air so she wouldn’t be cold. Only the most gentle knocking on the door. Pump breaks. I mean, there was no better place to get to go back to work to.

Life wasn’t the same, nonetheless.

But I was different than before. Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my ­shoulders—even my wrists—hurt. I didn’t have an appetite. I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people.

I would be in my dressing room, sitting in a robe, getting hair and makeup done, and a crew member would knock on the door and ask: “Chrissy, do you know the lyrics to this song?” And I would lose it. Or “Chrissy, do you like these cat ears, or these panda hands?” And I’d be like: “Whatever you want. I don’t care.” They would leave. My eyes would well up and I would burst into tears. My makeup artist would pat them dry and give me a few minutes.

I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy. I blamed it on being tired and possibly growing out of the role: “Maybe I’m just not a goofy person anymore. Maybe I’m just supposed to be a mom.”

And the feeling transcended work and home:

When I wasn’t in the studio, I never left the house. I mean, never. Not even a tiptoe outside. I’d ask people who came inside why they were wet. Was it raining? How would I know—I had every shade closed. Most days were spent on the exact same spot on the couch and rarely would I muster up the energy to make it upstairs for bed. John would sleep on the couch with me, sometimes four nights in a row. I started keeping robes and comfy clothes in the pantry so I wouldn’t have to go upstairs when John went to work. There was a lot of spontaneous crying.

Read more of the very moving, open and transparent story at Glamour

Adele Expounds On her Post Partum Depression During Grammy Acceptance Speech



During an award acceptance speech at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards, singer/songwriter Adele gave new insight on the post partum depression she struggled with after giving birth to her now 4-year old son, Angelo.

The multiple-Grammy winning artist had previously shared during a candid interview with Vanity Fair magazine last October that she suffered from the condition though didn’t know what she was going through.

“I had really bad postpartum depression after I had my son, and it frightened me,” she told the interviewer, adding that in lieu of taking medication or talking with a professional to help her cope, she took consult from other moms.

At Sunday’s show, she recounted becoming pregnant after her last album 21 and how the experience and  having PPD made her feel disconnected from the world and all the things she knew as normal.

She credited her team for helping her bound back.

“As you can see it took an army to make me strong and willing again to do it. And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart,”

“And in my pregnancy and becoming a mother I lost a lot of myself and I’ve struggled and I still do struggle being a mum,” the platinum-selling artist said. “It’s really hard. But tonight winning this really feels full circle and like a bit of me has come back to myself.”


She also gave credit to her “husband” Simon Konecki for being her inspiration. It was the first time she had confirmed that she had gotten married.

“Grammys, I appreciate it. The Academy, I love you. My manager, my husband and my son — you’re the only reason I do it,” she said while accepting the award for Album of the Year.

She and Konecki  have been together for five years  and were introduced to one another by fellow British singer Ed Sheeran.

Before, in the Vanity Fair, piece, she talked about how then-boyfriend encouraged her to get out of her funk and to get help.


“My boyfriend said I should talk to other women who were pregnant, and I said, ‘Fk that, I ain’t hanging around with a fking bunch of mothers (sic)’,” she tells the publication. “Then, without realising it, I was gravitating towards pregnant women and other women with children, because I found they’re a bit more patient. You’ll be talking to someone, but you’re not really listening, because you’re so f**king tired.”

But while her non-mom friends didn’t get it, her friends with kids totally did.

“My friends who didn’t have kids would get annoyed with me,” she continues. “Whereas I knew I could just sit there and chat absolute mush with my friends who had children, and we wouldn’t judge each other. One day I said to a friend, ‘I fking hate this,’ and she just burst into tears and said, ‘I fking hate this, too.’ And it was done. It lifted.”

She added that she had a tough time self-diagnosing her condition because she wasn’t educated as to what it is.

“My knowledge of postpartum-or post-natal, as we call it in England, is that you don’t want to be with your child; you’re worried you might hurt your child; you’re worried you weren’t doing a good job,” she explains. “But I was obsessed with my child. I felt very inadequate; I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life… It can come in many different forms.”

She confided that spending time alone helped.

“I just said, I’m going to give myself an afternoon a week, just to do whatever the f**k I want without my baby,” she says. “A friend of mine said, ‘Really? Don’t you feel bad?’ I said, ‘I do, but not as bad as I’d feel if I didn’t do it.’ Four of my friends felt the same way I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it;

At the end of the North America leg of her tour, Adele announced plans to try to get pregnant again, and is “off to have a baby.”

“I’ll see you on the other side,” she told fans in Phoenix. “In a couple of years I’ll be back [to the States]. You won’t be able to get rid of me.”

While she’s enjoyed spending a few months at home with her family, Adele will soon be headed back to work. She’s kicking off the next leg of her world tour in Australia and New Zealand later this month.


Hayden Panettiere Re-Enters Rehab for Postpartum Depression


Hayden Panettiere‘s postpartum depression has returned and the The Nashville star has re-entered rehab to help her cope and deal with it.

The petite Heroes alum tweeted out the news about her condition.

“The postpartum depression I have been experiencing has impacted every aspect of my life,” she tweeted Thursday. “Rather than stay stuck due to unhealthy coping mechanisms I have chosen to take time to reflect holistically on my health and life. Wish me luck!”

Panettiere and fiancé  Kaya Evdokiain in December 2014. Last October, she entered rehab for the ailment.

“I was always so terrified that people weren’t going to accept me,” Panettiere has spoken of her struggles in the recent past. “I finally just went, ‘I’m tired of living afraid. I’m tired of living in fear of what people are going to think, so you know, I’m just going to put it all out there on the table and I’m not going to worry about the judgment.’”

In response to those who do not think it is a real condition, Panettiere has had to clap back.

“It’s like you have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said. “If you think for one second that a mother wants to feel that way towards her child, you’re outta your mind.”

It is very real. Too many of us know it. We’re wishing her well and a good recovery.

h/t Celebrity Baby Scoop

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