When one of your close friends is pregnant, it’s an exciting time — but there’s so much to do!
She has to figure out how to put in a car seat, decorate the nursery, and read through countless confusing parenting books.
You want to throw her a baby shower to help take her mind off the stress and onto celebration.
Need a little help?
Read our ultimate guide to throwing a baby shower the right way below.
1. Send out Invites Early
The first step of baby shower planning is getting those invites out early!
You want everyone the guest of honor cares about to be able to make it, after all. This also gives her plenty of time to set up and decide on the things she wants to list on her registry.
To get invites out ASAP, check out this free save the date template.
2. Get the Mom-To-Be’s Input
Remember, you’re throwing a baby shower for your friend, not for yourself.
Always let her have the last word on any games, food, guest lists, and entertainment. You want her to be happy, not to resent you for insisting on doing things “your way.”

3. Find a Comfortable Hosting Space
Number one on the list of things you need for a baby shower?
A comfortable and cozy spot! The guest of honor will want to relax, spread out, and likely be in an environment she’s familiar with.
If possible, try to host it in a friend’s home (not the mom-to-be’s own, as she shouldn’t have to handle the cleanup.)
4. Avoid Stereotypical Games
Games are a huge part of throwing a baby shower, but things like racing to see who can change a diaper the fastest or forcing everyone to do a taste test of baby food aren’t fun for anyone.
Instead, have everyone bring in an old baby picture of themselves and try to get guests to figure out who is who. You could also hire a singer, organize a betting pool about the time of the baby’s birth, and more.
Any of these games are also a welcome alternative to the standard stuff.
5. It’s OK to Serve Cocktails
Remember that just because the mom-to-be isn’t drinking doesn’t mean she doesn’t want her friends to have to do the same.
Having a bottle of prosecco (or several more) around can make the experience of watching one person open gifts for hours much more fun.
We also love the idea of creating a unique mocktail for the mom that’s named after her and includes her favorite alcohol-free ingredients. She shouldn’t have to stick to just sparkling water.
Make Throwing a Baby Shower Easy with These Tips
Above all, remember that throwing a baby shower is something you do for a friend because you want to share her excitement and give her the chance to show off.
You don’t have to spend weeks on end and thousands of dollars to make it memorable.
Instead, focus on creating an event you know she’ll love.
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