This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. If you haven’t already figured out what to get for your child’s teacher yet, here are 15 websites and links with ideas and suggestions to get you started! But first, do check out the ideas we shared with you in our Holiday gift guide post as many of those were under $10!
Gifts to Make for Teachers
When you make gifts for your child’s teachers you will be putting a little bit of yourself into each gift. It will be personalized for her and not something that she will receive from 10 other students. Try to make the gifts useful, like making her a grocery bag. She would think of you every time she used the bag to carry home groceries. Think how many years it would last. Now that many teachers are getting an iPad and other types of tablets, they might need to have a sleeve to protect it. These ideas and others can be found in these five blog posts.
- Make Your Own Grocery Bag
- Teacher’s Gift Ideas
- Laptop/Kindle/ iPad Sleeve Tutorial
- Magnet Memo Boards: Made from the Dollar Store
- Caterpillar Eyeglasses Case Tutorial
Gifts to Buy for Teachers
Sometimes teachers receive a lot of gifts that they can’t really use. How many candles do you really need? When asked, teachers will most likely say that it’s the thought that counts, but if they are honest they would tell you that gift cards are always appreciated. These five blog entries share ideas for gifts using store bought items put together in a creative way.
- Quick and Cheesy Teacher Appreciation Gifts
- Best Teacher Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week
- Best Personalized Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas
- Berry Basket Gift Idea + Free Download
- (Freebie Friday) Teacher Appreciation
Ideas on a Budget In this economy, the budget to celebrate might be on the small side. You can find things to do for the teachers that will pamper them without breaking the bank. Instead of catering a lunch in, see if you can get parents to bring in a covered dish. For other ideas on how to celebrate teacher appreciation week on budget check out these five blog articles.
- Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas on a Budget
- Ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week
- YAY! It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!
- Teacher Appreciation Week: Frugal Gift Ideas!
- Top 10 Ways to Appreciate Teachers
Good Luck!