We assume most people who read this blog are already expecting or well versed on signs of pregnancy. It’s never a good idea to presume.
So just in case you’re planning a family or wondering what some symptoms you’re experience, here are 15 signs curated by TodaysParent.com that you might be pregnant:
1. Swollen and tender breasts Soreness or tingling in breasts is one of the most common pregnancy signs. Early in pregnancy breasts will fill out and change shape as they prepare to produce milk. Breasts may become very tender and sensitive for a few months as a result. But, Teresa Pitman, doula and lactation expert, notes: “that not all women experience these changes, especially if they have been on birth control pills.”
It is possible to know you’re pregnant in those first few weeks—some women even “know” from the moment of conception. Here are the very earliest pregnancy signs, that you might not notice.
2. Darkening areolas For many women, hormones can cause the areolas, the circles around nipples, to widen and darken during pregnancy. This occurs as the body prepares itself for breastfeeding.
3. Spotting About five to 10 days after conception, some women notice light spotting when the embryo implants in the uterus. So if you’ve had a light period this month, you might still be carrying a little bundle of joy—psst, here’s what you need to know about home pregnancy tests, including when it’s best to take one.
4. Urinary frequency or constipation When you’re pregnant, your uterus presses directly on the bladder leading to more frequent urination. The added pressure and intestinal changes may also cause constipation. Of course, the more a baby grows, the more the uterus presses against the bladder and other organs.
5. Fatigue Feeling very tired is a common pregnancy sign (it takes lots of energy to create a baby!). In fact, fatigue is often one of the first pregnancy signs. If you are pregnant, chances are you’ll start to feel less tired around week 12, when the placenta is fully formed.
6. Nausea Nausea is one of the most common pregnancy signs. It’s caused by an increase in hormone levels (about 80 percent of women experience “morning sickness” during the first 3 months of pregnancy). For many, this nausea is not necessarily confined just to the morning – some feel it all day long.
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