Bellyitch Rewind
Aaaah nourishing breast milk. Great for giving a newborn nutritious nutrients and passing on critical antibodies crucial for their healthy growth. But did you know that breast milk is great for solving eye irritations for any person, not just the baby? Did you also know that hospitals use donated breast milk to soothe the scars of burn unit victims?Yup! It’s that miraculous source from the heavens that keeps on giving. Who knew you could recycle breast milk?
Researchers reveal that there are lots and lots of uses for breast milk that many people probably were clueless about, Check out some other uses:
1. Pink eye breast milk (eye infections). You can put a few drops of breast milk into baby’s eyes or any family members who are suffering from pink eye. The breast milk will keep the area clean and will initiate healing. You can do this as often as possible.
2.Eye puffiness or redness. Wonderful for removing puffiness and is used just as you would cows milk for the same purpose. Dab on with some cotton wool.
3. Opening a stuffy nose. Breast milk is natural and a great alternative to medications which might even make the situation worse. Just squirt a few drops into baby’s nose while he is lying down, then use a bulb to suction the excess out from his nose.
4. Sore throats and mouth sores. Swirling some of the breast milk around in the mouth and even gargling with it can help. Even a breastfed baby can be given some breast milk in a cup to rinse out the mouth.
5. Eczema and other skin rashes. Breast milk will keep the skin clean and will prevent flare ups. Just apply a layer of breast milk to the area and allow to air dry.
6. Dry skin. Using breast milk as a moisturizer.
7.Cradle cap. Just apply to baby’s scalp a few times per day.
8. Breast milk diaper rash. Using breast milk to treat and prevent normal nappy rash.
9. Breast milk ear infections. Squirt a few drops inside the ear for healing and some pain relief. (can be used for infants and grown-ups)
10. Insect bites. Rub a small amount on the bite to relieve the itching and promote the healing process.
11. Chicken pox. Apply the breast milk on the skin to relieve itching just as you would any other ointment.
12.Warts. Apply daily on the wart until it dries up and falls off.
13. Treating sore nipples. Putting some breast milk on your nipples can often heal them faster than any over the counter nipple cream. It can also prevent cracking by keeping them supple.
14. Immune boost. Older children can be given a glass of breast milk or more everyday to boost their immune systems and keep them from becoming ill.
15. Ease cold/flu symptoms. Get over your cold quicker with some liquid gold breast milk. Drink as much as you can.
16. Make-up remover. Breast milk can naturally and easily remove eye make-up.
17. Skin cleanser. Breast milk will gently cleanse your skin and can prevent acne because of its antibacterial properties.