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These Proven Tips Will Get Your Kid to Excel at School


Anyone who follows parenting memoirs has probably read, or at least heard of, the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua, which was released back in 2011. It was a controversial book that advocated the strict supervision of a child’s education, which, it argued, is the best way for your child to reach their fullest potential.

The controversy stems from the magnitude of strictness that Amy Chua suggested; the methods suggested varied from a near-constant ‘hovering’ around your children to ensure that they did their homework perfectly to frequent volunteering for their school in order to be around them more often and to keep in ongoing contact with several teachers in order to assess progress.

While parents placing a high value on their children’s schooling is definitely admirable and beneficial, studies have suggested that the approach of the “tiger mother” may not be all that useful. There’s little, if any, evidence that suggests this approach actually improves grades and other metrics of school performance. (Which isn’t to say the book isn’t worth a read!)

Unfortunately, this approach is often what an involvement in your child’s education is taken to mean. But the choice at your feet in this context isn’t between total passivity and uninvolvement on one hand and unceasing hovering on the other. There are a lot of better ways in which you can become more involved in your child’s education and get them to improve their performance by increasing their own engagement. We’re going to take a look at some of the key ways in which you can help encourage your child towards academic success!


Keeping up good attitudes

If kids don’t have they right attitude towards their schooling, then it can be very difficult to get them to become really engaged and positive about it – and that can be very damaging in the long run. Many parents may see the improvement of a kid’s attitude towards school as a lost cause. After all, how many of us really loved school all that much? Some say school days are the best days of your lives, but there’s no way that can be true, right?

Loving school and having a good attitude towards it are two very different things. A key to the development of a good attitude for your child towards school is for you to have a good attitude towards the whole endeavor. This can be difficult; if a kid happens to be struggling at school, it can be easy for parents to feel discouraged and frustrated. But you should remember that enthusiasm can be contagious.

You should communicate to your children that paying attention and doing your best at school while you’re young will pay off loads in future. School won’t last forever; in fact, it’s over before you really know it. There will be loads of time to complain about school once it’s over; but when you’re there, you should do the best you can.

A good attitude isn’t always fostered through these abstract means, however. Sometimes, a bad attitude can be attributed to physical issues.


Health and mood

Your health and mood at any given moment has a massive impact on your productivity and ability to retain information. This is true throughout life, and is probably something with which you’re already quite familiar. If you didn’t sleep that well last night, then your work performance is going to suffer at least a little. If you’re feeling ill, then you basically have no chance of getting any serious work done. And if your mood is low – which can be exacerbated by other health problems – then your ability to concentrate is shot.

We tend to become accustomed to these realities during adulthood; after we’ve left school and entered the daily grind of the workforce, we notice the ways in which our health and mood affect our professional abilities. The same goes for academic abilities; unfortunately, we often don’t realize this when we’re kids.


So the importance of a good night’s sleep, as well as a healthy diet, should never be underestimated. While there are many differing views on just how much sleep a child should get, it’s estimated by most that kids perform at their best when they sleep for around nine or ten hours between 6-12, and eight to ten between 13-18. (As we reach young adulthood and midlife, many of us don’t tend to need quite so much.) Despite the common view that children are perpetually loaded with energy, they tend to get very tired in the middle of the day much quicker than adults. No late nights for the kids, then!

As for diet, you’re going to hear something you’ve probably already heard a million times before: breakfast is important. While eating something is always better than eating nothing before school, there are definitely things that are much better for your child’s mood, fitness, and concentration than a bowl of sugary cereal – the most popular breakfast for kids across the globe. Make sure they eat something with a little bit more punch when it comes to keeping up good health!


Rewards and fun

Do we want to foster the attitude that all things worth doing will come with huge material rewards? No. But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach our kids that rewards can come through hard work. Academic achievements should be rewarded in some way – after all, while it’s good for kids to realize that not all work worth doing will be rewarded in the same way, the fact remains that kids, while they’re kids, perform better when they have a strong and tangible incentive.The

So what kind of rewards are best for a kid who’s doing well at school? If you want to provide them with a physical gift, you might want to consider getting something personalized or engraved. Businesses like I Just Love It offer these sorts of items. Unique markings, words, or photos can help make the gift feel a lot more personal and special; it also makes it more likely that they’ll keep the gift for a very long time, which will serve as a powerful reminder of the rewards of academic achievement in the long term.

You can also consider celebrating academic achievements by treating the whole family to a trip of some kind. But an element of fun shouldn’t just be confined to moments of achievement. The fact is that all work and no play really does dull your thinking. If you don’t take breaks, then you’re not going to be working at your fullest capacity either professionally or academically. So your kid may just have an excuse to spend some time playing video games – as long as it serves as a break from studying and homework!


Reading together

Reading is a wonderful thing for both parents and kids. It sharpens your thinking (its depth and clarity), it expands your vocabulary, it helps you recognize good sentences and arguments. It’s a habit that your kids should get into while they’re young, and it’s something that they should come to enjoy outside of the classroom. A lot of kids end up being put off by reading because they only associate it with academic work. This isn’t ideal, especially when you consider the lifelong benefits that come from reading whatever age you are.

Because it has such great educational benefits in and of itself, and because it can help prepare your kid your information retention in the classroom, it’s essential that you read with your child on a regular basis. People should read because they take joy in it. People who love to read throughout their lives often have very good and meaningful memories from childhood associated with reading. When you read with your child, you contribute to this essential part of their lifelong development.


Whatever will be will be

At the end of the day, getting too involved or strict in your child’s schooling can have detrimental effects. It can increase pressure on your child to perform well, and that pressure seems to be increasing from year to year as it is. To some extent, your child needs to learn for themselves the rewards of good academic work and the consequences of poor performance. This means that it’s not always prudent to reward them every time they do well and punish them when they don’t.

As we get older, the positives of a job well done and the negatives of a job done badly become less and less apparent (usually until it’s too late). While we can guide our children towards a quicker realization of these important facts, the best way that such lessons will stick with them is if they see all of this first-hand at a young age.

Here’s another mistake that parents often make in this area: they may not punish their child or withhold certain treats when they don’t perform well at school, but they may take action to try to smooth out the bumps that come with that poor performance. For example, they may try to convince their child’s teacher to give them a higher grade that they didn’t actually earn. Unfortunately, this sort of approach will turn a child into a very dependent and passive learner. Learning should be an active activity, one that comes with several unpleasant bumps when mistakes are made. Shielding children from every consequence of poor academic performance won’t be that great for them in the long run.

Don’t Let Celebrities Have You Thinking IVF is the Only Infertility Option


With a bevy of celebrities giving birth to twins, naturally, a lot of people suspect that IVF or some other form of medical intervention or technology was used to achieve these twin pregnancies.

And as celebrities are quite influential, their experiences (whether admitted or not) may convince more women to think it is the best solution to procreating when and if they happen to bump into troubles or if they wait to their later years to start a family.

However, the fact is that success rates for IVF depend on a number of factors, including the reason for infertility, where you’re having the procedure done, and your age.

The CDC’s national statistics on assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures performed in the U.S., including IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT, reveal that IVF is by far the most common; it accounts for 99% of the procedures.

This is true even though success rates are relatively low.

The most recent report on success rates found that:

• Pregnancy was achieved in an average of 29.4% of all cycles (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).

• The percentage of cycles that resulted in live births was 22.4% on average (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).

Not that great of odds, but a lot of women and couples who can afford it still seek out IVF treatment.  A lot of it has to do with the pressure to quickly use technology after a few months of infertility even.

“There is a certain amount I think of fear-mongering that happens with women over 35,” says one woman in a trailer for the movie “Fertility: The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy” which advocates a form of reproductive fertility therapy that involves re-alignment of the reproductive organs and pelvic region. “We don’t have time. We need to act now.”



The treatment’s creator, Dr. Jennifer Mercier, herself struggled to conceive and was disappointed with the drugs, the IVF process and started to question the IVF community. Eventually, through researching  and dedicating her life to alternative practices that were less damaging to the body and the purse, Mercier created an approach to conceiving that she says boasts a 5X more success rate than IVF for a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the stress to the couple and the body’s reproductive organs.

Her whole-body approach maintains the integrity of the woman physically and her reproductive organs remain unscathed, intact and free of drugs, Mercier promises.

Mercier currently is a Naturopathic Doctor, Midwife, licensed Massage Therapist and holds a Ph.D in Natural Medicine. She has been a women’s health practitioner since 1999.

It’s certainly a holistic and alternative solution but one some may want to consider when exploring other options to conception.

photo: Facebook : Fertility Movie

Leave These 12 Things out of Your Hospital Delivery Bag

Bellyitch Rewind

labor and delivery bag
Listen, you know all those baby prep books you’ve read that give you super long lists of stuff you need to pack to take with you for labor and delivery when it’s time to welcome your new baby? Okay, you’re not gonna need most of that stuff. Now, you may feel some comfort and security knowing that you have your 90s soft rock 3-disc CD to take your mind off of labor pains, but most likely, it won’t make it out of your suitcase. 

Besides all the useless and unnecessary things you’ll chorale to the hospital, you’ll have additional things, flowers, gifts, balloons and baby stuff to add to the pile and schlep back home. To save you the trouble and hassle, here is our old tried and true list of 12 things you can leave home and spare your poor partner the back pain.

  1. Newborn diapers– Hospitals provide all the diapers the baby needs during the stay and even send you home with extra starter packs
  2. Nursing cover -There is no need for modesty in your hospital room in your hospital bed. The nurses have seen plenty of boobs in their career. If guests visit while you’re nursing, you can ask them to wait outside until you’re done feeding the baby. Most people won’t get offended.
  3. Wipes– Most hospitals use a very thick napkin that they wet with water and wipes contain elements that aren’t good for a newborn’s skin.
  4. Diaper Cream -Most likely the baby won’t be born with a diaper rash and won’t develop one within the first2-3 days of his life while in the hospital. If he does, the hospital has sample cream to use. Those tubes and jars can add weight to an already stuffed take home bag
  5. Any childbirth class notes or guidelines and labor hints: Really now? Do you think in the midst of breathing through labor pains you’re gonna want to review your notes?
  6. Underwear– Many hospitals provide the most comfortable mesh disposable ones that you will love to use instead of messing up your own. The joke among my friends is that they are the special order Victoria Secret mesh panties for new moms.
  7. iPod or music player – with music selections to help with relaxation Besides being outdated and taking up too much space, piping Gregorian Chants or Enya in the room may be a distraction for the hospital staff, interrupt with monitoring equipment and/or disturb a neighboring laboring moms. If you have a smartphone that has the capability of accommodating music, download music on there and bring your headphones. It takes up less space than bringing your phone AND ipod.
  8. Receiving blankets- The hospital provides plenty that you can take home even afterwards. Save all the cute baby shower gifts for home.
  9. Two regular-sized bed pillows (in bright, distinctive, hard-to-lose pillowcases)- The Hospital or maternity center provide enough. If you are a germaphobe, think the hospital’s pillow cases may be too rough or want something familiar from home, just bring the pillowcases and replace the hospital’s cases. They take up less space.
  10. Baby’s “memory” book – for footprints or staff names and guest signatures Nice idea if you have someone who will remind guests to sign because you’ll be consumed with baby, nursing, caring for yourself, and will likely forget.
  11. Entertainment items (books, crayons, games) for children are to visit in hospital – A lot of hospitals don’t permit young children  in the maternity wards, but for those who do and if children come to visit they may not be staying THAT long to get bored and need entertainment. As for other people’s children, it’s not your job to tote extra crap to entertain your friends’ kids.
  12. Clothes for hospital baby photo AND clothes for baby to wear home  You only need one of these. Either or. The kid shouldn’t be a fashionista YET that she can’t be seen in the same outfit twice. You can simply put on the outfit before the photo and take it off afterward. If you can, schedule your photo the same day and around your discharge time.

The Extra Crap you don’t NEED but you CAN bring (eh hem, especially if you are a diva or fashionista):

  1. Make up– because you don’t want to end up on Facebook looking like you just went through a train wreck. If your goal is to look like Khloe Kardashian after she delivered Mason or at least attempt to, then you’re gonna want some make up.
  2. Towels- Because the hospital ones are usually washed a lot and can be itchy.
  3. Your own toilet paper – Hospital toilet paper can be thin. Your delicate bum may want something soft then
  4. Your Own Plush Robe – For accepting visitors, walks to the nursery to visit baby and /or walking off the gas for those who have c-sections.
  5. A spare bag – You can use it to store the extra stuff you’ll have to carry home.

These Are The Most Expensive Children’s Items


A little while ago, we used to publish a list of the most expensive baby and maternity items on a biennial basis. They were very popular features. In a throwback to those posts, here are the most expensive baby or child items (or closest to the top) that are out these days.

Most Expensive Clothing for a baby or child– Mischka Aoki sells a sleeveless drss with silk satin top panels of macramé lace that is also embellished with Swarovski crystals and pearls. The layered and ruffle skirt panel dress with a train comes with a garment bag and costs a whopping $15,806! Get it at LUISAVIAROMA.

For a young gentleman, a Burberry flight jacket made of tartan wool, shearling lining and zip cuffs with leather trims will run a mom or dad $3,195.  Get it at Burberry!

Most Expensive Diaper bag – Burberry also sells a top of the line diaper bag  made of a combination of rich leather and familiar cotton twill checks. The bag comes with a removal shoulder strap, has double top zip closure and protective metal feet. It has an inside zip compartment and divider pocket. The leather and cotton imported bag costs $1,495. Get it at Saks Fifth Avenue!

Most Expensive Crib – Nursery Works has designed an oval solid maple crib that converts to a bassinet by removing front and back panels. The $7,500 crib is made in Los Angeles but comes with an oval coco core mattress from Pure by Babyletto and is Oeko-tex certified non-toxic, made in Slovenia. Get it at 2Modern!

Most Expensive Stroller– There are a lot of high end strollers out there but Bugaboo’s  Donkey Twin Stroller Bundle which includes 1 sun canopy 1 bassinet apron is a hefty $1,885–1,975, depending on accessories. Get it at

If you have it and can afford to spend that much on top of the line, quality items, why not, right?


Eliminate Fights with Your Kid w/this Router Controls all Devices, WIN IT (Bellyitch’s Fave Thing $99)


The last and final item in our Bellyitch’s Favorite Things Giveaway  is a router and app to help parents monitor their children’s devices.

If you are planning to get your child a new screen – tablet, phone, gaming system, laptop or computer- for Christmas, you could eliminate the need to be nagging them to turn off their device but using  KoalaSafe, a wireless router which is its own network that can schedule a time to turn off the devices, thus turning the internet off.

The Australia-based company recently announced their partnership with curbi,  an app which regulates screen time on handheld devices outside the home.

KoalaSafe Family Friendly Router with Parental Controls to easily protect and manage their screen time all year long – at home and on the road.

It has a family-friendly WIFI access point that’s easy to use. Through a simple smartphone interface, parents can set time-limits, site blocking and monitoring of youngsters’ mobile devices, laptops, PlayStations and more, which are connected through KoalaSafe.

Then when a child heads outside to school or a friend’s place, curbi takes over the care with content filtering and app blocking. With just a couple of clicks parent can lock apps, block inappropriate sites and limit screen time.

Together KoalaSafe and curbi are simple to use, giving parents total control over the content their children access from smartphones and tablets at home and on the road. Parents can:

  • Monitor, control and set limits for use inside or outside of the home
  • Get detailed information about what kids are doing when connected
  • Stop offline apps from being used

We Love love these parings and lucky for one Bellyitch reader, they’ll get to get their very own device retail value of $99! Enter below but you only have a few hours!

KoalaSafe Family Friendly Router with Parental Controls ($99)

ENTER TO WIN: 5 Device Dock/Charge Station for Families ($79 VAL. Bellyitch Fave Things)


Today is day two of our Bellyitch Favorite Things  and also among our list of fave gadgets and devices for parents and families is this Easy-Doks Dok CR33! It is a universal 5 device charger that simultaneously charges, docks, cradles and plays music on any device that uses a USB cable, including smartphones, tablets, watches, MP3 Players, and more.

The CR33 uses Smart SCD Technology (Smart Current Detection) that adjusts the current flow to ensure proper charging current and amps specific for each device. It also includes a high quality 6 watt Bluetooth Speaker and Speaker Phone to play music or answer calls hands-free on one device on its high quality speaker system while charging.

It retails for $79.99 and you can purchase it from Amazon.com or win it in our Bellyitch’s Favorite Things Giveaway! One lucky Bellyitch reader will go home with this lovely device for their family!

Enter below to win, now thru Saturday, December 17 at Midnight. Open to US Entrants only! Check out the original post to enter to win some of the other prizes in the Giveaway. And check back at the blog daily for other things to win!

Easy-DoksTechDevice Dock ($79.99)


Here’s What the Average Family Spends on Help During the Holiday


The holiday season also involves things like tipping and spending extra money on childcare during holiday parties and times mom and dad are away from home. The household assistant site care.com conducted a survey of families to determine what the average expenditures are, what people are tipping their nannies, babysitters and other home helpers and to generally gauge the temperature of the average American family’s spending habits during the holidays.

The 2016 Care.com holiday care cost survey determined that the average family spends $14.40 per hour on a babysitter; $17.45 on a dog sitter; $17.34 per hour on a cat sitter; $17.48 per hour on event or party help; $16.33 per hour on a personal shopper; $18.88 per hour on a house sitter and $14.98 per hour on a housekeeper.

The outcome of the survey, as compared to last year’s, reveals some other illuminating insights:

Holiday Budgeting

Nearly 1 in 3 people (32%) don’t budget for holiday expenses, and 48% of those who do say they go over budget. 80% of people who go over budget say they spend an extra $100 or more. Although 80% say they would use budget tactics to save money during the holidays, only 49% do so.

Holiday Gifting & Tipping

81% spend money on holiday tipping, compared to 69% in 2015, and approximately half (49%) spend $500 or more on holiday gifts. While 60% plan on spending the same amount on holiday tips in 2016, 24% plan to spend less or not tip at all and 17% plan on spending more this year. Of those who plan on spending more on holiday tips, 42% expect to spend $100 or more extra compared to last year.

Holiday Help

More than half of people (54%) wish they could hire help during the holiday season to make it easier, and 59% would be willing to do so if it meant they’d have less stress and more time. The top 3 types of help that people feel would make the holidays easier for a family are a housekeeper, babysitter, and errand runner/task master. To help save on costs, the top 3 budget tactics people would use to save money when hiring holiday help are cohosting a party to save money on entertaining, splitting the costs for a babysitter to watch the children, and splitting the costs for a housekeeper to clean up post-event.


Here are some suggestions the site offers families for managing holiday help:

When to Hire a Holiday Babysitter? The weekend two weeks before Christmas is the most common weekend of the year for parents to hire a babysitter in order to attend a party. That means Saturday, December 10 will be the night where babysitters will be most in-demand this holiday season. Holiday babysitting jobs are posted an average of 5 days in advance – two days longer than typical babysitting jobs – which means parents looking to attend festivities should start searching for a babysitter by December 4 at the latest.

How Much Are Families Paying for a Holiday Babysitter? Here’s where families can save a little money for gifts and entertaining. The cost of a holiday babysitter is actually less than the rest of the year. The national average hourly rate for a babysitter in December is $14.40 compared to $15.05 for other weekends. Parents living in San Jose, CA, New York, NY, and Portland, OR aren’t quite as lucky as they’re the top three most expensive cities to find a babysitter for a holiday party.

When to Book a New Year’s Eve Babysitter & How Much to Pay? “Our data shows that New Year’s Eve is the second most popular babysitting night after Valentine’s Day. With half of New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs posted within four days before the holiday, we recommend booking child care sooner than later to avoid scrambling for last-minute quality care,” said Katie Bugbee, senior managing editor of Care.com.

In 2015, the average hourly rate of a New Year’s Eve babysitter was $14.34, a 10% increase from 2014. Topping the most expensive metro for New Year’s Eve babysitters is Portland, OR, while 3 out of the top 10 metros were located in California (San Jose, San Francisco, and Los Angeles).


Pet Care 

When to Hire a Pet Sitter? During November and December, pet sitting jobs make up a larger share of pet care jobs than at any other time of the year. Throughout the year, the most popular day for pet sitting jobs to begin is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, which will be November 23, 2016. 43% of Thanksgiving pet sitting jobs were posted more than three weeks before Thanksgiving and 13% were posted the week of Thanksgiving.

How Much Are Families Paying for Holiday Pet Care? From taking care of toilet-trained cats to brushing an Australian Shephard before bedtime, families are willing to pay top dollar for pet care. Thanksgiving pet sitting jobs for dogs and cats had the highest hourly rates at $17.45 and $17.34. Beyond dogs and cats, families looking for people to take care of their fish pay an average of $17.09 per hour, and the rate for taking care of birds was $16.54. Although pet sitting jobs are temporary, lasting an average of 4 days, they pay 10% more than dog walking jobs ($18.10 compared to $16.43). During the holidays, Thanksgiving pet sitting jobs last an average of 4 days, while in December, pet sitting jobs last an average of 6 days.

Do Dogs Have New Year’s Resolutions? Either pet parents are extending their health resolutions to their four-legged family members or they’re avoiding the outdoors in January. In 2015, the most popular day for dog walking jobs to start was the first Monday of the New Year. January is the top month for pet care jobs that involve walking, play and exercise, with 56% asking for play and exercise, compared to 51% for the rest of the year. In addition, Care.com found that for every 4 degrees further north in latitude, dog owners can expect to get 3 fewer applicants on average.

About the Care.com 2016 Holiday Data

Care.com data, such as hourly rates and advance booking averages, are based on 2015 member behavior on the site. The Care.com 2016 Cost of Holidays Survey captured responses, which were recruited from Care.com, from nearly 1,200 people in the United States during the months of September and October 2016.

How to Keep it Spicy in the Bedroom During and Post Pregnancy


Pregnant women and new moms often struggle with supporting their new identity as moms and balance it with intimacy with their partner. And sex during and post-pregnancy remains a taboo topic among women themselves.

One study found that health providers discussed contraception with 96 percent of women, but only 15 percent of those women voluntarily brought up sexual issues.

And what complicates things is that there isn’t any one general issue that all women endure, says Madison Young, sex educator, mother and author of the new book, The Ultimate Guide to Sex through Pregnancy and Motherhood. 

“We are all unique sexual snowflakes and every mom’s journey into motherhood is different,” Young says. “But I’d say that one of the most common challenges I see amongst new moms surrounding sex, pleasure and intimacy is that mom’s expect for things to return ‘back’ to the way they were pre-pregnancy.  And it doesn’t work that way.  We don’t move backward in time, we move forward.  Moving forward can mean new adventures, new possibilities, and yes also new challenges now that you are a mom.”

What drives these new demands? The time and energy of motherhood.

“A new mom’s emotional and physical energy is in high demand from a new born and… [t]here is sleep deprivation, hormonal shifts, expectations and social pressure to be the best mother that you can be,” the frequent sex education panelist added. “It can deplete a new mom of the energy, wellness, confidence self love and self care that she needs to feel at a place of balance and erotically or sexually grounded and connected to her own body or to a partner.”

Slow and steady is the way to go to restore intimacy, Young adds.

“In my book I place a major focus on loving ourselves first in order to love and gift love and intimacy to our partner.  Being slow and gentle with ourselves, accepting our bodies, energy levels, and sexual libido as they are that day.  Finding ways to nourish ourself and honoring our own body on a daily basis even if it is for only a few minutes each day.”

La Leche League points out that breastfeeding stimulate bonding withing mom and baby, but partners who once enjoyed the new mom’s breasts alone get left out often.


Sometimes it is because mom is uncomfortable.

Young advises:   “It’s important to trust and honor both you and your partners feelings about bodies and touch.  First try connecting with your breasts in a way that feels pleasurable.  These are your breasts.  Not your baby’s breasts, not your your partner’s breasts, they are yours and you are a powerful fabulous multi-faceted human being that is able to nurture a human in one role, and seduce a human in another role.

“Find pleasure within yourself and decide what you feel comfortable sharing with your partner during this time in your new motherhood”

At times it is dad who is not cool with having to share but that is when it is time to get creative.

“[I]if your partner expresses a disinterest in your breasts while you are nursing, take this as an opportunity to explore new erogenous zones,” Young recommends.  “G spot stimulation, deep throating, foot fetish, different elements of kink or role play.  And just because your partner is uncomfortable with breast play during early motherhood doesn’t mean that you can’t pleasure your breasts on your own.  Reclaiming our bodies through masturbation and self-pleasure can be incredibly empowering, stir up and generate new juicy erotic energy and stimulate your desire for sexual play with your partner.”

Maintaining intimacy throughout pregnancy and even new motherhood is essential for a relationship, as there have been several reports of infidelity by a spouse during this sensitive time.

“The important thing is to stay connected, explore new avenues of intimacy and touch, and keep communicating with your partner about your desires and emotions and hold space for your partner to communicate about their desires and emotions,” Young adds.  “There are so many ways to stay erotically connected with your partner during pregnancy from erotic massage, oral sex, vibrators and sex toys, making out  and even dance.  Think of the type of intimate touch or play that you might be craving right now and communicate with your partner about that.  Perhaps being blind folded and fed juicy summer time strawberries and chocolate!  Expand your mind past intercourse and allow the possibilities to unfold.”

She also offers some insight into dealing with the cheating fears.

“I think either partner cheating during pregnancy is likely a symptom of some of this fear and stress as well as insecurities in their new roles and their transition into those roles, while perhaps clinging onto a pre-parenthood pre-pregnancy life.”  says the brand new mom to two after recently given birth. “Having solid communication with your partner prior to pregnancy can be a great asset in moving forward into pregnancy.”

Madison Young values sexual education in her work and has taught workshops and lectures, and she acted as a panelist on the topics of sexuality, feminist porn studies, and the politics of BDSM around the world including at Yale University, Hampshire College, Northwestern University, University of Toronto, University of Minnesota, and the University of California at Berkeley.

Had the Baby Before the Wedding? Here are 4 Ways to Still have that Fairytale Wedding on a Budget


The fairytale wedding that you’ve dreamed of since childhood may be the most magical day of your life. But weddings come with a hefty price tag. The average cost of a wedding in 2014 was more than $31,000, according to nearly 16,000 brides and grooms surveyed by The Knot. The venue alone can cost upwards of $14,000, and the average wedding dress is around $1,357. Don’t forget these numbers exclude the required engagement ring and honeymoon.

If your savings account falls short of your wedding budget, here are four ideas to financially supplement your wedding funds.

Use Your Mobile Phone to Save

One of the top wedding trends for 2014 is using smartphones to wedding plan, such as researching venues and wedding dresses. Couples can also use their smartphones as a wedding tool for saving. Download Unsplurge, an app designed to help you save with visuals and a community aspect.

Enter “wedding” into the app as the event you want to save for, along with an amount and photo. You can even break down “wedding” into smaller goals, such as dress, venue, photographer and florist. Then using visualizations, the app tracks your progress and keeps you on target to reach your goal. The Town, a section of the app where you can see what other people are saving for, can also help motivate you to reach your financial wedding goals.

Become an Independent Business Owner

Earn extra income by joining the direct selling industry as an independent business owner selling products you’re passionate about. Amway provides the opportunity for you to start your own business and work on the side with flexibility and convenience. This means you can still work full time and wedding plan while growing your business in between. Also, as your business and network grows, you’ll strengthen your investment with higher earning potential. Continue your business even after you’re married to help support other major expenses such as buying a house or starting a family.

Get Crafty & DIY

DIY wedding projects can help you stay within budget — and the extra savings do add up. Not only does a DIY approach give your wedding details a personalized touch, but craft projects also provide bonding opportunities with friends and family. Grab a couple bottles of wine, meet up with friends and create the following items:

  • Ceremony decor: Avoid expensive speciality arrangements and adorn your ceremony with vases full of locally grown flowers or candle centerpieces to create a romantic ambiance. Popsugar.com also offers 53 stylish DIY wedding ideas, from a farmer’s market bouquet to a glitter star garland.
  • Favors: Homemade baked sweet treats, such as chocolate bark or heart-shaped cookies, wrapped in a colorful box or cute bags are an affordable, charming wedding favor. Other creative low-cost ideas inspired by Better Homes & Gardens include s’mores kits, recipe cards in brown bags with fresh herbs or custom tea blends in small glass containers with brewing instructions.
  • Invitations and Save-the-Dates: Wedding invitations cost nearly $430 on average. Create stylish invitations for less with a printable DIY wedding invitation kit. Brides Magazine suggests making DIY thank you cards with a three-tiered wedding-cake shape using three layers of patterned washi tape and black pen to draw the stand.

Raise Money for the Honeymoon

As part of the wedding planning process, couples register for wedding gift items like kitchenware, appliances, home accessories and more. But what about registering for a trip to the Caribbean?

Honeyfund is a free online wedding registry, crowdfunding site and fundraising platform where wedding guests can help you afford the honeymoon of your dreams. With Honeyfund, the perfect honeymoon destination is possible across the globe, from the coasts of Greece to the untouched beauty of New Zealand.

Once your registry is set up, tools are available to share it. Friends and family can easily send payment gifts both on and offline to congratulate you and celebrate your marriage.

10 Ways to Grow An Entrepreneurial Child

Love this from our friends at by Babysitters.net. As an entrepreneur myself, I love having tips and ideas for arming my kids with the tools to follow in my footsteps. Very few people who work for someone else wind up rich or wealthy! It’s the business owners and entrepreneurs generally that do! Enjoy:

The world is filled with entrepreneurs, and it’s a good thing too! After all, where would we be without things like Velcro and disposable diapers? According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, of the over half a million requests for patents that were filed in 2010, over 244,000 were issued. Because entrepreneurs are how we continue to invent new products and services, it’s important to help create an environment that encourages our children to carry on in the same entrepreneurial spirit.

Check out 10 ways to spark the entrepreneurial spirit and fan the flame of creativity in your own child.

Encourage her ideas. Build up her confidence. Brainstorm with her if she comes to you with an idea for something she could do. Ask her questions and help her to come up with her own answers.

Never tell him something won’t work. Instead of telling him that there’s no way a lemonade stand will work in front of your house because there’s no traffic, help him come to his own conclusion. By responding negatively to his ideas he could feel defeated and like his ideas are unworthy. According to Mimi Doe, parenting expert and author of 10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting, parents need to be careful with what they say because words have the ability to lift a child’s spirit or crush it.

Expose your child to other entrepreneurial kids. Head to the library and look up books that contain information about kids who have started their own business and been successful. Ask around and see if there are any entrepreneurial kids in your area that she could speak with.

Help with a lemonade stand. He has seen other kids on TV having lemonade stands and making money, and he wants in on the action. If he comes to you with the idea of a lemonade stand go with it. Don’t squash his excitement. Help him make the lemonade and devise his pricing and marketing model to show your support.

Let your child make mistakes. Parents often want to save kids from making mistakes, but mistakes are how everyone learns. You can’t protect your children from everything. If she sits at lemonade stand for a while and doesn’t sell anything, she will wonder why. When she asks, don’t just answer directly. Again, ask her questions like, “Do you see very many people walking past your stand? How do people know you are here?” She will figure out that she either needs to move or put up a sign directing people to her.

Teach your child about cost versus profit. Once he has had a taste of success and made some money, now comes the challenging part. Explain to him how much it costs to make lemonade and serve it to the public in a cup with ice. Help him do the math, if necessary,

need to be careful with what they say because words have the ability to lift a child’s spirit or crush it.

Expose your child to other entrepreneurial kids. Head to the library and look up books that contain information about kids who have started their own business and been successful. Ask around and see if there are any entrepreneurial kids in your area that she could speak with.

Help with a lemonade stand. He has seen other kids on TV having lemonade stands and making money, and he wants in on the action. If he comes to you with the idea of a lemonade stand go with it. Don’t squash his excitement. Help him make the lemonade and devise his pricing and marketing model to show your support.

Let your child make mistakes. Parents often want to save kids from making mistakes, but mistakes are how everyone learns. You can’t protect your children from everything. If she sits at lemonade stand for a while and doesn’t sell anything, she will wonder why. When she asks, don’t just answer directly. Again, ask her questions like, “Do you see very many people walking past your stand? How do people know you are here?” She will figure out that she either needs to move or put up a sign directing people to her.

Teach your child about cost versus profit. Once he has had a taste of success and made some money, now comes the challenging part. Explain to him how much it costs to make lemonade and serve it to the public in a cup with ice. Help him do the math, if necessary, and ask him if he made enough money to pay for the ingredients that went into his lemonade. If not then you can talk about why that is and what he can do to change that. Alyson Schafer, parenting expert and psychotherapist, says that parents should take any opportunity to teach their children about the value of money.


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