1. Start with a body weight cardio sequence:
3 Minutes:
30 second Jumping Jacks
30 second High knees
30 second Butt kickers
30 second Body Squats
30 second Jumping Jacks
30 second Mountain climbers

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels
2. Planks- we love timers in our house. So I get my kids doing one minute circuits with different planks!
– High plank
– Forearm plank
– “Up-Downs” (this is where you go from high plank to forearm plank and alternate which arm you lead with)
3. Animal walks… keeping it fun and educational, I always integrate different animal movements into the exercises with my kids. It keeps them distracted and moving around. Two top favorites:
– Crab walks
– Bear crawls
4. Wrap with relay races. Similar to something done in football called “suicide drills”, now the whole family gets involved.
One kid starts and runs to the end of the driveway, comes back, tags the next, and so forth. We make it a fun competition to see as a team how quickly they can complete the drill.
Nice! Thanks Akbar! Catch American Ninja Warrior Junior airing on Universal Kids!